Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 26

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ards' of thanks,' obitu- ,nts or other affalrs. is pubiished, wiiI. be rates. ~Prpqrvoner. wh ave 'longCr'hee i stàggering under acrus hing, btrden ôof taainiiCook counity seeni at last to, he in thé, mwàv of -et- The Tax payer tmng sonie relief. The Speaks ribigo h'ni vidual taxl)aver hias beconue a ruiiiý)linig from n iany taxI)ayers that is evidently reaching. hie cars of the, tax-eaters. The l)oliticialls w~ho bave.coni- trolle(l the taxiig 1bodies and ni1a(e levies' as great a "the traffic would bear" xii probably peg as, treasoiiable the theory that those mIho pav have a righit to limiit the amiount they NIvýiIi pay, but ýtha.t the theory wîl iecoie.a f act is a good guciss. regardless. Every citizen of intelligence knows that while the cost of governuent bas motnted to a poinit beyondalUreasoîî, tue xwaste in government ýhas mounited stili higher. The patient and Iong-suiffering owner of a modest_ home, scrinîping and saving to pay bis jüst share of the cost of a governi- ment tiiat affords hini so nany privileges, would do it with a lighit and willing heart were it nlot for.the shaclow of the slierif coming to, 'coliect the greater p)ortionl which goes for nothing from. which le can hope to benefit. le realizes tliat ili the assertion of his righit to say how inmuch he wil pay lies bis only safety froin con-- fiscation of his propertY. One tinig the JèIpression bhas taught ýiS. that :mnan-Nef rilis have been tacked ot governiment that. we cani easiiy get, aiong without, and that even some things'- demed essentiai can be reduced wýithot doing any harmi or being seriously missed. services of, government are made, prop- erty owners will pay promptiy and ivith- out protest. But it is clearly evident that they are .determined~ to no longer pay the price for graft andcorruption. motorists. Village ordinances' require that front and( rear lighits be shown 01n bicycles as. well as automonbiles, a white I1liht in front. and a r'èd button on the rear rnudguard,. A'ýs.a, safetv nîasure childr.en, are per- initte d to -ride on the sidew'alks, and urged to do so.. If, it isnecessarv to ridé in, the Street, the, rider should keep as -close as possible to therighlit hand curb, and should flot inake sudden turus withioutt signaling With thle lan.d and: looking in. al! direc-' tions. Mlotorists should flot be hanipered by dangers of collision with I)i c cle, ride rs %Vh1 appear .f rom behind other cars ih out waring. The cooperation o parents ii irfipres- sîng uipon, childreni that extrerne caution, is necessarv, in or'ler to atoid -erisaci dents wxiiI be heipfuil to offici ais and con- tribite t the child's t rai.ning in accidient a vo 1d alice. ýThe: treniendous phv,%sicaI and nientai straîn pt u-li-)oii store imanagers, clerk's and delivervienipostal authorities nimail carriers. and express driv-, Shop and crs during thie Chri1ýstnlias Mail Early! rush Period couid1 be g,1reatiy ailev iate1 if l)Co- Pie ivouîld onJxv make up their inids to, shop eariv andi mail eariy,. and flen do it.ý Not oflIy -wou4d the bhard, wearisoine work- be Iessenied, but shiopper and shiipper -%vouid derive greater J)ieasuire an(i satisfaction ini knowing thiat parceis will receive great-ý, er care ini hiaidliing and that. thev 1-ili reach .destinati Onin .i good season. The- "' spirit," for which ma'nv pro- fess*to xvait, is bu t a heart-inspire'd mental attitude, and ýcan be exp)erieniced now' -as > weli as. under thie imipetuis of inîagined hioof-b.eats on housetops. ResQ)lve now to (Io vouir part toward reiieving tie liard- slipls, of Christmas week that fail so heavily upon. those who serve youi. tlieir instruments at the eariiest possible Moment is evidence that their sportsman- ship is not surpassed eyen by their cotir- age and daririg. The glory that is theirs bhas, been. weil earned. I~ n aking ail our burdens light; For courage, strcngth, and force of w411 To flght againsî. consumîing odds; For blessings that on other days WFe may forget,' or disregard; For >aking uts, fropi, day,bo day A betcer race, a fluer land. .For. tcaching lis. the bliss of hope Ainid: the gloo>n of loîcerinig drcad; For leave tb wcrship Vou n ii 'a ce,. We thank Tlzee, Lord, this day. -Shtan. A poet rnust.have comùposed the caiendar for 1933; anyway, there's *a perfect, transitiop-oiie day, No-. veniber 30, forÉming a rainboWl'ridge of, thaikful- nless thaàt leads to the next great inonth. Afid so: DIE31Il E R The great Birthday visions...l anilet'called Bcthlehem . . . stahle... mange .r . . . wail. of ,,vee, chilci rhningied wvitlî lowing, of kine... angel's song wo)rld"' Saviour.. HapPy childhood on tiptoe fake Santa. Clams iii rope wvhiskers and grease paint . .., shriek.s of joy ., . good-riatured throngs *.brilliant stcres . . . jiinle of Salvation Army tambourines... glittering Christmas trees, gif t laden .1. . PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WULL TO MEN .. . Business forgotten .. .S'long, Nine- teen Thlirtyý-tliree! S'long! -A. ýA,1f., OUR NORTH SHORE POETS are kceping the- gadenis in full blooiniail durixig the year-another recason why v e ca&it help beiiig tlianklful, éveil thouigh we got up early -out of the wrong side of bed: lii Life's Gardenii have founj That. lo-ve, aud petie a d oy aboud; _4lastiinq fragranice God 'hath. made; I lfit mVy eves, Fin uafraid, Becase ik owb itb Decl4epre.sioii; w'oe and Pab» H 'ave van ished-I ain/rec aaî1; No lotigerl'T in. need 'Of mn miade laîc's, of ritthless zcar;: AU ll aorldly Passions I abh or;. I. knouc' a bette), creed. 0Oliva K4nslv A PHROI>ITES Wet Soilif pools Yep, we'I take the With Chuck Klein in the Cubs' Iiineup, ,were, going to kcep our eyes .gtued on the home plate this spring and summer. But right now, 'we're flost keenly concerned witb .the home platter. -R.W.,Ni

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