thou>seànds cheer" i I I i repeal! And with repDeal the renaissance of. the almost Iost 'art' of wining and dining. And witli the revival of that art cornes. renewed interest. in the characte rization for*i i just a of formai ý,ciothes'. essential, gown ed according to the tobe nicest standards, of fashion as it is to be weil. versed in the-fine.oid traditions, ofomai wining and ining. Miss Hanna recognizes tliis: new. interest in lier'formai fash ions for holi days. il f f f i the qFor the holiday f estivi,- ties', you. will need th freshest thîngs former and, brightest ,of atir.Sle:ek.,satins, ,frilly .chliffo0ns, Iacy un.der-, can. ail be restored to, thei ,r grandeur, the. manq )s blacck,, as well. qMiraclean something to tha t ýbrings again, in col- and in easy -drape o again of the things wouldn't quite does a subtie al f abrics out their best or, in, texture, can ,be proud; y ou thought do.: oewignui wn g OIf9O OtbUtferfl Wear. 1215 WASHINGTON AVENi WILMETTE AIL WINTER CLOTHES REDUCED