ary 3, at the home 631 Lake avenue. HOSTESS TO OFFICERS ' Miss Dorothy Kuelzow, niatron of the.,Wilmette chapter. of the Order of the. Eastern Star, entertained -the officers of. the chapter for luncheon. and bridge yesterday at Shawnee Country club. A. daughte-r, MarilynLouise. was horn on Monday, january 29, at the Aniierican hospital to Mr. and. Mrs. Ellsworth Hull of 7516 North Hoyne avenue, Chicago. Mrs. HuIl. the for- mer Helen B., is the daughter of. '\r. and Mirs. R.« F. Lynch_. 347 Oak circle, Xilnette. THOMASDECORATINGCO. Pain ting and Decorating 1033 MAIN STREET Wilmetge 2378 0F-JRRI TAULOR 112Z CENTRAL AVE. WIL3303 Fat là 3 Moit Diuzy Spellu Go.. 1T ey uartéd my 4tb jar 01 KIU@- en ae.Fut 1 muet tel you I est 80 Ibo. in & mouithu. I s tili wigh te logne 25, or 80 1h.. I welghed, 184 now pinted out, shall be the encourage- ment of arganized rifle and pistaI s hooting amang citizens resident in our community, with a view toward the better knowledge axnong such citizens, of the safe handling, and * roper 'care of firearms, :as well as improved marksmaniship, -and tai the- development of those characteristics *of honesty, goad, fellowship, self dis- cipline, team play and self reliance.. Officers of. thé club were elected and' applications- were forwarded ta the National Rifle association, Wash- ingtoti, D. C., for a charter.. Those attending -and :jaining as charter memnbèrs are C. R. McNeill, Victor Hill, Fred Baker, A., D. Al- bright, E. H. Drewes,. D. Ji L WNalther, R. C. Forster, David C. Leach, secretary, A. J. Abegg, and D. J. Clumlish. -Practice shaoting and, post matches will be held once a weçk at the' Ev- anstan -police range. Thé range has beein offerecl to Wilmette Post sey- eral times in the past by Mayor Charles Bartlett and Chief of Police William Freeman of Evanston., but until thepast formed the rifle club it was 4nable to accept this offer. *The club officers have great hopes of developing a team ta send to the national matches and perhaps ta the international matches, and are quite pleased with the support given them by the post. Organized shooting with rifle and pistai is part of the national programi of thé American Legion. ENTERTAIN EASTERNER Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mintz, 50 Crescent place, held open house last S unday in honor of Mrs. Mintz' broth-i er, J. Harold Pendergast of New York, who bias been their guest for several weeks. Mr. and .Mrs. James Krafthefer, 901 Oakwaod avenue, entertained ai dinner-an Tuesday in Mr. Pencergast's hoDnor, preceding the Preýident's bal at Shawnee, M. and, Mrs. Frankc O. Elling, 610 Fourth street, will entertain ing ta the xormîng ot heNrtwcnr Symphony Orchestra has attracted wide attention. This step must, doubtless resuit in untold good to' ail north shore residents, yaung andî old, pedformers. and listeners. A community which has its awn sM- phany orchestra is Most. certainly to be congrattilated.. However, the forming 'of such an organizatian . is only' the first step. The' success and life of it must, depend an the ability, and, desire of. north shore residents ta performn and listen. The ultimate good obtainable by al depends on these factors. Surely our children should be in-. stilled with the ability and desire, ta partake. of ail cultural advantages from an intelligent basis. Admission to this organizatian is truly an in- spiring and cultural goal toward- which alf north. shore children should wôrk. However, ail cannot be per- formers. Ne niust have listeners ta coxupiete the circle of "production and cansumption." We have said that the desire and ability to listen is as important as that ta perform. Then we must educate our yaung folký ta listen with benefit ta themselves. One of the best ways to do this is ta give them the'apportunity to per- farm an same instrument of their own chaice.' The experience of play- ing on. an instrument, learning its difficulties, advantages, and limita- tions, as well as the opportunity for self -expression,' are the best mediums for itelligenit and benefici al listen- ing. The Wilmette public schoals are striving to do ail they can ta aid ebjîdren in learning how ta performi and listen. They offer classes in al instruments at the nominal fee of twenty-four lessons for $1-two lesî- sans a week for twelve weeks. In- struments may be rented through the schools and the first three manths NEIGHBORS MEETING FEB. 6 The next marning meeting of the French horn students. Thne scnools own a French horn which they will boan gratis ta any student desiring ta take private lessons. Classes in vialin, piano, violoncello, flute, clar- met, trutnpet, and trombone will start at any time there are ,tvoý or more children who wish ta take lessons. This is indeedan oppartunity whicli Wilmnette residents cannot afford: to miss. Why. make the, miistake of waiting until. next year? ,M.\uch:'can be accomplished in. the nionths be- tween now and xiext faîl. Mrs.. Catherine, XVagnIerof the school's music staff will give informa- tion ta inquiri ng parentsý and cili- dren.ý Appointments can be made through the roomn teacher. -M. M. 1 ea Indian Chief ýS peaker at Banque t The - 6rst annual .Father 'and Son banquet for mrnubers and f riends of the 'Nilmette Parish Methodist chutrchi will be held Fridav evening, February 1. at 6 :30 o'clock. Norton A. Booz. is ini charge of the men's committee of the, church %whýfich is sponsoring the event. :Isaac Grev- earth, who will be the principal speak- er of the evening, is a full-blooded Indian chief of the Sioux tribe, from Flandreau. S. Dak. NMr. Greyearth was. born on the Sisseton reservatian and lived the first ten years of bis life ini a wigwam. He bas been educated in the Flandreau Indian school. Haskell institute, Mount Hermon, Mass., the American institute, Kansas, and the North Dakota Agricultural college. SThe Friendly Indian Tribe members.. the members of the ,Bay Scout troap. and members of boys' classes, in the church are helping to sponsor the event. pOff rs Lecturee Series P at Congregation Temple Rabbi Charles E. Shulman will give the first of a series of three lectures WMN.375 Day or Night I Wfroe IMiss Charlotte Moody, 1235 Ash- Iland avenue, is returning today fromn J.Madison, Wis., ta sPend bher mhid-" semester recess f rot jhe University of 0Wisconsin -with her' parents.