with Hadclen Hall, andi the Bunigalow.% cial nour tnat evening. Taverni boys replaced Bleser's in sixth place, the latter teain taking ove.,r The. dancing classes seventh place.. registered a full attenda Bunigalow.N Tav crn ha*d the high second. termni ndert teain series for the evening, 2727. chairmen, Mrs. Paul Lai Ray, Rau, captaili of E delweis,1D.: Porter Einpfel,' v scoe( 63 fr tîeeveiig's higît W oolson and Mirs. Paul individual series. The best sinîgle directorS. gaine score, 252.,w~as'inia(e by George Bleser, captait) of thie,,eague-1,eaditi.- eCid Std Wilmette Tailors. Th -l td Taor Cn t Ldorganized into thiree di The Tailors are still: hianging ont hold their- meetiigs Febru that two-gainelead. After dropping . The a lhood gr'oF the first gaine to Bleser's, 944 to t4.e1au . relsCooMaonrF last Friday tbey tookAtue next t,.o10an.Mr.CMae gaines, 937 to 867 and 865 to 778. of eth i group. The Adl Bleser's hlad a higher total score, 9,eets10ia. mhe Stol buld however, 2589 to 2536.9 t1 . i r.G Rapp Brothers (Winnietka) wosn crtr.Th r- meets February 27 at 10 two gaines froni Hadden Hall, ;i, Laurel schoûl. Dr. ' are still iin second ýplace. trailing the speak to .each group on, Taihors, by two gamnes, The first tWOQ tudes." A discussion h( .gaines 'vent to Rapp Brothers,,932 to 853 and 860 to 827, but Hadden Hall toolc the tliird. .881 fo -844. This gave Our next P. T. A. Newý Rapp Brothers a total of 2636 coin- at the meeting on Febru pared to 2561 for their opponents. it we wilpublish some Kenilworth Lads Win says on Dad ." You'il The Kenilworth Markcet team cop3. Come to that "Fo snapped out of its sluimp and wi ip- Meig" Ha r ped Edelweiss in two gaines. The Sadier, a man Who need first gaine was- won by a inargin of duction to north shore au only six points, 925 to 919. .,Edet- Weiss took the second, 893 to 79W, and The P. T. A. is urgingi the market caine back to win the of girls on basketball tean third, 952 to 820. Totals were 2676 conveyances for the gii for the market and 2638 for E-del- f rom the gaines. weiss. The C. and R. Ou Men. are having We urge aIl mothers tc difficulty getting out of the cell&ir. movie lists, to employ 1 They dropped two gaines last Friday power on the. radio progra to the Bungalow Taverni, after i ob'cblrn niing one theinselves. The score of _________ the first gaine was 925 to 890 in favor of te el mn, nd te sore oftheW. of heou en ad te coes f eWîilmette. TailôrS .... ...28 last. two gaines were 949 to 832 and 'Rapp Berothers....2 M8 ýto 853 for the taverni. This gave Kenilwortb Mark.et . . .. 24 the oul men, a total of 2610 against Hadden Hall ........24 the evening's record, 2727, o! the tav- gdeIwei;s ............ 22 Bungalow Tavern . .. 20,, ern Bleser's....... .......19 -Teani standings to date follow: (. and . R. 011liMen 17 I .I~ have again lance for the the efficienît .ng and lMr,. h Mrs. Helcu W. Stade as croups h.ave divisions ana ruary e, 9,and up meets. at ýebruary. 6 at r. is secretarv. lescen-t group ng February ,rge Putnaxn School group )a,. n. at the Wright .wilI "Social Atti-, hour Âolloî';s. vs Wil be-)Ut, ruary 20, In of the "Es-, want your ounders Day William D. As0nointro- idiences. the mothers rris to supply iris to atid o check thü lots of will rais listened ago she hadi nade ber home with ber daughter. The last thirteen years of' this tume were spent in Wiliel te. Besides the daugbter, Mrs. Penni- mnan is survived by one son, N. War-: ren Penniman, and by three grand- children. The funeral services were held -Saturday at, Scottl's funeral home, 1118 Greenileaf: avenue,- with the R-ev. James. T. Veneklasen o! the- First Presbyterian ,church of Wil. metteofficiating., Miss.Dorothy Re sang. Burial was' at Memorial Park FRIED SUNDLOF DIES Fred Sundlof, father* of, Adolph Sunldlof, 1533- Greenwood avenue, died l.ast Thursday at the Ravens- wood hospital in Chicago. Mr. Sund- lof, whose home was in Chicago, was in the printing business. before his retirement, several. years ago. Be- sides the son in Wilmette, he is sur- vived by two other sons, Charles H. an)d Fred' W. Sundloi.,- both of Chicago, and one daughter, Miss Anne Sundlof, also of Chicago. Th e funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at bis late »residçnce, 1737 Colurnbia, avenue, Chicago, and burial took place at Rosehili cenietery. HOLD REGISTRATION New students registered this week at the National College of Education for the opening of the second sein- ester February -'I There are repre- sentatives fr-ou New York~, Michigan and Oklahoma amông the entering students, as well as-from the foreign territories of Estonia and Canada. TO, ENTERTAIN CERCLE The Cozy -Corner circle of the Con- gregational church will meet at the home of Mrs. A. J. )Kuelzow, 611 Greenleaf avenue, today '(February 1) for -luncheon 'and sewing. , Assisting hostesses -are Mrs. Helen Cook, Mrs. Vera Richardsoôn, and M-rs. W.- F. j ones. Reanx. a niember .of the lgl sctIool faculty. The New T 'rie r boys huilt up a.albig lead, but Evanstoti graduially wh-Iittledl it down and ini the cloinig minutes threatened to corne througiq with *a victory. ,The, rallv fell short, lîow- ever, and New 'rrier chialked 111), as third leagueý victor%. Perfect League Record 'Oak Park, Evanston ani Proviso have fallen, victims to theë New Trier .boys.'E ach of these, league teams wiIl be met ini a recturn gaine. Oak Park wvill furnish the apposition __in the next ga 1 e.. Deerfield., the fifth league school, lbas-- no freShnatn- sophoniore team. The, outstanding, player for New, Trier in the gamne Iast Saturday was Dick Campbell, center. Dick's tean- mates are. Chester Bland and Fred Kianer, forwards, and Bill Snyder andi Phil Dostal, guards. Bud Fisher also is used in the Iineup frequentlv. Eye Waukegan Game The teain lost one gaine by a clos~e margin to Waukegân, which is flot a memiber of the Suburban league. Howev er, the New Trier 'boys: get another crack at the Lake countv teain before the season is over. Besides the, regular frosh-sph gaine hast Satuirday, there was 'also a garne betweenre rse.rve freshinan- sophomore teams representing2 New Trier and Evanston. New Trier %von> by a sinali. margin. CERCLE MEETING The regular montbly meeting of the Crescent circle. wilI 'be held .on February 6, at the home of Mrs. Lawrence James, 2123 Ridge road, Evanston. Mrs. C. P. Evans an& Mrs. A T. Caîkcins will be assistant hostesses. Arthur Pape~, son of Mr. and Mrs. Josephb Pape, 1800 Walnut. avenue. entertained sixteen boys andý girls at an afternoon party Mfonday in honor of bis ninth birthday. Mo ~NI..v.o~l- \IN~IK.-'4..)~F~~W4OODS