tussl an .ran,. "Olvr, May Ali.ron Skipwort Sterling., Theé by the goem, Car fefte." on, t.fJéYUO R~Uggleg ed Sparks and Perd below was inupired va. Wal rus and 'he ure out LOO0KI N GGlAS S e's in doubt. «,If péo pie *came f0 me to shop. :And bou ght 1heir things. right- here, O yousu ppose,"lthe .Merchant askede That I would shed this tear?-" -I doubt it," said Depression, -That's one rhîng mi*ghy clear." "If buyers oniy knew thôt J Had thinqs that 1 couid seli. And that the prices wvhich I ask Are iow as anu. wveli. Woui jnyhusess' then he asked, "Ail be shot to -?" *'If shoppers on' the good north shore Wouid learn, that heré at home Are shoes and clothes and socks and shirts And hais to cover domes; Then would these people," Merchant asked, -Shop here or go to roam?" "O~h Business, corne and walk wvith me," 'ýAlice, in Wonderland" from thé famous book, and. its sequel, '4Through the Looking Glass" ýby Lewis Carroll, bas its world's premier ne a tïIking picture ini Chica~go this week. The reaction t. the screen version of the littie girl "with cyes of Wonder" whose dream adventures continue to tbrill, even after 60 years, wiIl be watched with interest. Amid the maelstrom of sexy pictures, Mac West styles and crook dramas, its prodmcers are stacking success upon the supposition that we're aIl children at heart. You who have flot read in yeurs, the adventurem of Alice, the Mad Hatter, the White Rbbit, the Red Queen, the Walrus mnd the Carpenter sud the test of those very reln characters, will find Christmaos time, when grownups become like children,~ admirable to reiiew their acquaintance. It wiI be time. weII spent! "Eireha,". cried the Merchant, "If others found your friendship "l'Il Iaç, me out an ad Has brou ght t>her grief and woe, And place it in some papers .1 rhink ll mind what Business saya (The che<qpest to be had). And let your friendship go. Maybe then 1'11 soon find out His words are only common aense: That things are flot sa bad!- A s'hing that I should know."l "'But uait a bit," hear Business plead. "The papers that you choose Mus[ be weil known for service, For înterest and, for nejvs. The ores that 1 refer to- Are Lii e and Talk and News." To work h. went: bis ad appeared In Lif q and -TaI k and Nëwýs * And bugers came in numbers 1Their merchandise to choose. * J really did him lots of good And chaudi away his blues. ùtaurin si .. a.'. .....-. They hadn't thought of such a rhing. Could flot believe their eyes. "Success then càmes" the Merchant said, "Because îhey aduertise!" BY, MAIL $2.00 PER YEAR 4c Pe Woe 1 0 2m. A Merchant and De pression Wtere walking in and out The Merchant can'f, quite figt What it is ail. about, For Shoppers are stili shoppi. How, to reach themn, hi