o Thée'piktures of war hitberto havé been romaneinned; oils. The 'acrutng posters show clean shaven soldiers in smart, uniforms, pol- sbed -boots, pipe-clayed helmefs. Aut RAW WAR is tragedy painted ;,n blood. -RAW WAR is fhe resuif of raw, uninformecl opinion: alfprnating g~usis of jingo and paciflsi hystéra. Its raw horrors are made even more hideous by the sacrifice of untrained men upon ifs alfars. Untfl the world d-clares for universel disarmiment the United States * can teke no rmddle grou-d. rhe cheaipest deal with circumstance is * Preparedness . he nation, then, must look et war in the. ra w. Without prejudice, if .must weiqh war's qhastly pirice. r0 that end Th, Chicago Deily News is publishing each Saturday à pbo*oaravure section cievoied to RAW WAR. They are aouthenfic, uncensord, and ýin ma ny cases hitherto unpublished pictures of the. *Wortd Wer. appearing in chronoloqicai order. THE CHICAG'O DAILýY