Students to Cive Play for Chidreni The students of the National College of Education will pre- sent "The Animal Thecater," a mnost unusual and interestingý play. for cljdren., on Saturday. February, 17, under the direc- tion of, Miss> Etta Mount. .Two performances iilibe given, one nii the, morning at 10:15, and the other in. the afternoon at 2,:15. An, attractive Juncheonl for both adults.-and child ren will .be served. at 12 and i-- o'clock, making it p)ossib)le to. entertain lparties of, children and grown-ups. for lunchl.eon and thie ,play. The North Shiore aluinnae of the college will again sponsor the per-, formances and *Miss jean Forsvthe. president, is in charge of general ar- rangements and has announced the following chairmen for the v anjous committees: Tickets and luncheon reservations -Mrs. Charles F. Anderson, Miss Mildred Dittman. Luncheon arrangements-Mrs. Al- fred Bates, Mrs. R. H. Schmidt. Waitresses for luncbeon-Mrs. Nor- inan Clark. Luncheoil for cast, of play-Mrs. George Theisen, Miss Katherine Tu fts. Afternoon refresbments - Mrs Clive Bishop, Mrs. E. G. Kaupert. Luncheon decorations-Mi$Ss Mabel Pierson, Miss Anne Kappes.ý General publicity- Miss Marjorie Eisemann, Miss Audry Shaad. The .,Pýroeeeds of the play wilIlie dosnated to the Colege Building fund. Mr. and Mrs. JO Oxford road, Keii at dinner last Mor joint concert of 1 the Swigart trio Coinmunity Hôuse. Befrolh.d Kenil worth Garden cub, and Mrs. Ware, as delegate. will attend the meeting of the presidents and dele- gates of the Garden Club of Ameri- ca, whbich will'take place at Palm. Beach on February 29. Gives uncheon Mrs. Louis Brock, 601 Ridge road,> Kenilworth, gave a luncheon Sýaturday at the Chicago, Athletic. club followed by a matinee atthe Stude- baker to see "Elizabeth Sleeps Out." Tréfh Anlounc.d- A fashion show by. the Evans Fur Lsbop of Chicago wilI be given in con- junction with the bridge breakfast Friday afternoon of this week spon- sored by the East circle of the As- sociated Guilds of St. Augttstine's E-ýpiscopaI clurch at the Parish bouse ion Wilmette avenue at 12:30 o',clock. A fur n'eckpiece- will be given as oneè of the prizes wbich wiIl- include a finger towel for, each table. Pro- ceeds from the, event wilI henefit charity. The committee in charge of ýar- rangements. includes Mrs. Clarence M. Puh1man, Mrs. Charles C. Car- pahan, Mrs. Phillip Hu;gueliin, Mrs. H. R. Hall, 'and Mrs. George W«est. Tickets for the. event may .l)e 0)- tained, from, the committee or f romi afty member of the East circle. Enqag.d to Eastern Girl Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flinn of Worcester, Mass., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Thelmna' to Robert Wigglesworth of Boston.ý No date bas been set for the wedding. Mr. Wigglesworth is the third son of A. W. Wigglesworth of 125 Wood- stock. avenue, Kenilworth. Miss Dorothy Daytoit's betrothal bo Beresford Ellswcorth Beck of Evaputon is being aonnounced this zveek by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burt J. Deirn«n, 21 Lipiden ave- nue, Il/ilihette. Dorothy Dayfon WiII marry Evansfonian Plays Own Compositions Mr. and Mrs. Burt J Denmani, 21 Linden avenue, Wilrnette, aninouince the engagement of their daughter, flnrothv flavtnn tn RprueQfrd E ri WYtesley Bowmnan Photo illIiss Flore nce McCoýV of Wil- oif theeclu.ý . £rs. r.,ward coe is president Kappas to Moe The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority will be ententained on Monday, February 5, by Mrs. Marcus L. Bax- ter of 505 Jefferson avenue, Glencoe, at luncheon and bridge., West cii o'clock, ;guild of the Con- rch has its meeting 'y 9, offering for its Franic Day, . in a isolost. The North- serve lunc-heon: at 1 Host on Birthday Marcus, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Follansbee of 2831 Blackhawk road, entertained a group of neigh- borhood boys and girls at a cotillion and supper Saturday evening in bonon of bis thirteenth, birthday.