sociate. patron of Winnetka, served as honorary sentinel 'and associate patron. Louise Kipp, past matron of North Shore,. and its instructress, was guest of honor. Louise Replogle, P. M., of Winnetka, andgrand representative of Louisana, wvas escorted as well as many éthers who are entitled to introduction. A splendid .report wvas" read .by Myrtie. Mac Hopkins, outrassociate coïductress.of the hazaar, which netted the chapter with a nice sum of money. Our matron thanked the, chapter for the beautiful flowvers sent- to ber home' onlier w edding anniversary last Fni- day. .Our! relief committee w ith Bessie. Smith as 'its chairman, is giving a Radio show on Decemnber 8,, at thic Wilmette Mason.ic Temple auditorium at 8:15. The Proceeds will be used for charity. Seth Parker and other re- nowned talent Wvil entertain you. Tickets are in the hands of aIl officers and are within the reach of aIl W %e still have articles for sale from ottr baat wiich will nrnkeIoviely Christnmas gifts and voit cati phone our niatron at Wilmette 2125 and ar- range to se them. Our soIoist; Bertha. Darling, and hier husband, have left for Spokane, Wash. to spend .Thanksgiving with Mr. Darl- ings parents. Stella M. 'rucker, past mfatron, accompanied by bier niother, are mnotoring to Orlanido, Fia., where they Ail Children Winifred, who is a very talented littie girl. On December 4, we will have a stateci meeting. with Obituary services for our departed members. Flection of 'officers- and annuai 'reports to be read. December 18, Stated me eting 7:30 o'clock, 'to l)e followed by a Christmas party. Bridge Breakfast, Mrs. Claude Burnharn of . 53(y styn road, Kenil' ôrtlî, entertained at a 12 o'clock bridge. breakfast Thursday. of last week.,,Mrs. Burn- ham bhas' leased lier home to Mn. and, Mns. Harold Geisse and thein chul- dren of Wausau,,,is., for the corn- ing year, and is leaving -Fniday for New York, where she has taken an apantment for> the winter.-Her sons, David and Philip, spent last week at a houseparty in Louisvill.e, Ky, Mrs. Herbert Mesick of 331 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertaincd sixteen guests at luncheon, bridge, and a shower Wednesday of last week in honon of Mrs. O. C. Steen of Win- netka. Additional Club and Social News on Pages 34, 35 LOWER, PRICES Smnile. for AT, TATMAN 'S, "T/ne House -of Beautiful Gifts" Smarf novelties in Cork-Ci-garette Boxes 1.00 to 5.00-Waste Baskets 2.50-Large Trays 7.00 each-Qnie Man Bar.with folding s4and 9.00-RevoIvin-g Tray (Lazy Susan) 12.00. Fashion decrees a white Chrismas--White Wall, Brackets 3.00 a pair-Metal, Calendar Pads I .0-Cornucopiaý Vases 3.00apar Beautiful Large lvy Pots 2.50 each-TaIl, grace- fui Covered Comports 7.50 a pair-a twetve-, inch Flower Vase with embossed roses 2.00. Chrome, the brilliant new metal of the kour- Covered Marmalade Jars 1.00 each-Ash Trays 1.00 eacFi-Dessert Plates 1.*25 each-Salts and Peppers with red glass bowls 1.50 a pair--GIass ined Relish DisFes 2.50-Pretzel Stands 2.50 each-Pepper Grinders 3.00 each--Cheese Plates at 3.50 and Folding Trays 5.00. Leather in al colors-Iltalian Boxes in ma-ny shapes 1.00 each-Hand Tooled Portfolios 2.00, to 2000-Address. Books 3.25 to .4.75--Jewel Cases in varous colors for dressing roomn or traveling 5.00-and For Men-Card and Key Cases 3.25,and 4.25-Bili Folds 2.50 to 14.00 b .oir, . -L -à« - r 1. BERUNIE STUDIO 707 Church Street, Evansion UNI. 1998 1623 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON . 1