.-Second, service and Holy n. .-.Co'nfessio anl servicefo Meetings Monday-Choir reersal.. Truesday, 8 p. .7-Church' council.. Thu rsday of this week at 2 'P.. m.- Ladies Aid and Misslonary society.. Friday, 8 p., m.-Meeting of ïil or- ganîzations- ta welcome the new Pa$- tor. Announcements for HoIy Commiunion may be made Saturday morning between 10:30 and 12 o'clock and Saturday after. noon between 1 and 6 o'clock in the Sunday school rooms. The, Rev. . H. Gockei wIii preach, his first. sermon next Sunday norning as our pastor, using as1 his subject : "A New Pastor'à Determination." That is a very appropriate subject and we*Ilil al want to hear It, but how are we to regard our new pastor? Though. pas- tors are cailed into their office by mnen, or by the congregation, they aýre flot men-servants, but servants, of Christ, who, through the cangregationi, calis themn and who' bas endowed themn with the necessary gifts for their sacred. service. Whenever our pastor cornes to us with a clear word of God, we inust heýar andi obey Hlm, for the Lord says: l'Re iha heareth you heareth Me; and he t hatf desplseth you desPlaieth Me; and he that despiseth Me despiseth Hlmn that sent Me." In these days; af false. prophets ]et Us thank God that we aiways have had a nd now again have a faithful pastor who teaches and preaches God's word in ail Its purîty to us and by his whole conduct shows that he knows no higher purpose than to save his own soul and the souls ntrusted to his care. Let usf flot be gullty of neyer having a* kind word for our pastor, but let us be help- fui to hlm. We want our pastor to pray for us :*let ns not forget to pray for' -ili.3 We wish ta eaui special attention, to. a social gatherlng 0fall the organîza&- tions within our church to ineet and. .welcome our new pastor' and his faine- ily Friday evenlng at 8 oclock. h ýIS Just ait informaimieetinig and wve ini- vite you to. be with us. Don't meeting day> at room. forget -the regular nîionthly .of the Lad.ies' Aid and MNis-, Society this afternloon .ThurS- 2 o'clock ln the Sunday -schooi ýenlor Walther league of our man, Miss Laura Davy, and the rector. First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, minister Ourý worsip service will -be- held at, Il o'ciock. The minister wiil preach on the theme', "The Coming Dreamer." This. wlll be of special interest to the young people, and they are cordially urged to be present., ýThe musical programn arranged by Miss, Erma ýRounds,. director, will be as follows: prelude,- "The Prophet Bird,"ý Schumann; anthemn, "The Lord Is nxailted," West; off ertory, solo, "'The .Barth Is the Lr', Lynes, Edward otis. soloist; postinde, ."Postiude In B flat," West. We are happy to announee that, through the generosity of one of our members,ý we have been able to engage E14dward Otis again'as soloist. Our Bible school meets at 9 :30.W>elock. We cordially invite you. Our Aduit Bible ciassq is ma1king, a sPeCial stud,.V0f'great messages froi. the prophets. We Ineet' at ~9:4,5and invite you. The paStor is conducting, a prepar- atory class for those who wish to join, the church. ih meets at*9:30 o'ciock. The Christian Endeavor society wfl observe ýY.onng People's Day Sunday at 5 :30 'clock. Miss Vera. Johnson wilIl lead the meeting.Alil the young peoplel are invi ted to be present. Sunday Evening club at the Con- gregational church at 7 :30 Nvill present Arthur Pillsbury, natnralist, with' pic- tures of '"Life In and Under the South Seas.". The Presbytery of Chicago w!» mIleet Monday at 4 o'ciock at the Fourth Presbyt .erian church of Chicago. BOY Scout Troop) No. 5 will nieet Moni- day evenfing at 7 :30 o'ciock at the church. -This is Parents' Night, and ahl parents and friends Of the boys are invited ta attend this meeting,. Wedfiesday evening will be. another Church Night, Supper willi be served at 6 :30 o'clock. We are expecting an iiiustrated address by Dr. Wiley Lin Hurle, president of The Coliege of thc Ozarks. Dlseu>ýsion classes will follow. You are invited to be with us. The conramittees on the Preshvterin The Februa.ry program of the Wo- a n's society on Friday, .February 9, will be out of the ordinary. Link F *111 be 'hostesses. The devottônal section wIll take the form of a religioue play: "The Way," in charge of Mrs. C. H. Jones,. The themne lAdventuring with New Americans.