Tuesday nigltitni the panish nouse of St. Augustine's church. In its endeavor to realize the pin- ciples of the ideal type of Americanism, the Legion should stress community service, Commander Kýapscbull pointed out. The LegioÔn slogan, "In.peace as ini war we serve," should be lived. di- .rectly in our communities-and our daily work, he stated. The ýLegion cau help its conmunity f roin the educational. standpoint by stressing the ideal ýthat. every teacher., represent 100 percent Americanisni and by helping keep educators aware, that patnioism is necessary for, the- preser- vation of our governtment. Citizen ship dnd sportsmanship cati be developed aniong youth, hie added, by an: emrphasis of the Boy scout movement.,and of. reçreation projects, including junior 1,egion basebali. Sincerity of purpose and acuteness ofobservation do not permit the Lege- * toý overlook its duty of 'combat ing movenients subversive to the American .government, Commander IKapschull said, "ýWhile we should' uplbold the gàv - ernment in the recognition. of Russia~ now. that it is deone, neverthelesýs, we c annot tolerate the subversive, move- nirent s of Russia : the idea of aboli shing the Deity,- and the communizing at-ý tempts destructive to the principles of1 the Amnericani Conistitution. 1Thle Amier- caiti Iegion should be a constructive, not a destructive, force. '- 'Amenicanism' means doing those titgs to make lii e happier and con- tacts -mnore pleasant. WVe must think of problems in ternis of patriotisnm- ii Ms. what NviIl helP the countyms. Recichmann-SweefleY Bridai Party Chosen r he bridai' party of Miss. Alvena Reichmann, daughter of :Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reichmann, 600 Central ave-. nue, and John Alexander Sweeneyi of Chicago bas been cornpleted. Missý Reichmann bas' chosen iher sister, Miss Laura Lou Reichmann, as maid *of honor, and" as bridesmaids, Miss Ann Klatnnerich of Wilmette, and Trou-lecdi gft-seekers an osisof new,..ideas Good news, foot-wearyshoppers! New caravans of Christmas merchandise have reached us. Fo r your selection their precious contents are spread.. geins, smart new tiniepieces.. by Elgin, Plate and sterling silver, the: latest pens and"pencils! Al are bere. Ail are >riced a bit more pleassatiy thau yos expect bine wbuge A dainq filisren brooch. diaaogd.se<. RT XL#Wi ,O'A% S~%s,., , - %ila mu. Mrs. Lena Torrey and James Mc- Phail of Port Huron. Mich., will spend the Christ mas holidays with the Ru- dolph E~ngels of 210 Dupee place. Their daughter, Jane Engel, is return- ing. December 22 frorn the University, of Illinois to spend the holidays with her famnily. DOMINUC PA< Jeweler 1166-Wilmette Avenùe Phone Wilmette 1061 III~~ mai à à 7rf Loveli liai.'m15 oatds whigeor musold flied case. d52.50. Hhaadaome liai. uuapwssch. 17>ewela. wbis.oe.asuualgoIdIlled case. g47.50.