ing, Febfiiary 10. Miss MNarjorie' Mergenthaler, sister ofthe bride. will be bier only attend- ant and Robert Glauli of Park Ridge Nvfl1 serve as best man for Mr. Horn. Among the parties given in Miss Mergenthaler's honor are the follow- .A cocktail party. by Mrs. G. N. Mergent haler of Evanston on Decem- ber 31 ; a miscellaneous shower by the Misses Rose and Elizabeth Smith of Evanston, on january 9:. another. on January 16, givenIl by M rs. Edwvard Prims 'of Evan.ston:; a diinner a nd handkerchief shower on January 23, given by Mrs. Virginia Cox of Ev- inston; a miscellaneous shower on01 anuary 27, by Mrs. Harry Berg of WVilmette, aild a linen shower àt which, Miss Helen Hall and Miss Edna Witt weere hostesses at the lat- ter's home in, Evansto.n on the eve-ý nin.g of Janiuari- 26. Sunday Tea for Cas+ Mfiss Marion Ortseifen. 337 Essû-x road, .Ken'ilworth, was hostess at a tea.last Sunday for memnbers of the cast-of -"To The Ladies','which was given; by the Loyola Comnmu;iity, Plavers recently, and thieir liusbands~ and wives. The guest of, honor was Mfrs. Timothy J. Sullivan, wvho is a memiber of the b.oard of directors (if the Community Players. About florty .guests ivere present during the evenl- *inig. Entertain for Guests Dr.ý and Nfrs. Lester E., Mec. 1227 Chestnùt avenue. hiad as their, bouse güests-over last wveek-enid, NMr *and Mrs. Warren Winn of Mosinee. Xis. In honoer of, the visitor they gave a. dinrat. the Palm.neri Homse Satur- day night and;a dinner at their. own home Sunlday evenling.- Z0O mou HIEAT TItAN OTHER'T' Miss niaine Mergent haler of IVilinctte wÎIl become'thc, bride of Phillip T. Hon of, Evaistoin Sat- urday evening. Febritarv 10, atthie h4ontr o lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Mergqenthaler of 210 Catalpa place. Goig East to Council MNrs., Frank E. Church of Evanston, goes hýack to Wellesley college as presi(lent of the Chicago Wellesley chul> t attend the Graduate cotincil February 8. 9 and 10. Leaving Fri- dav of this wceek, she is goiflg on to , ew Vork to visit lier niother. and then continue on to Welesley %vithi the Nýew-v York counicillors., Farewell Tea Mmr. and Mrs. Elmer Rich. Jr., of 1314 Greenwood avenue, entertained at a fare,-ell tea Sunday. They are nioving today (Thursday) tb South BenInd. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roger Briggs, of New York, who have taken i their house. were guests, at their tea. Informai Dnner YMORE ECDNOMY SOLID FUEL, ,Quiche r Kindling a 'onger.Laating More Controllabilaty and. It is our lionest blif-au e eau baek tise daim iwith unni@- talcable PROOF that: CARRO-COKPE la the world' best Bond fui.L It- will gave you 20>% MORE hest tham eltiier C.aI or cpke. It wili ignate far faster, it wil la»t fer longer. And after you'ue hurmsed your firet tbidl .d You wMiil e delighted t. dimcover ttCARBO-' COKE produmeas NO ASH at ail. Change now to econounical CARBO-COKE for thé. bitte r ueuo dm75 ahead. Pill your bine witii this aienti&icaliy-uanufactured and skillfully-prepared fuel that ia SO HOT, 50 DEPENDABLE, 50 CONTROLLABLE that t ieetm s w ith egual èUéicietcY ** h.ating need of freezing Jwayanysd changeableI Aprili "US E NILLES COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE" Central Coal & MaterialX o. -exclusive Distributor for the North Shbore- Evanaton Translate 1400-1711 Chuircli St.., Evanston FOR QUALITY LAUNDRY AND) DRY CLEANING*- THE HOWA D A new class wilI bçgin on February 5. Day and Evening sessions.. EVANSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Studio. Building 1718 Sherman Avenue