De. John Haynes HolmesÇ, who cornes f0the lecture. platform of the North Shore Congrégation lsrael in» Glepcoe, Thursday evùe- nzng, December 7, lias. becit de- scribed as a "genteel radical." Fanons libcral, pastor of the Copz- munit v club, in New -l'ork, lic CIzýlc »as ago made his church frie anîd inidepenideiit of loyalty hIo (M'Y redigiaus delloe;nliaftle. "Dr. fiilmes is described as a keen student of th e hf e of our tinie," reads* a com-meiit.. "He bias traveled exten- sively% and, knows the tendencies and fas.li6iitof'thôuglit dominant iîot only in our age but in the y-esterdayls,'of. human bistorv. His pulpit -lias been ocçupied by mien of prophetic - stature aiid he -las pruved Iiiinself a wortliy successor to tlhese titans of tbe spirit and is generally regarded as one of Americas gre t intellectual forces * whose power and inifluence are ever to be found enlisted ini the cause which. bespeaks the noblest human values. His passionate devotion to ail that en- riches life and his genuine scholarship, together %vith bis rare eloquence and, high oratorical ability, give bini a com-, pelling power to sway the hearts. of men with an ardor and enthusiasni whiclh are truly remarkable. His keen adpenetrating analysis, of dur con- temporary culture is incisive an d un-, sparing in its revelatory character..fie is onie of the miost effective speakers in lus citv ith a gift for lucid and vicid exposition and a capacity for de- CokYs She rry ICED Room temper atur 6e efo re 'dininq Appetzers before dJ~i 0 .. ihtl Soup uyilïh Oysteirs. Fish Suweetb reads other Entrees white C Burgudy tCave ouruki tmper- ,or hiteat>re Bordeau>c a d ilmoderatelý Sauternesice or or, red i~ B ordeaux -aur (C la ret) Cham- I,~mb Veal w~thdessert motored iu ýJLL day and were td Mirs. J. H. Bru sons, who were 'tçri,," Fi- ts of MICHiIGAN BOULEVARD~ AT VAN BUREN CHICAGO its of