It is seldom that an extravaganîza o f such proportions is presented by anv other than a highly trained pro- fessional troupe, it is pointed out, but the extensive experience of most of the cast in college. end amateur. draniatics made' possible the revela- tion of real talent in a surprising pr e- view presented to a group1 of meni- ber critics this week. The theme enîbodies a mélange of ;ong. dance, and comedy amidst elab- orate, settings. The costumes worn' in1 the round dozen. of sceties folloW a buccaneer motif and have béen espe- cially designied for. the production. The, action begins at the , Cafe Rouge i Paris. and the entertainers a-ffer a unique p-rograni Mihich is fol- lowed' hv song and, dance numbers. The, performance -speeds along. into a conied-v skit entitled -The N'oral- i-st." followved bv specialty dancing numbers. "ýThe Trial 'of M ary Google,?" a laugh-provoking skit. i.s, the nextd feature. A 'chorus of eminent dancers fol- lows. Ntar\,*s rdeal. *The \'olunteer Fireman" "Trouble in Paradise." *The Baron." and other skits are in- troduced iii the, faýt moving "Re- The second ýact is aboard a pirate Rhýip.A group of pirates,« bold. bad * men.. and slaves;, take- one on a. rol- ickuig cruise and entertain with the latest popular songs aind,1934 "'gags." A dance for the cast' and audience ifolom- the performance each eve- ning in the club ballroom. Health Center Off ers Class in Home Hygiene N\ class ini Home Hygiene and'Care (111- the Sick is gi.ven every F'Vridav aternioon, from 2 o)c1ock until. 4 at the NVilmiette,,-Health>v enter,- 1901 Schiller, strteet. The class is ,under the direction. of the Chicago chapter ofthe American 'Red Cr.oss and the CW A. The aim o (f. the course is to teach1 preservation of healtb and preven- tion of diseasé ini the homne and com-, rvjni11tv. It is a twentv-four .hour Miss Maybelle J. Renneckar, 1046 Linden avenue, has as ber guests this week lier brother and bis family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Rennacker, Marjorie, and Teddy of Kansas City, "Mo. Mr. Renneckar, is here on busi-' ness. the, tact that ix fbas een able to 00- tain the Secretary of Labor as a speaker, one of the most important ofits..many achievements in th'is field. 1 "What better method of ýshowing1 our citizens'the problenîs of labor, and their sane solutions, than bv bringing before themn the author- itative source of such information? No one in, this. country possesses more knowlédge on the subject. thap Frances Perkins, and nio one is b et- ter at: answering questions on any. and ail angles of the situation," says Mrs. Law; president.of the league..> BACK AT STUDIES.'. Wendell and Gilbert Keith. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton L.. Keith. 222 Ninth, stre et, returned to college, studies last, week after spending the holidays - ith .t heir parents. Wendell attends the tniversity of Illinois and Gilbert is a studen.t at Diake uni-' versitv ini Nort.h Carolina. Phono Wilmef. 214 Extrt Elctical RefrageratiOn Service The Wilmette Health center dental clinic meets every Tuesday m-orning from 9. o'clock until 12. The New Trier High school. dental clinic wil meet,,on Wednesday miori-, inig,.Janiuary 17, from, 9 o'clockto 12. The. Howard and Logan schools will coniduct a'dental clini.c.on Thurs day morning, Jaiuary 18, from 9 o'clock to 12. Thée Infant. Welfare ec iniic ivill be] conducted on Wednesday afternoon, january 31, from 2 o'clock, to 4. u -r0RPI 1207 WASt < RIAt p -oU' W/4 AVE., of 'Wilmette, Illinois, at the close of business on the 3th day of Decem- ber, 1933, as shown by the annual report made by the said bank as a trust company, to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illi- nois, p urs law, and filed in the office of the said Auditor of Public Accounts on the 9th day of January,' 1934. RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate ....$ Loans on Collateral Secùrity...... Other Loans......... Overdrafts...... U. S. Govýernment Investments ......... Other Bonds and Stocks., Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ......... Other Real Estate..... Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources.. Customers' Liability under I1etters of Credit ... Customers' Liability ac- 227,960.13 234,323.50 64,876.30 271.06 193.823.86 435,292.30 150,001I.00 111,980.56 526,577.04 Nonie count of Acceptances...None Other Resources .........15,955,35 Tfotal Resources..$1,961,061.10 LIABILITIES Capital Stock........$ 200,000.00 Surplus ...«100,000.00 Undivided Profits, (Net)_ 369479.50 lime Deposits........... 572,585.88 Demand Deposits ........ 987,498.50 Due to Baniks« ...... None Dividends Unpaid .......None, Reserve Accounts.... 63,653.06 Bis Payable............. None Re-dliscounits............. None Letters of Credit -.... ý None Bank Acceptances........ None Othier Liabilities..... 844.16 Total Liabilities. $1,961,061.10 - ar value of securi- ties deposited with Au- di tor of Public Acèounts, Springfield, Illinois, as required by law, to secure Trust Deposits . $ 50,00)0.00 County of Cook Subscribed and sworn to befor this 9th day of January, 1 934. VERA PRIE] (SEAL) Notary FP (My Commission- expires Feb. 9, me, The *C o-Op" hbas made it possible for the North Shore Ping- Pong Tournament to b. played ini Evanston. Inu nder'iwriting and sponsoring this tourney the. "Co-Op" feels it is doing its bit in helping to further, interest ini the game "Ping-Pong" on the North Shore. COMPLETE LUNE 0F SETS qj Nti>jN L 1 Orrington Hotel Bldg.-Gre. 2600-1726 Orrington Ave., E.Vauton