foUR FOR DELICIOUS CHIIISTMAS GIFTS Teeare so many gay package» of good things to egtfr 0, gltfmehrsa presentf.: Paper sheili pcans-gaily, wrapped hard candies-dolled.up sOaps are'featured in.-thi s.week's sale.. No witing-no delsys when'you buy here. Everything is attractively priced and will be. delivered without additional charge. Sbly PpevShenl Rich, meaty nuts. Shela se thin tliey acttially uanib. b broken lu the. hand. Frésh Imagine lrnying tdiideIicîous ment no bones, no pot Rtoast or ee For a truly,,delectable flavor season with a bayle aficioves and alspice, in addition to a E good sized onion. IL.£ Leg ol Lamib A fine roast for the Sunday-dinuier and look àt the l.IO price!1 b 9 club Sek For individual service, * wul le Stuif the HFolidayý fowl with rice dressing. It's moat delicious end easily prepared. 3 LBS. 1.00 ZIOSn PueCmandles A deliciously pure holiday candy for the. chidren ,and grow-ups. 'PaekUt in 16-oz. cellophane packages. 100% iid, 50%yBrdg 1 0 % le d , -%y«Bid o . f o r Mix end a 'Speciai Mint Mix. OteUon ions Shulots, fine for seasoning or relishes, large bupehes.3 fr1o e Golden Olant Popooru So good te, keep on bond for an impromptu party, especially on a crisp, brisk, ,cold night., 16-oz.. cello 22fo. pcae. FanousFRUM à lcS.p Prepa!ed by Pierre of thé. Hotel ShOrmnan. fine variety - -Vegetabie, Noodie, Crema of Mushroom Groom 1of Cleel.EU for 9 Lae 4V2-oz. tins. 9 4n Large for frying. SmaIl for cocktails, stews or scalloping. q. 53c, qt. 43c Fv.ehEndive A real salad delicacy price, fine just as it is, too, with seasoning. at an .vorydy IL.2 c Valencias, a die low prit, of so it is 12 for 12c-24 for 24e .or whet you will. l1.Jonathanll 0rdm D ron g6 Ail A long the s.YouwDe..r North Shoe SWILMETI 402 Lindan Av@.. WINN4ETKA 718 EIm St. LAKE VIEW 3959 Iro.dwayv Ne Eeg-s Cardq os I Y