lm Sfl Ïu..m-Lm . ..3444 EVAPISTONS :PEROFECT SOUND THEATRE DMtRGA1N M1ATINEE 9DAILY Optas hu p.m. CouL 5 Me:SEVENINCS d afte 2:38 bu Sonday Lust Times Today (ThursuEay) Werner Baztem-Mynta Loy 6'PENTHOUSE." Fr. (Ouly), Dec. 22 TIriUliug Mystoey Dram»al GREATEST CASEP' Wamrec Oaad ig Cast Saturday (Omly, Dec. 23 Jwmes Murr y-JoaMarsIh JaciieSeale Alto Western Fe*tur. mat. Onfr HOOT (BON, "LOCALBAD> MAN" Chali. Chaplin Comn.4y Other Events KIDS~Dom't Miss Thme Big XMAS PARTY A.# Sat. Mat. FREE.-Mickey Mous. Candy I Bars - Valuabi.- Prizes DOORS OPEIN SAT at 1 p.mn. ter, Dor nesday Boston., hirs kine sechool inl SASSISTS. AT YULÉ PARTY A group of nïorth 'shore gzirls as-' sisted at the - Christmias party given at St. Vincents orphanage en Wed- niesday. They trimmed the rehl- ed dress' the' children, and, played gaines. 'vith thein. Among those wvho .assisted were Suddyand Helen Hold- en of Kenilworth, Betty Bayliss. of Wilmette,; Jean Henning and Mrs. Richard Fuller of W netk aadVr ginia Hicks of Glencoe. *TO WlINTER IN. SPAIN Mrs. Andrew, MacLeish, of Glencoe and her daughter, Miss Ishbel Mac- Leish, sailed firn New York last Saturday on the "Conti di Savoio" for Spain, where they will spend most of te wînter.> Eairlyr next spring; they Plan to go -to Italy, returning home in May., Mr. and Mrs. Williami W. Lill, 119 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, will entertain twetîty-four guests at din- ner Christmnas day, including their respective familles. -o- Robert ICnauer, 166 Abingdon ave-. nue, Kenilworth, who attends the Uni- versity of Illinois, is returning Frîday for his Christmnas holidays. guests, William and Fred and Jack Hc mond and Thomnas Wihnette. rd,,Gauger, and Ray- ivan, ail of ROB19ED:IN.IDRIVEWAY At about I :30 o'clock Friday morn- ing,.IDecember 15, as Dr. Katherine K., True. was returning to her ho me at 418, Forest avenue, she was accost- e d.by twà young men in the drive-, way and robbed of a smnaîl amount of money. That the men, were novices tthe hold-up gaine was evidenced y the ,fact that thiey were se nervou s that one of'the pair dropped his re- volver. HOME FOR HOLIDAYS Mirs. J. A. Burrill,, 813 ,Greenwood avenue, returnedFriday froin Grand Ragpids, Méich., where s5he was called on laccount of her sister's illness. Heri daughter, Jane Burrill, who is. at the head o f the art departrâent at Colby- Junior college in New London, N. H., also returned Friday to spend her holiday vacation with her parents. WINS: HORSE SHtOW RIBRON Ruth, daughter of the Louis Sue- koifs, 819 Chestnut avenue, rode in the International Live Stock exposi- tion and horse show at the stadium,f and took the blue ribbon with her horse, Mood Indigo. Th ne i ors won the iirst gaine. 9099 to 714, but the Tavern boys came back to take the second, 919 to 846. The third gaine went to tbe Tailors, 892 to 806. Meanwhile the Tailors' closest ri- vals for irst place,. the- Kenilworth11 Market and1 Ra p Brothers. (Win- netka), were- battling for. second place in the standings. Rapp Brothers m!oved into a tie -with the market Iteam in gaines won and, lost by, de- feating the later in two out of three gaines. After Rapp Brothers, had tak- en..the first two gaines, 832 to 807 and 80to 826, the Kenilworth' Market won the third gaine, 928 to 873. Rapp Brothers had the high total for the evening, 2695. The C. and, R. 011 Men, last place teain, upset Edelweiss in two of their- three gaines, the final, totals showiýng 2,543 for C. and R. and 2524 for Edel- weiss. Edelweiss won the last gaine, 881 to 839, after the oil men had tak- en the first two gaines, 803 to 760 and 901 to 88ý. Ljadden Hall won two gaines froni Bleser's, although the later teain had a, higher total for the three gaines, 2397 to 2349. The first two gaines went to Hadden Hall, 826 to 799 'and -759ý to 732, and l3leser's took the last 0mie, 866 t o 764. >Among the highi individual scores for the evening were Henry Raul of Edelweiss, 227 and 224, Carl Eggert of Bungalow Tavern, 227 and' 213, Paul Bleser of Bleser's, 226, William J2eichert of C. and R. Oil Men, 221 and 213 and J. Schniitz of the Wil- mette Tailors, 220, High scores for bhe season remain the saine. Standing of the teains to date, in- Cluding their'gaine averages and their high gaine scores, follow: W. L. . Higli Wiloiette Tailors . 21 12 ý848 '933 Cenilworth Market ...19 14 854 1040 Rapp 'Brothers, ....... 19 14- 849 ,952 {adden HaIl........ 15 15 830 "951 Edelwei.5s.... .. ....... 15 18 844 954 BungalowTavern .. ...13 17 820 952 Bleser's ..*-........14 19 .836 991 and R. 011 men ... .1 20 832 929 23 - c~ ý,uests, of Mr. Hq Ruth :Solom:on, 11l18 1 Forest avenue, is leavingk Friday. forý Pittsburgh where she will spenid Christmas with. ber grandioter,> ie iat- were sister I Bright Spot of the North Shore NOMAN'S LAND on Sheridgn Road, GRANDOPENINIG TELAErUUNI WILMETTE 4400 $2.50 PER PERSON INCLUDING, SUPPER :FAVORS :DANCING MAMMOTH REVBLRY PARTY