This diplomna for, "Photo-, graphic Art",was awarded the Bernie studio. by the World's Fair becauise of these two photogkraphs of, children w hich were in- cluded, in the international exhibit of ,photography in- the Géneral Exhibits hall. 'Phe photograph of "Sonny Boy," (Bobby Nic-ols)ý of. Glencoe .(upper right) so much resembled the lost North Shore'Bo0ys Win Honors at Rochester U. 'l'le University of Rochester gave scholarships this faîl to six f rom thé~ Chicago district. These boys were, se lected f rom. fifty recommnended by the principals of leading bigh schools. The six boys selected were as fol- os:Evanston High school, Robert S. Babcock and Edward H. WaP- worth-, New Trier H 1gb school; Wil- tions ail ofthttse boys made thLe honor roll, besicles winning class and at.bletic honors as foliows: .Edward * T. WValworth of Evanston was elect- ed -president of1 the freshnian class. * Robert S. Babcock of, Evanston wvas elected secretary. William S. Nord- berg of New Trier, captain of the Freshman football team. Bab)cock and May, playing witb *Nordberg, refiected the fine. coach- ing they received on the Evanston, New Trier.,and Oak Park teams. In, Wa~ ~<'~~w ~M*a~I~o~, Jiii~ ai &It~ft.ft; LM&LIS ~%Y~LTZ ~N. P.S >4 ~AUFI~U~ HOME FROM PUROtXE Ray Pearce Dunn, who is study- ing chemical engineering at Purdue university, spent the week-end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle Dunn, 225 Dupee place. Mr. Dunn is a freshman at the university. A week after be entered school last fall he became ill with diphtheria and was taken to St. Elizabeth's bospital, where he had to spend a fortnigbit. giving dinner. His son, .Joseph, who attends Kenyon college, will spend Thanksgiving and the week-end witb bis. father. '~I.and Mrs. Julian. Stark of 1321 Greenwoôd avenue. had Interesting dinner guests Suniday-,.Mr. and'AMr.s., Williamn H. Dopp, Evelina, Ernima,. and Edgar, of La Grange. Mr. Dopp is eighty years old. 0o- son of a Detroit. mother who viewed it, at the, Pair that she came .to evanston and sought' permission to buy'a. copy, of it. Both pic- tures attravted the atten- tion ýof thé national maga- zine, "Parenits," and it has offered to buy reproduction rigbts. The little girl1 is Claire McGreýw, daughter of MXr. and Mrs. K. . Mc- Grew of Evanston. CtESCENT CIIItCE UEETUI Mrs. Richard J. Mulvey, 800' Oak- wood avenue, will bave the xiext meeting of the Crescent circle of the Congregational churcb on Tues- day, December .5. Assisting bostesses will be Mrs. H. M. Hoskins and Mrs. George F. Holden. DIVISION HOSTESS Mrs. Elbert Herlocker of 119 Tu- dor place, Kenilworth, entertained Olive, daughter of Mr: and Mrs.1 Frank J. Oelerich of 1201 Green-1 wood avenue, ret.urned Tuesday fromi St. Marys college at Notre Damne, to1 s1end Thanksgiving and the week-1 end with ber parents. She broughit. Ruth McCloskcy of Pittsburgh, ai college classmate, to be ber house- guest.. Her sister, Willamine Oele- rich, wbo attends St. Mary's academly at Notre Dame, reurned Tuesday, ton, who were married in Septemn- ber, are settled in their apartment at 2257 RQsemont avenue, Chicago. Mr. Broughton was a resident of - Wil- mette before 'ils marriage. Virginia Sowers,, 537 À,bbotsford road, Kenilworth, .will spend ber Thanksgivinq, Vacation with Alice. Northrup of, Chicago, who was her roommate at Camp W;analdo, Wis., where the girls were this, last sum- mer. eeuMa remedyll mseefufly triata thoumas. Mn Ià* bre à WllmeItui,&]Rd we mfflItoM a Wlmtte Wilmtt. soi] OFF UNES FAT' GET MTÂTKUSOHEN 3ev f Kobom UmI~ md St haSt 4 vernis. cago friends~ at dinner Saturdlay in10 honor of Mrs. Balaban's birthday. Mr.. and Mrs. S. E. L( ôO. Lake avenue, have recenti Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch' of 611 a two weeks' motor tr Washington avenue wilI entertain at. Pennsylvania, Ohio and dinner Thanksgiving day.. ginia.