observed Frebruary. 11î by virtually every church in Evanston. In addi- tion, it will draw the support of rés- ideîits of the entire north shore area as an occasion for special dona- ion s to the comprehensive program Of charity work carried on by the *Evanston'hospital. Participation of churches in 'Hos- pital Suniday will comprisedeia 'ion of p r oceeds fromù offerings, at the various srvices to, the' hospital's york. This.bý money wil e turned ove r to theinstitutioil following. theý services and wiIl be expended in care of ailinig needy durîing succeeding nmonths as occas ion demands. Aided by ith Shore Hospital Sunday first was, observed in Evaniston in. 1897. 'It, since bas become a tradition and; .while par- ticipation originally was confineïd to' *Evanston ýchurches, of more recent years ifs conduct has been attended by a stea(ly. increasing number of donations 'by non-churchgoers and north shore i'esidents. Somne of the institution's most im- portan1it endowments have been gifts qj residerits of shore towns. The imost recent of these wàs thie'bequest made last year by the late 'Mary M.\a- honey of Keiiiworthi. Emphasizes Need The need for generous Hospital SunidaN---donations and for special cndowm'uents was emiphasized early this week by WV. W. Buchanan, pres- ident of the Evanston Hospital asso-: ciation Iwho revealed that only 23 percent of patients served ,. S the hospital last year .had met In' ful the cos.t of service given them. An additional 10 percent received med- ical. attention and hospitalization. ab- soluetely without -cost to them, wvhile the remaining 67 percent paid only a portion of the actual costof> ten1dingý them. Reorgagime Charaty or 1 n. 1932,"' Mr. Buchanan. stated, 'the bospital exhausted the funid set aside ini its budget for charity work before the first six months had elapsed. And then we went to, the villages. ITr ciation Iast $74,000. loss be totaled Muit Offset Lose It is ta .offset this operating loss, * mcurred through_ our charitable en- terprises, that proceeds from' Hos- pital Sunday and income from' en- dowments are devoted. The sacrifices, made Iast 'year by our staff Iargely to permit continuation of cbarity Work on, the scale made necessary by the depression, is indicated by the -fact operating costs were* slasbed some $70,000 under expenditures :for, 1932.". aiso writes cnuadren's plays,. as burg as producing plays and teachiing gicai les a comple orthopaedic The THE RACE MOVES FORWARD Tedirection giveni the lives of littie children determines theo progress of, manklid. Here at The Children's School, wornen of character and training are« dedicatlng their live.- to thé highest ideals of Child Culture. This means richey: and fuller living for the next generation. Nursery School, Kindergarten 'and eight grades of- granimar sohool provide a sounid balance of creative activities and thorough 'scientitic methods.. Careful heaith supervis-ion. Automobile service. Hot lunch if deslred. Vi it the achool, write or telepholie for catalog. THE ýCHILDREN'S SCHOOL Natinal olie 0/ofEditcatiàou EVAN8TO Nî, ILLINOIS Chicago Phone: Rogers Park 180'1 Evançston Phone: Greenleaf 0221 1IMb The J Vew DEA UVI[LLE A merica's Beautiful $2,000,000 ResQrt at . "Love" will be the subject at thie services in First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Sunday morn- ing, February 4, at Il O'clock, held in the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday scbool, convenes at. 9:45 o'clock. AND CABANAS. MIAMI BEACH ces. MIAMI BEACH-- FLOI 'RIDA FLORIDA .1