Boys wbo are exp ected to be seen in the regtilar lineup ini most of' New Trier's beavyweight games this year f include Jack Sinding, Bud Thackery and Bail, forwards, Duke Scott, cen- ter,' and Clarence Dahl, Bob Hall-' quist and -Davis, guards. PossibilitieÉ .for thé lightweight jlineup includeMiller. and Flynn, fl or- ards, Klein, center,: and Ubre and Cullen, guards. The New Trier teams played the alumni Wednesday night. HungarianViolns to Be Symp)hony Soloist Dr. Frederick stock, who hasî re- turned from a short vacation, will con- duct the. Chicago Symphony, orchestra on Friday afternoon with the Hun- garian violinist, Josephi Szigeti, 'as. sooit For the past two years'Szigeti, has * bee4l touring the. world and lias circled the globe twice ini that time. He bas been receiving acclaim and honorary * citationis. He has. bçen made a Chevalier of the French "Legion of 1-onor" and lias received the Officers' Cross of the Hungarian Order of Miert, andthe japanese *Jiji Shimpo" Gold Medal. Thiis will be the Hungarian violin- is's fifth appearance with the Chicago_ Symphony Orchestra under the direc- tion of Frederick Stock. This is bis citl, *pasonin mnthe U nited Stts:he: Bernie..Photo James Weckler,, 538 Ex.ýmoor road, Keniltworth, Nortlrwesgern iu.iliver-sity freshmawn, who piled up swimling records w/aile attending Senn and New Trier High schools, distinguished himself in the finale of the itramural wres*iing mieet ot Patten gymniiastin iirecently zwhen he turned ini the quickest, performn- ante of the evening by tossing lus opponent, Cargas of the W rang- lers, in 45 seconds, th> win the tille ini the 175-pound class. The victory of Weckler, a Phi Psi pledgqe, helped hi:. fraternity to tde the In- deépendent Mfen's club for first place in the meet. 'jt ascertaiIied~, is unique andi.folcis a place of distinctive interest to studeiits of the modern theater.. It is a succession of episodes re- creating through the art ofthe mime, the dramatic zest of- a people. It crystalizes 'into an hour's entertain- ment the experience of a peoples ar- tistic resouirces, and presents t hese human vignettes, with real- beauty anddranatic power. INJURED IN CRASH As Frank Sbantz, 701 Harvard street, was driving bis car nor th on Trwelfth street last Saturday he nar- iowly aý.verted, a collision.wlith a car being. driven west. on F orest avenue by Miss Bertha Busch, 1715 Walnut avenue.. In attempting to avoid an accident:Mir. Sbantz drove over the curb, striking and knocking down à lamp post. 'Mrs. Shantz, who. was riding, with ber husband, sustained severe scratches, and their 4-year-old son~ lost two teeth'. Robert III, infant son of the junior Robert Laws, 417 Warwick road, Kenilworth, is in quarantine with diplitheria, but is expected tobe out of it Friday. SITHAT ARE IEAILLY FREMJIf 34c Per Extra large 45c mal Mrs. j< road, Keni ess to ber iast week. epb Joyce of 531 Essex lworth, was- luncheon host- bridge club Wednesday of I FOR RENIt Wlnntka 332 Wilmette 1331 It wo-ld pzze the LIZARD to tel his "wn skin frm Lizard Shug loveI On the forthcoming programns Mr. Szigeti 'Will play Corelli's "La Folia"?' for Violin and Orchestra and Mozart's Concerto for Violin No. 4 in D) major. Mr. Stock's program also includes the first performance of John -Alden Car- penter's "Sea Drift';, Beethoven's Sym- pbonyý No. 8 ini F major and Two Dances (Italyý and Hungary) f rom Moszkowski's Suite, "From Foreigni Lands." !~MQUNT DORi 1133 Contral Av. WMLMB80 Christ.mau IS Comning 1 GREETINO CARDS Shown in your homne by appointment CAUL KEITH, J love, t».oe automatic 'nt food, tiig, fish-