poucelset Price Wil. Thor Lest DiCTIONARY, PING PONO EQUIPMENT> PADDLES - BALLS- TABLES- 1 u Auy Set in the. I Store NETS _____ A GIFT FROM PARIS VLILLUSTRATION'i Fountain peu Desk Sets off DICT IONARY. 1933 ing. .january 15,. by Nathan Mill- steiti, the brillianit yoting Russiai violinist, whio is engaged ()Il Ili., tliird Arniericain tour. Other artists to appcar Pii li scries ti 1-tr r lizabe(ti Rethberg. lawretnec Tihbeftt.a n d Bartlett atnd Robertson. (lii.. jiani- ists. Tickets for the ncxt cnetor for the reiainder offtie series inay :be obtainied by ,commtunicat- ing, with' Nirs. Rolanid 1). W1 bit-, .man,, 152. Cetiter street. \Vinietka, or Mrs. Bessie Grat at the NWiin- netka State batik. Camp Fire Girls WiIIl Sing Christmas Carols. Wilmnette Catii FireGirlws at their mi-eeting F I.riday deeided whIat,,uach girl wotuld, hring -for thc ('bristrulas b)asket, Wliilc piring toY'ývîil they hiad brought. the Lirlsprçie ý-u lecarols. ater w'vbi clî thcv uniade t ldge anid (allcd the iîecting a rea su1CCeSS. 'PIC (alllp Fire ir vl Snîig (Ilri,.tinaî a ~rmI'. Strd at t lie V Nh r is t (î a a t ' a i î î ie 4 l n i . A CORRECTION and Miss Margaret l)avenport. multsic teacher. Principals in thie cast of cliaracters and the pa rts ecach wlI play arc:. Billy Bay, Joseph; Ruth Sprenger, i\fary:; Patricia Grover. ýrcader: Jolit, Deaconi. Kirk TI)illing' 'andi)James Olin,ýkin.gs: Bredîn Burns, T'om iKeitli and Walter Swaiîsoîî, atten(lantý,. and Andy Kuby, Seeley Lodwick and Ve tom Fauilstick. .shepherds. The progràm for the pageant fol- 1ovSý ('hoizus, 1 'ic ,uss ioia, hdstt Readiing, St. I,ûke, Chaî.telr 2. verses I1 to 7_ Sheep, iteadiflg, St.. Luke, U-'ilater 2, ver.se.s 8 to 16-A Star Appears ('brus, "Shiepherds, Shake off Y.tit. D rowsy Sleep" TaiI.Ieau, 'rhe Shepherds Behold tie stai- hi the Eas-t. Chiorus, -0. Little' Tewn of Bethlehem-" "horuis, "Tt Carne Upôn the Midnight OIcar" Meading, St. Matthew, Chapter 2, Verse,, TIa 11(i ail, 'lh]w hrê'WIse Nei) tild A~etsAgain 'IalaTIlv <isu Men Blelurldti SIa r 94 to 1il 0torum, "The 1 - 1re Th'Ie Adoration, '. aint ~ane, .'iarY, *oepîand jthle C'rit (-hild. Filter sheffhercis aid %vise mi. (l1orus, -.0Y to thle World.". Kenilworth dage ,Teams or: miniilum, Dr. Lee C. Grassle DE NTIST announces The opening of bis new office at 400 LINDEN AVENUE I"uIloNvJng 10 <'utis p' mu'. haskectballgames %vithi teais which' atre liot miembers of the league as \\,ell as with teanis whichi are memn- bers. Robert W. 'fownley, diretor> of 1)hIysical educationi at. the Keililworth School, said this week. ,Mr,* Townley has advised aliyS teanms desiring gaule .s with, joseph Sears school to get ili toticli %vitli hlm. 'llie Kenilworth teains play 1iii four Nveight classifi cations, as follows: Pec-weces, tînder 85 pounds; liglit- us uiow. Bre'WsElectrical S"oeo 1461 WâIautt. Ae.., WU. 2M PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERSI Ammo.mee- Eut,7 Bimaka - for Ty BRT ui>.@ly ga'y Urn....auP44= ~'New Remiingtmn Noiseless Portable XMAS TRFIES j t *1 t K 'p