Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1934, p. 10

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danicng clu ast Saturday evenisig. IGNITION-.- !he igni.tion. system. of your car à. the heart of the motor. A béore or worn wlire may cause you to. loue O' of the. eliciency, ofYour, engine. We -co check your wiring and ignition quickly end accuiately, therehy saving you. ranclhneediess expense. j~ Btt.ry In*pection FMI' Buake Test.hmg 73 12th Stroet WILMETTE 50 rcise Prescripti onists, You can be positive that ypur prescription wiii bo fllled bore ex- aetly in the manner ordered by, your pliysieian,. Plus a most ex.- acting check against erroro,. baoked by years of experience. Vaientine's Day is next Wednes- day-make your seloctions from our elaborate, attractive Uines. la#Widv 1104 Wilmett. Ave., Mai13 of these children are attend- ing for the morning period only- f romn 9 to I11 :30 o'ciock"-and the teachers are anxious to extend the afternooiî service to more employett. inothers., The rnorning session is for ail WVilmette pre-séhool children, wvhose parents. wish thieni to have 'the benetit of nursery, school activ.*tieso, even thoiughý the mothen is not em-' ployed., Ho.weve r, 1the inothers of children cared for .on the atternoüns after 3 o'clock, or who take naps nmtist be employed 'or otherivise parm- ticularly iii need.of such service. ThIis stipulation is mandeý so as not, to in-, fringe upon the employment of pet- sons who care for -children in, tha af- ternoons .While the: mothens are àt- tendiigý social activîties. It is planned to divide thenmorning group, into two classes with the oldér children in the afternoon group froni 1I to 3 o'clock. *These. children i a- tending for haîf days need not. be those of enployed mothers. Aiiy youiiger childtèn of iempIoyred trith- ers attending for the entire da' wIll have their afternoon- naps froni 1 to 3 o'clock. It is uirged that those registered for the half-day session will attend the nursery school every day, as regular habits are stressed as an im- portant part of the nursery school prograni. Ilr s. M. LeRoy Minor, 929 Sher- idan road,1 was hostess at a smafl bridge luncheon on Manday in honor of Mrs. Mril1jm MW. Wheelock of Kenilworth, wbo is Icavi lg soon for, a sojouril in California. Nîrs. LoNvell Snorf and her small son, Charles, and her mother, Mrs. J. Roberts, 717 Elmwood avenue, left Sunday for Palmi Beach, Fla., where they expect to stay a nonth. OrCIENTRA SHOE REPAIR Stoeafor Af e. Wilmtt. 2439 H. S. Martlhail, 624 Eider, laise, W"ipipetka,' who wat appointtcd. New Trier towumhip assessor 41 tise Townshçlip board laçsi Septeibe; tO fil a vacapicy caused, by the resig>ecaioii of George, R. Hor- bàugh of 1219 Forest aicoii(ë Wil- mette, nias re-appointed b 'v the board MondaY eveiiing for a four- year terrn. ILegion Auxiliary J Wilmette Unit 46 The regutlar meeting of the An- enican Legion Auxiliary, Wilnmette Post 46, will be held at the homne of Mrs. WVilliam R. Wilson, 315 E~ssexc road, Kenilworth, Monday evening, February 12.. at 8:15 o'clock. Mrs. Marie Suthers, national de- fense chairmnan and vice-president of the Departnient of Illinois, -who hias just returned from W~ashington, wil be the speaker of the evening. Mrs. Suthers is a splendid orator and 1ill tell us many interesting points wlîich are so vital to us at presenlt. Pupils. of Mrs.. Alice Stade's danc- ing class will furnish the musical part of tbe prograrni Bv Ph. the two vacanicies on,.te etiinaîwurtli Village board will have no opposi- tion iin the sîediai.lection Tuesday., February 20, when two new trustees are to be chosen. The date for filing petitions for Candidates lias ýexpired, and no OP- position 'ticket 'las appeared. It is pointed ont,. however. that there is always the pôss*il)ilitv of naines, be- ing writtei in 'on thé ballots. Chase W. . ,o%,c. 422 Cuinnor road. aind, Harold, F. Tidernan. 138 Abing- don'avenue, are the two iionîinees of the Kenilworth Citizens' Advisory, .comnîiittee. for the positions on the Village, board nmade vacant by the. recent res ignations of,' Harry V. Crooks and- Richard Wolfe. 1The.connttee wbich' made the nominations i s headed by julius A.. Petersen, president of the Kenilwortli school -board, and is comnpos.ed of presidents of every cîvic, social and« church organization in the village. Mvrs. Charles Howard Bent, presi- dent of the Kenilworth Neighbors, is vice-president of the comrnittee, and Mrs. Gilbert W. Kelly, president of the Kenilworth Garden club, is'secre-, tary. The. trustees chosen, at the :spe- cial electiôn on February 2Q0 will serve until the spring of 1933, dur-. ing the unexpired ternis of Mr. Crooks and Mr. Wolfe. Mr. Crooks hias nioved to New York, and Mr. Wolfe feit that hie should resign- fromi the board-because bis business keeps bill' out of town inuich of t he time. BACK FROM CRUISE Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Hawxhursi. Jacqueline, Peter, and Sue, returned la-t Friday to their home at 618 Es- sex road, Kenilworth, after a four weeks' cruise to Havana, Santa Elena.. South America, thnough the, Panarni Canal to* Central America, Mexico,, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Their son.: Stephen, who attends the Ulniversity of, Chicago, 'stayed at' school. 4h new Mr. and.Mrs. 1. A. Archambault' &venue will entertain their bridge club. at Wil. 119 dinner Saturday, February 10, at their ýhome, 300 Sheridan road,.eiwrh

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