BereaL'ed familias ind our mortuary to b. inrled a ,"secondI hom"- place wlern their prinacg it renpeted .nd> thoir etv.anoud anticipgtgd duaing 4 trging tie., The, Oldat'Ztabli8hed Undortakera on the Imýmediate Notrth Shbote Superior Ambulance Service Lic ensed Lady Assistant, 1118 GREIENLEAP AVE-. 554 CENTER 'ST. WILMETTE 654 WINNETKA 404 UNDTiei&KER "TeHoume of Persortal Service"p The Most Economical Heat la RlFEL 1 AiB L ýE- Your own coal bin is your assurance that you can have al the heat you want on coldest days. No danger of a sudden failure just when you need it môst. No danger of coal getting out of order. And this reliable heat costs less, much less, than substitutes. It iS Safe. It is quiet. Equiprnent for self- firing and self-regulating coal heat costs no more theai burners for other fuels. Burti coal or coke and for honest weasure and gradîng, buy froni the merchant- in youir nighborhood Who is a member of the Chicago Goal Merchants Association. mil COALI HEA T COSTS mach LESS! W ýihmtte Coal & Material Yard» 1301. LAKE AVENUE LFRE BATT BRAUN BRIOS. PHONE WTLMETTE 4200 * -I DRIVE iN ~ ~~L<-~:!~Z Il ~ h $E~VICE XIOT'49 - ~~~4ET~TE. - NVi...V4O~T~-'i - N~-rI<p~..- ~ '~ïoons. I lor dia,.