Shore Artists Has Long Patron List Miisic lovers from north Shore villages are acting asp a- trouiis a«ti(lpatronesses for. the Monday, January, 29, recital of the Swigart ýTrio ,and. Helen Hedges. Soprano, .-whoare giv-' ing. their joinit recîtal at Win- netka Comîuuniiiitv Houlse.. From WXinnetka endorsing the recital are r and Mrs. Paul 1. Aldrich, M\i-ss.Kathieeni Air, Dr. and Mrs.î Sidney F. Bartlett. MIr. and' Mvrs. ML\ayniard Cook, 1Mr. and' Mrs. .E. (Shann ingý Coolidge, 'Mrs. Marian Cotton and Nliss MarY Louise Cot-, tonNI Miss SMargaret 1)eélla., NMr. and Mrs. Mattliew P., Ga ff n cy NIr. and iVJrs. John Leonard Hamiton. M NIr. and, Mrs. Norniati Harris, D)r. and Mrs. L. Harrison. IMfttler, Nlr. and Mrs. Norinan Parker, '.\r. and 'M rs. flolman 1). Pettibone, 'Mr. iiid N r.s. Arch ShiaNw; Mrs. Will iam ,,P. Sdl -Mr and Mrs. Carton \Vashburne. Mfr. and.I( Mr.,Roland 1).-XVitiiaii. and Mr..,anid.Mrs. lawre,îce E. Ying-7 ling. Those froin otiier villages are 'Mr. antd Mrs. Hugli Stuart Campbell, Mr. and Mfrs. Howard WVells, -.Wilmiette; Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo C. Dilks, Mr. and Mrs. Wýalter Marx, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Spachi, Mr. and Mrs. John Xilds, Kenjlworth; Mrs.. Erwin Brighami, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C.. Goodnoiv, Mr. andi Mrs. Bert Kohier, Dr. and Mrs. Dwvight C. Orcutt, M.r. and Mrs. Norman RondthiaIer, Mr. and Mrs. 1Howard F. Spurgeon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph:E. Stoetzel, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Eluier.Wieboldt, Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Williams,' Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Von MVageneii Ail- ing, Mr. and Xfrs. Arthutr A. Bir- rows, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hark- ness. Miss Fre.derika Ireland, Miss Betrothled Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Troll of Ambri4ge, Pa., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Gertrude, -to Frank J. Callanen, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Gardner A. Callanen of -422 Tenth, street, Wilmette. Toloif f P191 The Marr'iaqc of Miss Doroth nlav eroaiG/en ctic (at the left.) 'lmd 1l', F. Rouler, sol! oa' f irs. Bertha Roiiter, a/sa of G/en coc. wll taki' P/w<' PFridav y niq Jamiary 26, at 8 o&clock, ait te home of t/w brûlé's Paore'nts. -11r. and Vrs. Carl il. Enchelmai'cr, 682 Grave street. Airs. Fred- erick H. oet f Cleveland, Ohio., formier/y of JVinîwtka and WlJ'imete 1111110101ees Ile emlgagenient of lier daughtcr, Ml'ary, ta Curtis Cliintonr Tat- tain, son-of Mr. and Mrs. C/harles Clintoa Tatham of Cien)coe., Holyoke Club Sponsors Mid-Winter Card Party A nid-w%ýinter card party, sponsor- ed for the benefit of the scliîolarship fund, ill be hield by the Chicago~ Mlounit Holyoke club onl Saturday, Janu.ary 20, f rom 2 until ,5 o'clock at the Chicago College club). The, or- gaîîization awards a scholarship year-. .1 to aý student from' the. Chicagor area,. and the. procee.ds from the benefit. wil be used to fulill the guarantee for 1934-35. Prizes will be awarded for each'l table, and the guests may play any card game ,Nhich they wish. The ar- at the door. Mrs. J. Weiton Fisher, Jr., who heads the committee in charge, is giving a dinner before the dance, and other dinners will be part of the before the dance festivity'. Plannels or Formais to Be Vogue.ati.Siçolie Party M Fanuels or formiai dress iv.I1 be nil order at Palm Beach Niglit, Satur- day evening 'at Skokie Country club. Dinnier will be served from'n 7 until 10 o'clock, thiere will be dancing f rom 9 uintil 12:30, and at rnidniglit lighit refreshmnents will be served ini the grill. Skokie children are preparing for one of their biggest annual affairs, their annual ice carnival. This is sicheduled for 2 o'clock .Saturday, January 20, and prizes are being pre- pared for the Winners in the various events. Ail skaters wi11 appear in liard timies or costume clothing. '.' c-KU1 u urn aas MAM, On ibought Saturday, january 6, 1934, at the Miss v Fountain . Street Baptist church, of tl Grand Rapidls. Mr. and Mrs. Hon-: n t ecker' will be at' home afier January colncl< 12, at 1225 Thomas street, S.ý E., ond al, Grand Rapids, Mich. as Bride's Pageant Shows Many Periods Romiantic and historie. inter- est went hand ln hand .last Fri- day *eveningii the parade ôf brides ini theAssenmbli, hall of the Xilnette Parish iVlethodist clnîrch house. Pi.ctuiresque the pageant > ývas, slgwing .Daine F'ashionî's wedding .-dýress m-hinî s ,doiv'xî through the years. For once, tinme movèd l)ackwvar(ls as, the: nodels, ini dresses of brides of oherdays anid periods, stepped their way to. the stage to miake living pictures of bridai fashionis frorn 1930 1)ack to 1855. Froin many places. 'from lands abroad, and throtigh gen - erations. these :.dresses hlave. fouiid their ivav lhere. Some were modeled hyv brides theni- selves, others bv daughiters. soine bv granddaughiters. The wedding years suggesting the mode: of each dress, a littie ofit history, and the :model wvearitng it, are ýmentioned as the periods receded into aflother century. 1930 - The i%-ory satin gown of Martha Hall Moore, a Wilmette girl rnarrjed ïn 1930, with the reception after her wed-: ding in the Alpha Xi Delta house at Northwestern. Mrs. Moore herseif was the nmodel. 1929 -The dress of Fern Elizabeth Odler who was married to Haroldi Hogue Lufldberg, October 12, modeled by Miss~ Margaret Wilen. 1928 - Louella Burrows' dress for her 'narriagè to Alonzo Folger on June .28. The center panel of the veil 18 of real Brusýsels lace. Miss Frances llaskin wva4 its model. 1927.- The dres 0f Miss Marguerite Luudberg- who was, married* to Howard Store in Septemnber, xnodeled -by Mi-ss Shirley PTennlngtonP.,Anotheýr dres. 9 the same. year Was that of. Martha Barn-, hart whio was married to G. È. Hoffruan. lier 'beaded .slippers were. worn 1by ber own mother at ber wedding in *1905. Airs. Hloffman, herself, modeled. 1925 - The dress Miss Lucille Thayer. had for ber marriae tn rian . French I dtsame Year was the Inarriage uary 4, of Miss Myrtle May Wat- Roy A. Hopkins. An interestlng ence la that the time of its sec- pearance was the twenty-fourth (Continued on Page 35i)