tion wthi ýJ. Ben-I1 Mrs. Harry ne. Slhe i La urel avenue This Year Give Her the Fînest Valenfine Shes 's vrHd Dutch Miii VA LENTINE Sfeciai 2lb $ 125. I iled thOur HeartBox jdelicieus' home- flea Bo ......made candies. Our,,sPecials are always sold. out, sol hy early and avQId isappitet Other Valentine Hearîs from: 45C té $4.25 DUTCII MILL CANDIES 1187 Wuimee Avenue WiLnîette 2140 NIEVER in ail our history havé our QUALITY CLEANING as at present- 7 5ecash (or- Suits, Coats and Dresses am , f k. I ~*«~ The Chicago: Bach Singers, width MsVIIEsa Hart haei Arendt, director. ond fotinder, and wt.ith edzvii Stanley Seder, as orgqanist, wiIl preseilt a Vesper concrert ai. the WiI;nelttc Parnsu 3kfthodisi- chaarch SuFiday aftertoou; February> 11, ai 5 o'clock. This.highly talented group of women singers bas received unstinted praise froni thé leading, music critics. of Chi- cago and-other cities. karletoin Hackett, for, example,, had this to say: "ýTwelIve Young women unider the direction of Elsa Harthan Arendt ar~e devoting themselves to the singing Of Bach. TIiey have gone at it seriously, memnorized the mxusic and gained a real sense of ensemble . . . Lovely tone, al- most entirely in the ighit shadinigs, so that the natural timbre of the voices came witbout forcing; nothing hard or shriIl, weII balanced, clear and cleaîi." Edvard Moore has said: 'They are a highly trained organiza- tion with good voices, fine sense of Bach's miusic, and, enunciation clear beyond the ordinary"; adding that they give "a performiance of which. - any chorus might be proucl." MUSIC CHAIRMAN Miss Olive Qelericli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Oelerich, 12à.1. Greenwood avenue, Wilmpette, was chosen chairman of the"rmusic cor.î- mittee for the Junior prom of ,St. Mary's- college, Notre Dame, ind., which was beld Februairy 2, and of the supper dance on the following day..11f Fe B. Frisbie. to Speak at Highcrest meeting The Parent-Teacher association _o i the Highcrest ,school will have Fath- ers' Night at its meeting Tuesdav eveimng, February 13, at the school. F. B. Frisbie, faculty advisor of the Ncw Trier Hi hsdool Tri-Ship Bovs' club, will be the speaker. His subject is, to 'be "Responsibilities, ni a. Father." Mrs. Gýeorge Simons of WVilnmettc-. soprano, will entertain the miembers with two German selections. Mrs. RaYmond Murphy will accompanv hier at the piano. Music during the remainder of the evening will be by Paul Steinke of Chicago, concertina player; L. Rav '- mnond Murphy, principal of the High- crest school, banjo; and Herbert Ktis- mertz, violin. The program will be followved by- refresbmnents and a social hiour, dur- ing which the bostesses will be Miss G;ertrude Hartman and Mrs., Carl1 Heniricks. MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN. Miss Shirley Ross and Miss Helen Watson' of the American Coniser-va-% tory of Music are begi nning the sec- ond termn of *their musical kindergar- ijtl 1152 Central Avenue Wilmette 320 8'12Z CENTRAL AVE. ýWIL.3303- m Wilson, be luncl