Athletic Program Hward school is enjoying a brisk vear of athletics, the following stories, fromi sports writers indicate:. We played volley hall against othe teanis Fiday in gym. The. first tini we played we divided our room. - boy on 5B-2 is our, captain., When hý bits it, the bal goes.. The.captain et 5B-I is Bobby Dodds., The captait on $B-2 is Charles Clouid.-Warrer Rapp. Howard 5B. Recently a picked team of C's frotr How'ard cefeated a team fro m Stolr C's In volley hall. The first gaine. waý played at Howard. We won, 46 to 28. The second gamne was at Stolp wherc we barely won, 30 to 27. We are al] g wt!me won the C class title.-Wilm: Knoop, Howard 8B. Last week of-school before Christ- mas, Mr. Stone, our gym teacher, was absenti, andi Mr. Todd was our teacher in gym class. After we had our worl donc we divided up and plaved volle%ý hall. 'Tbe other side won but we liac a lot of fn-ilimWhite, How ard,5B3. The lightweigbt basketball, teain strong a team as we have had in-the past. Our first practice we liad twenty boys out, but thiF week there will probably he a cnit.- Bob Cochran, H{oward 8È. The peewees, lightweights and beavyweights had their second .prac- tice Saturday, December' 23. Many were cut from tbe teams, leaving only the best players to get their suits.-- Bob Berold, Howard school. The sixtb, seventb' and eighth grades of Hloward school bave started basketball. Oni a ýrecent Wednesday we could -flot, play, because, Mrs. Fanckboner was teacbing the sixth grades the game.-Rosalie Carlen, Howard 8A. .ý:1 A n A boy and 1 went dowti to Onward Rouse one SundayY We took a lot of toys down. There were about- frve other cars. We were riding in the rumbie seat with ail of the toys when we found a jig-saw puzzle and started to*.work,,it. Suddenly we bit a bump-. and the puzzle al went apaàrt. Soon we got to Onward House. We tooýk inalthe toys. Then the lady showed, usaround.-Curtis* Brown,. Hnw.., This year, H-oward 7Bh elped a family of six to have a. merry Christ- mas. We bad a contést between the boys and the girls to see which side could b'ring the more food. The sicle that brought the less foôid lost the contest and had, to treat the other side at,,a Christ.mas party. Althougb there are more girls in the room than. boys, the boys we re'in the l ,ead, ai- most to the end.-George Redding n ard SA..__Howard___7B__ Junior Life Reporter Glce Clubs Sing Carols M Attends Snake. Shooting in Howard Sohool Halls 1p One day Bradley and 1 went out to Howard- scbool enjoyed very much, s catch frogs.. We were so, scared we hearing some of the gîce clubpeople S. could, hardly move. We saw a huge sngChristmas carols- through the, -e snake. A boy said, that t here were> al Friday, DJecember 22., Some of 11 tbree kinds thére and it was a water tbe carols were:- "Sulent Night," "Oh, a moccasin. . We ran, home and tbeoe Ail Ye Faithful,", "It Camfe next day we .saw it again. Another Upon a Midnight Clear," "OÔILittle boy got bis gun. Then be sbot -the Town of Bethlehem" and "Angels and -snake, killing it with a wound in its Sbepberds."-Irene Uedelbofen. How- head.-Grabam Burnside, Howard SC. ard 8A.-________ r Pictures of Yule Stories Pupils Decorate Tree Drawn by Fifth Graders With Christmas Gifts Inl Miss Van Horne's room the lu Mrs. Gibson's rooiu we had a 'ffth grades drew pictures ilîustrating jCrsmste. hr eesm Christmas stories. 1 drew a picture1 presents on the tree. If our mother of the Denmnark Christnias hrownie, 1 were coming to the P. T. A. meeting, for Denniark, instead of having we put a ribbon around a present and *Sauta Claus, has the Christmias'ouir name on it.. Tliat meant our brownie. I will draw some browies mothers were coming and we rnight *fixing rip a Christmas tree.-Howard win the P. T. A. prize.-Bill Ever-- Trienens, Hloward SC.. ham, Howard SC. HEAR WINTER MUSIC USTAINED GLASS" WINDOWS Recently 1 was sitting on the swing Ail the Hloward 8A boys and girls in our back yard with sorne girl painted pictures on tissue paper f-or friends. complaining bow much Mrs. Jones and pasted the pictures- warmer it could be. Ail of a sudden representing stained glass-in the we heard a noise. it was music. I windows and also in the door Win- called niy motber and she said it was dows. The pictures ail turned out a Canadian grosbeak.-Sally Ed- fine.-Bob Frey, Howar 8A. wards, }Howard SB. APUPPY USES, TEETHf CARE FOR NEEDY FAM.ILY A man recently telepboned andt In Miss -Van Hforne's rooni the boys asked us if we would corne down to1 andRiîsare taking care of a pnor bis bouseandl ut .a nlnnv VJ,, Lmily. We bad a candy- sale and ade $5.01.- Four of the boys are -16'.- iUPPj. ** go lim. H-e is black ail over but a littie vbite under bis, chin. He is playful le tri-es -to bite.-Martha Leach, by Purils ini~ In 5uB, Miss' Davis" roo n. we had i zrab baz recently. We diri it lik<' this: We ail wroteour nlames down on a piece of paver and put themi into a bat. Then they were niixed U'P and the bat w as passed up the aisleq. When it carne to -each one. hie wa-z to pick a piece of paper out i)f the hat, read it, and then igive a Christ- mas, present. to thp person whosie name was on the slip) of paper. No one got bis own naine, c on'sequently everything turiied out. fine.. WTe, gave the- presents Friday December 22. the last day of schiool.- DickkKahn, Howard 5B'. Gice Club Is. Rewarded After P. T. A. Program After much learning of words and Practicing, -the- glee club of Stoin sang Tuesday afternoon for the P. T. A.- Our reward for singing was i lovely vanilla dixe of wiiich al1 par- took. 1I hope our audience enjoyed hýStenîng to us as mnuch as ive enjovedý singing for then).- japet Bicll Stolp 2B., Issue Largest Edition of Sehool Newspaper The biLrgest edition of the 9A Scratch Pad was sold. the week be- fore vacation. The paper consisted *of ten paL-es. Sonie of.- the pazes were as folloivs: news, societv. 8A.. girls' and boys' sport, and the gýossîp, page. Tt vas -sold for a nickel.-Bill Roberts, Howard 8A. DECORATE YULE TýREES Tbe fifth grades from t-Ioward scbool recently -enjoyed decorating. two Christmas trees that werein the halls. The second, third, fourth and fifth grades made the ornaments for .the trees. The Iights were vellowv. orange and green. - B3ob Matsoln, Howard 5C. PLAN MUICIAL Pn2CWDAu The volley bail season, is over and we are starting basketball. WVe are going to start as soofl as we get back from our holidays.-Clifford Johnson,1 d our: ~January BI jane E LITTLE PARTY Horne's room Friday Party. Alice Kresge, oward *fenderson a'nd gave a littie program. iolfI, Howard 5A.. LI 'l