...w ena sgion wwas Wwg enough b> be a pesent day apartmerit when winowere built big andwJ .yet modem es torow's sunrise in equipmvent, furnishinq; and servce. Rates.for oa single mom or a spa- clous aportmnent'are surprisingly moderate, startîng et $490 mmAt AiNGm jDSIrr«ÂANAo* r FIFTY-FIFTH AND FIFTH AVE NUE NýEW YORKCITrY Afflihated wlth the Drake and Blackstone Hotels-Chlcago a- 'i the 'school to taiic over tneir neaitli i response to the recent. annoulnce- ment made by the school -of a new popular priced course opening its ex- cellent facilities to everyone. "It seems," he continuied, "that peo-. pie are sick and tired of doing *ith- out the necess ary things in life, of denying, themsel1ves things which make like happy and worth while., Heail la:Paramàouawt "Now that we are definiteIy along the road to recovery. people are turn- inig :their attention to things. they were forced to abandon when the break came a few years ago. "But they are..going at, it sensibI y.- Many realizethat the tryinig experi- ences. of the past years have left them weakened physically. Many say.that. .they know the road wýhich we are taking. ith our nation's .Ieadership, to prosperity and happiness- is, long and hard. They know however, that there are good things ahead and achieint hem will take good souid Anierican lhealth ti abunidance. "To be f uIIy prepared to enjoy these good things ini fulll measure they are looking to their physical. weIl-l)einig and bealth first. ('omplete Equipment 'I stncerely believe that these. people, Henry 1. Szmans.ki reients of the north shore shall be- corne tequainted with the school that they are extending an invitation for those interested tw be thleilr guests with- out charge. Me. Szymanski la *a forth mhore resil- dent. He la a graduate ofý No rth- western university and West Point, -and bas: served as coach ln wrestling and baseball at the former school. For eleven years he was in the United States Army, spendlng two years in tbe, Phillipines. Durilng aillof this tirne he bas studied physical developinent and condue.ted niany speclal class-s. At present .he tievotes all of his time to the Almost Magicaily Jithout Machine or Electricity,lthe-ý LACHERE BEAUTY SALON Piroduces Lovely RADIO SERVICE ANO I O 'EIN Univ. 160 k" N problems, of: building health' for others. jeanne Scarratt, 521 ICenilworth av-e- nue, Kenilworth, wbo, attends the Uni- Versity of Mlinois Js 1 spending li ,mid-year vacation in- Peoria with Mr.ý and Mrs. C. BurdetI.e. Mrs. Scarratt left on Tuesdâiy to join.,her d.aughter On avsWoilmett, i I oQ ..... ..... .On Devis,'