&" wiii be introdiced*,by' lyrs. Harry Burnside., On the evening of F'ebruary 9. there wIll be presented by the Gilderoy Scott choir a performnance of "Tria>l by Jury," the amusing Giibert and Sullivan oper- etta. The regular rehearsal.4 are -on Thursday eé'enings at the chnrch. ,The choir desires ,additiônàl voices in its regular -Sunday work, and ishould double its eresent nuimbers during the attend- anee campaign. The Sunset, clu b for yourng peopfle in- terested in religlous discussion will mieet Sunday, evenlng at 9 with Misses Ho- Linden avenue. The B. Y. P. U. group willi meet at the saniehour ln the guiid room at the .ehurch, where ail of the high school ageare invlted to help us make a good record of attendance and, i)artlcipation. Regular Sunday "ehoot session at 9 :301 wili begin a definite caxnpaign for new pup'il>q and for hetter work in, the classes: Any who are not enrolled In other schools are cordially invlted here. The .Adult Class is enjo)Ying'Fe fmalkstudy of the Sermon on the. Mount wVhiCh is worth anybody'sý timie. Methodist C/z urch Ilev. Oscar Thomas; Oison, D. D.; The IninL-str'. sermon thenie for. the IlO'ciock worsýhip service next Sun- day mnorning wvill be "The Real Value of Religion." T'he munsic for the Il o'clock service ).1 as follows:. Organ Prelude: "Adagio. Cantabile" Iitroit: "Cast Thy flurden1 Upon the Lord'............ ....Mendelssohn Ajflhem: qI Sought the Lord" ..... .......Stevenson Offertory Solo-Mi.,3 Mayr Strong, Organ Postlude; "Alleliia" DuBoiî, The Sacramhent of the Lord's Supper will be. administered Sunday afternoon at .5 -O'clock, in the sanctuary. This serVice of fellowship invites al who are seeking ta niake the Spirit of Jesus rea.i in the liteof today. The music for the Vesper Communion service wiil be a~s foilows: Organ Prelude: "Jesus, Joy of Mani's Iesiripg"................... ...-Bacih The Aokiya cilas., will ineet I'ueAday, evening at 8 o'clovek at the home of Mrs. Earle Miller, 1220 Gregory ave- nue. An. evening party wilI be held kit theý home of Mr. and Mrs. Il. G. Taylor, à41 Kenlworth avenue, Kenilworth,. Febru- ary 9 at 98 'clock. Comnittee: Mkes- dames Albert Ackermann, Clifford Ives, Paul R-ensch, .1-. E.. Ringhiolmi, Walter Sehur, C". Rollin Smith. There wiilI- be Red cross sewing Tues- day at 9J:20 -o'eioek. Wonien are asked to bring their own s1andwichees. The Worid J-ayz Of Prayer is, Fetru - aàr3 16. The Wilmette service ivilî be held at 2 o'ciock in St. Augustîne's Episcopai church.' The Young Peopie's choir Ineets for rehearisal Saturday nmorning4s at :1 The High School league wiil meet t6.:30 o'ciock with Dr. H. P. Rail as the speaker of the evenin g. Social hour- in charge of Miriam Wes t. iili folioW. Speciliplans, willlbe. announce<î for- thèc Chicago Drama tournamient. The Young Peo)ple's group will nîet at 5 :30 p. m. Sunday with Dr. Nicholas J.Pritzker of RustçJa. lecturin.g. Social frour in charge of Virginia Burgess will- follow. Th llih chool ,Leaguùe 1-layers will present the three-act romnantic! comiedy, "'niilin' Through," atite huich' on. Fri c ýýE*r eday. March vrone is urged to' réserve the, date. Týhe Young People',s group Wil11 hold a party at the çhurch on Saturday, Feb- ruary 17, at 8 p. in. with -Williard Osburn in charge. Thie February Frolic is to b. heid Satu.rday, February4 ucae of Louise koerper. _2 ncag The Intermediate dcptrtnj4ý.nt' The H-igh Schojol *Epworth. IEague tll(jthe Young Pe'lPle's EPworth leagu,è will join in a roler skating PartY. at, th e Madison Garderis.i hiaoon F1 dayv evening'of this we.Th,, groups1 meet: at the church ofnFr iday 1at É, :4.:- (o'elock to ýseeure tickets and trLt'spr tto..Mr. Harvey,asitt îistr is ln charge of the event. vy<n The FPrîendly indailS raet at t he- church 'each Thursday at 4 p. rn. with Mr. li-rvey as leader, and Dick I ik mlan as chief of the tribe. New rem bers are cordialîy lnvited to atteInd n join the tribe. kit, 0 a, lit.arnhn aand a oelovea gospel flymn. IH Miss Lydia Koch, organist, will play. ai The Pre-Conventioxi dinner of the "Adagio li E fiat',...... I.. I. .Volckman wi Church club of Chicago wlll be beld In. "Adoration".......... .......... Rockwelî 5c the Sherman hotel (Louis XVI room) ".Song of Gratitude"............. Cleq( Monday evening, February 5, at 6:3.0 -Yc o'clock, with Blshop Stewart and the The February series, -f W7ednesday He Rev. C. Rankin Barnes of thé Depart-.. evening, fellowship meetings begîns With Çà ",Y A1wueac,,----------.,.-,-sit....na.f. il1 be reviewedj by Dr. William D,I The Kenilworth Young Peoples Sun- bermerhorn. day Evening club wji meet Sunday eve- Group 111-"The Meaning of God forI ning at 6:30 p. m. All students oif jih 'nng People." Leader: Rev. M. s;. school age are inviteid. A, supper will trvey. . ebruary 1l--"The' Godj Who be. served, followed by the porm Lres for HIuman Life." February 8 (Continued on Page 15)