li' .stones.' Marvelopo ftgÙr1nes of anclent Mexico. Jewelry of a dead.:clvi lization. The>trip to Teotibuacan 'and, its pyra- mids. Ruins of a saered Azte Cicty. The temple of Quetzalcoatl. The mon- asterY of Acolman. Anucameda and the volcanoeS. Popo- catepe tl and. Ixtaccîhuatl. 'Mexiceos'Fire Mount*ins of Eter»al Music-Plece en forme dé Habanera> gelso Pebla, nthr clty of the an- gels Theceramiç industry, Tîles and onyx. Cholula.and Its manyr churches. The anclent pyramid and the domed chapel. Road'scenes. ]Faselnatlng Types of Our "Western Muse--ieItoOrient" %l4i--.CeltoLindo-Mexican Tipica Orchestra Other excursions f rom Mexico City. Pachuca and El Chico., Desierto de los Leo;nes. Toluca and thelite of the high- way. Los -Remlidios and the great aque- duet. Tepozotlafl and the ahtara of gold. Taxce., (. namtIc CatJIei4'8Towni of th l1111 MNftsl-Le Coq d'Or-IntroductiOn- (Rimsky-Korsakow) Cuernavaca and its interesting envi- rons. The state of Morelos. Mexico's, honeYliioon place and divorce mill. Cor- tes palace.ý The Borda gardens. Fan- tastic houses., The Acapulco highway. Niountaini villages. L"Terminal Leaders to Sponsor Card Party The *"L" Terminal Business associ- ation is making elaborate prepara- tions to entertain at a card party to be held at the Linden Tea Room, 413 S Linden avenue, on the evening of i4Î- Tuesday, February 6. Beginning at 8 o'clock the play will continue until 10, when refreshiments will be served. A professional in contract bridge %ilIl be present to 'give instruction to, any. who may desire it. There will be, appropriate prizes for each table., An invitation is -extended to ail citi- zens of Wilmette to attend this party and becomne acquainted with members of, the association. Woman's Club of Wilmette. Some of the early meetings of the club Were held at her home. Miss Law is sur- vived by a brother, Albert Law,,of Lauren,'*Mont, Mes. Collin Slayton, 607 Forest avenue, was luncheon hostess to hier bridge clubMonday. INelson L.ati- dry ~and Dry Cleaning Sys- tem in ý Vil- màette,, ispresi- dent. The mne e ting was called to order byVictor E. Ortlund 'of the D1)i Nelson French Laun-. dry,, Evans ton, secretary-tréasurer ýof the group. Afier welcomning the employees 'of the cooperating laundries the, meeting was tu rnedover to Mr. Nelson, who 'called for introduction of the. ma- ployees of the six, lauindries which are members of'the North Shore Qualitv Laundries-the Nelson Laundry,,Wil- mette; the, Frencli Laundry; Evans- ton; the Quality Laundry, Rvanston; the North Shore Laundry, Winnetka; the Reliable Laundry , Highland Park; and the Nelson Brothers Laundry of Evanston. Guest speakers' at the meeting were Lloyd Hollister and Sherman Ramiey of Lloyd Hollister Imc., whose sub- jects deait Nvith the sales potentiali- ttes of the north shore and the use of advertising in building sales for. sucb a group. Chauncey Patrick of the Quality Laurdry, Evanston, gave a short talk on a similar subject.. will' be co-hostesses at a large infor- mal dinner dance at the Blackhawk restaurant in Chicago on Thursday, February' 1. Fifty invitations have been sent to friends. Miss Cote will have as her escort, Vinny Fletcher of Philadelphia, and Miss Anderson's escrt illbeHoward Erwin, also of Phh12adpInhta. asive Phi ieta at the University ofT excas. Mrs. Newcomb Diehi of 726 Hin- man avenue, Evanston, will be lunch- eon hostess to ber bridge club Tues- day. Mrs. Willis Litteil, Mys. judson. Large, and Mrs. E. A. Robson of Wilmette and. Mrs. Donald. Elrod of Winnetka are -some of the north shore members. Ends Sunday Jan. 28th. ' w b . 0 w a , o l e o. a Orange Peel Nuts' Toffee \"Fruits Hard and Soft Ganters Lay in a supply before this great sale ends DIJTCII MILL CANDIES 1187 Wilne At.muue Wiimntte 219 D5GSTR SPECIAL WEFK IEND SALE. Thursclay, Friday and Saturclay 21c io,. Regular $2.00 value u ie;y1i:Fc M'i"'1 c CW CentnI and Wibu,tt. AvSun. PHONES: WILMETTE 29-