Goodyear Old Tires LY NAM SERVICE. STATIýON 0 Cooler roads flot only cause litt1e wear on new tires-they also "cold-eure" the rubber. Experience proves that new tires linibered up in winter average thoustiids mpore miles than tires started off new on hot ronds. Get the full non.skid safety of Goodyears for winter driving nt today's low prices- and get more miles - . buying now 1 on Goodyemr Pathfinder and AU..Wether Tires» WILMETTEBDATTERY 6 LECTRIC SERVICE - .1140 TW»LFrHý STREET PHONE WUULMETTE 091-696- SHAWNE SERVCE GAAGE SIMONEK SEfiVICE CMUIYAT EVC sis 4TH ST.. MIL.. 036 SlOS MAIN ST.. WII.. 5347 1826 WILMEetrE AVE.. WIL. 5248: A TON 0F COAL? Good cool, is alway s cheapest inthe. Value'in coal is determined,. fot by, the ,number of'pounds, but by the amfouini of heat you get, foryour fuel dollar. When you buy good cool, you g et more units per ton, longer burnïng fuel, more warmth. comfort and efficency. 'iou save money, trouble and annoymnce. For many years we have supplied high quality cool and coke to the home!, and industries of this communiy. Consumers fuel means GOOI) FUEL.. h is sold with, the strongest guaranee ever oiffercd by a coaI company. Why pot try Consum ers Guaraineed Coal econQmJcal and more satisfactory *0, do go. or Coke nexi timer N'ou w il l ind it GUARANTEED COAL, FUEL OIL -SOLVAY COKE TH ERE'S Consum ompanyý A CONSU MER S -Y ARD 1IN Y.0U R WILMET1E 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75 1EG Hl B0RH0OO 0D We have a Large.Selection to choose from TELEPHONE ý289 INZT Evaiston Brach Uiversity 7700 2738 W. Raahroad Ave.. 5.00-20 S.25.18 5.50-19 4.50-21 4.75-19 I 1- if