lu51 W ILNETTE AVENUE opposite the. Postoffice .: ~100IDELIVERY 100:IEIR W., have the (uiest fruits -end vgtables, on the. North Shore. Cut your fruit and végètibI. bis hy shopping hem. 1Mathew Francis Photo Titis iatentioin-co1nipelIi;kq ilh,iini;aid sigit, boind j: lotated on thre WilP mnete Village hall Iown; wihrre it conslantly reinids passcrsby to "Buy Christmnas Seals." Thc doub!' e-bar cross is pain frd. red and is illuiinlated at nigihtbY sevenly-six red ights. - ~ ___-___________ Beverly Bouchard, 22? Oxford road, Beverly. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenilworth, is returning for the Louis Bouchard of Kenilworth, is Christmas holilavs on Tuesday. returrling December 19, fromn St. December 19, fromn St. Mary's, Notre 'Mary's college at Notre Dame, Ind., Dame, Ind. for the .Christmas holidays. Pin.ape--Sweet, Juicy oRit E 3 &z. 39c- LUXONS Suoaiet. Jmicy àoz. forIL5 S.I.cted Ruant Idaii per pck29 Mer IrE T 0 AVE., WILMETTE 2814 AND 731 1145 CELERY Ka6aioo Mich. Criap and Tendier Tex.. or FIoria-Seedess s for 2,5c APPLES Rome Beauty For Cooking or B&Mdg, Yellow Dry 1O-ib.1afor Fresh California FR1. FOR.EARLY SAT. 1 W. min hav onsl Alligator Peurs, Str'awbis Muelhr. mEadive and ummuy othur fancy fruit md vq.mes