Syrnpathetic handling of third grade children was urged by the speaker of the afternoon, E. L. Ny- gaard, superintendent of the joseph Sears school ini Kenilwortb. 'ýWhen the child reaches the third grade, he -s,.for tbefirst time avvare of :a feeling of independence," said J Mr. Nygaard. "Heretofore.bis school years have been full of happiness. He bas made, things, with his hands-his,1 school life b«as been one of interest- ing. activity. Now he'is suddenly up against, things which are not inter- esting to hlm ini themsêlves-the:la- borious part of school work. fil addition, most people do flot feel for the 'children of" 8, 9, and. 10 the sympatby they invariably feel for 7 the tiny children of kcindergarten age. For the intermediate grades, 1 dezire lot mediocre teachers but exception- ai teachers who cari see in these chli- j dren the charm which. anyone cati find in first -grade cbildreni, and Wvho can lead tbemn to acquire spotanàe- Dus1y and ini a hapriy %way the tocils ol Iearning. 1 do not mean tiîat ever% - thinig must be made easy. 1 woul(I flot give two cents for the schiol' where everything must be sugar- coated.. The best scliool teaches chui- dren that at time~s nothing will avait but good. bard work." Before Mr. Nygaard's talk, 'Miss Vivvenne M,\orini,,sang sev eral' lov el y songs, which were much enjoyed. Tvo of the third grade boys. Pbillip Newmnan, Jr.,. and jack Hickev gave a prograni of recitations .and instru- mental miusic, ini *hich they showed fine ability and good presence before an audience. SAssisti«ng Mrs. Kutten were, MNrs. Charles Rogers, Mrs. Frank Kay.c. and Mrs. Howard J. Mickey. . Mrs.. Clenient J.. Murphy and Mrs. 'Mar- shall V. Kearney poured. FETING BRIDE-TO-BE M.and Mrs. MUiles Seeley, 705 Rogers avenue, Kenilvorth, ýwill en-, tertain informally at a small buffet supper on Suxiday in honor of Miss Sarah May Morey of Evanston, hlome wïthtIi m. Wiliam Henry Stover, son of Mrs. 1. K. Stover, 1044 Ashland avenue, is coming borne on December 23 from Dartmouth for the Christmas holi- days. 1061 INJE ~.U. V.4 Iii 4 M 1' Keep Sang onWintrg Ni ghta! 9b When, you've -opened the win-. dow: and retreated beneath warm blankets on .i cold night, it's wil