These PrIces EffeeLIve Deeniber 21-27, 13 MVIRY CIIUSTAS! AT YOU DINE WELL AND ISE HAPPY',t We kcnow y-ou will if ail the fIn' for the dinner and your holiday festivities are selected here.: Oulr, urkeys are the plumpest, most tender birds that coôuld- possî,'found. Eeyhn for the feast-from* appetizers and soip to thé nuts and candy-is waiting to be sent- to you. Also,. Chèistmnas tirees to mneet every want-loose holly, hôlly wreaths > and mistletoe*. Pries, are mnoat attrac- tive and-delivery is included. EgPlant Baked or fried, it'. meast acceptable. Brcooli A fine vegetable for thé Christmas dinner, lg. bundle, 1@c 19c Toniatoeu Florida, fine for broiiing 93 score Commodore, our fineat quality, thereis none better. ib2 3 Country. ROUS, almost as good 119c Large Delico us, have them on hand. Gvapervuit Texas Seedles, doz. 89c. te, children like to 1 forS 3 3for2 shwlmp Large, for a delicicusg Laoquered Tea Tin A most acceptable gift-A fie grade of tee in a decorated b ox-Just rigbt to use for a cigarette . Gr'een Ornions The kind that always "ielis." ZIbs.1 19c Decorated and i Celle Wrapped Adelicious nake, *hock full of ai1 manne r of fruitsI ad nuts-Cuts easilY andlb. tastes marvelous. J J7 0 Baby Pike A good luncheon' Orders Dreught to Your Deer A Il A long th# No.thShor# 402 Uinden Ave. Wilmetts I1&01 W1ao oer t e Yn Ne l*C.vpig Ou De A Ro'ao Cva For délelious appetizer serve on criup wefers -sprea with, mraincheese '0,f 9 0 end anchovy paste. ~7 Creme Milit Just a bite of de- Iight t. sere fter lb. fin dinner. 35 MlAnhovyHors D'Oeuvres RoIIed. anchovy with, piment. or empers - in 33/.oz. :goselojarsServe with a daoi, of .emon jie.-. 3for 79o dent in rich ehoto- tl* oi lite coatini g .9 ORANGES Prompt Delivery Space