In Our Modem Meact Depýartmen!ts, Prou tbe. ertmwst Comme the.e Vhs Favra ISTORES OPEN I rtday Evening, Dor. 22 UNTIL 80 .M Soturdajiy Evenlng. Dec. 23 uNTIL 9:-30 .Pi m. SMot Depts. open Fridoy until 6 - . M. end Sturday untlI9 e. M. I-Chaud, Mendy AlDoY - Holiday Steak S e FOX'S DE UX 5 SrlinSta Ratra .<~ Sd(ai ~leider-Dliclous 9 b Droeei-Fme tt. ciu e . lb. hbrou ,or fry . 0 b 2 5dUIiMUi!I Fascy Ne. 1 PreMisDressai AtChrismes, tmkys or* etthe ptoh of their qualhty. Crisp weaaher and 'Ib. longer f.edlng moa the turkeys plump, tender end Sauer flavor.ý 22 V@XPS DE ]LUXE V E ULUXE Ducksx;:F:: 1S b.Gee ett:e b *uelitr ChckeusmealMt uey-aavhuuprises Fresh, Fruft-and Vegetables or Club StakP050 lb. Th~e Inust of fiuwor For Poultry Stizffinq OystemsNtonafeshP«" 8edi Pork aage wam:n's 9c 1- AN~DI~ANU 1OI~% ViDai ami 2 Ibi.25 bl Hershey Bars a3 Pée ait ifle 2îm25c Crlap end Cvufiçhy Extra Pancy-fnSmt qu.lit. Dlad Large Bvsdded Walnuàts, SEl set Shil Almonds, Pancylong tp. Flîberta. ondiorge Womhd Sed3 For ChritmaS Dinnrs A Gift Suggestion: Buy a jar -of National's Cofte. DeLuxe, the finest cottee you ca et ndifil the entv ar, 2doz. Igo. size m.d. size )pules Extra Faincy ls Tagerines 2 d@-m.23c Faoncy lorid-Sweet ond Juicy 2 d.z. n'd. ix25c 2 doz. tpe. siia29c Heaid Lettuce 2 med 15C Arizona lc.bore larme h.odOC. Michigain CeIery stolk 5 c Faincy Washd-Crisp, tinder Potatoos Genvine Idaho A Christmnas Food Basket ia WeIcome Gift Éveryciay staples--special goadies =no matter what type of basket you waiil, we wiIl help you plan if ai the, most .money-savinq w o-- Compb.ll's Chicken, Poo, Celeqy aid other varledies 3 cna25c full 15-1b. 32c peck ý