rooms bas been organized at New Ti' High -school upori the suggestion Supt. M. P., Gaffney. Every Moni morning this group-of -sttentz epmse tatives meets witb Mr. Gaffney to cuss school problems, and each W~ nesday niorning a co.mmittee chosen the council.also has a conféerence m Mr. Gaffney, on questions to be brou the me eting of the larger gr the jolkîwing Monday. This semester.the advisor, rooni ir resentatives were appointed b' the1 ulty. members in* charge of the vani rooni Next semester, if the plan wo out successfully, it is intended to h the representatives elected, by the dents thernselives. Deal With SchooI Poicy phne .UGy dock, Jerry Born, Alan Henreksofl, Roy' sen- 4ëeMmoin, - Reinard Nanzig, Marvin dis- Brand and Donald Frankel. ed. Setniors -> Ruth Williams, Virginia Nordstrom, Sophie Weéngryn, Brenna iby Hawley,' R'uth. Sager, Mildred Waugh, ,vith Ernest Ester, Foster Gilgis, Joe Har- ight rison, Stanley Knight, Jack. Byrne and James Donahue. OUJ Post-graduate-Harriett Ohman. rep-. fac- Christian Science )rks C uc e iave C a c e "Is, the Universe, Inicluding Mn Ivle AytOmic Force?" vas the Trhe student council has a purpose îsubject of the lesson-sermon in al separate from that of the Tri-Ship boySCrceofhisSenstonun club or the Girls.' club, it is explained.,.I -The counicil deais principally with mat-1 day,. December 17. ters of 'school - policy affecting both The gold en text %was,, "In the be- boys and girls, while the Tri-Ship club inigaste orndheW d and the Girls' club were organized for a ig-vthé Wordami the Worda such purpo-ses as the promotion Of God. AIl things were made by Hini; f riendship and sportsmanship among land',without Him wvas flot anything students, fostering of social life, build-nad that was made" (John 1 :1, 3)e. ing Uip of the school. oaladcn Among the citations which com- ducting of charity projects. iprised the lesson-sermon was the fol- The committee of the student counçcil lowing f rom the Bible: *i'hus saith meeting with Superintendent Gaffney God the Lord, he that created the each W\edniesda%- is composed of thej heave ns, and stretched themn out; he follo\wing stadeits: Brenna I-awley. that spread forth the earth, and that M4ildred WVaugh. jack Byrne, and which conieth out of it ; he that Jam'ies Donahlue. seniors: Mary Va id- jgiveth breath unto the people upon, it, tier, Judith Cutnningham, James Dono- and spirit to. them that \valk therein.: van and Rov Demmon, juniors,; Vera 1 arn the Lord: that is mv name: and Shapiro and Bill Snyder, sophomores. îny glôry will 1I fot give to another, :and jean O'Brian and Arend Knoop. neither iny praise to g images" freshnien. Jack Byrne has been niamed (Isaiah 42 :5, 8). chairman of the commnittee. The lesson-sermon also include<l Large Memberslip the following passages fro.m the The complete miembership o f the Chistian Science textbook, "Science çouncil. is as follows: and Health \vithi Key to the Scrip- Fre'-hnian Jea.n O-hrian, B britures," y Mr ae dy Reed, Edna flaughmnafl, M Evelyn "~Creator. Spirit; Mind; Intelligence; (ieai y, (' û Emp field, 'Gerâldin e anintn iiePicpeo l Kemnpnik, Edith GilIett, Ruth' Rock- të,iiaigdvnPicpeo l wood, FIl1ora Jean Whte, Dexter Sharp, that is real and good; God, wvho miade Bob inirger, vernon Faul.-tick, Van aI al that ivyas made and could not MeQuide, Ben Clabaugh, John Punhill create anl atom or an element the and Arýend Knoop. Sophonre-.Icrin Jrow'n. tletty jane opposite of flimself" -(p. 583). Under direction. Earle P. Press 1633 Orrington ,Ave. UNI. 8000 EVANSTON, i NO TOU. 1 CI-ICAGO'S AND NORTH SHORE'S LARGEST CLEANERS UT- - - 'I ,~ e 4.--- r