Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1934, p. 12

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anld the ment are urgea to be presentL The musical programn arraflged by' 'Miqls Erma Rounds, director. le as fol- lows: Prelude, "In a Bo5at," Ceckwer: p'ntlben. *"Thi, V-ist I n nnhbe re d Throng," Grieg, Uldwa.rd Otis and the c'hoir,, Offertorv, solo, "Today If Yc Will Hear Hfs Voice," Rogerjý. Mr. 011e: PoStlude, "Arabesque", (G major), De- Thie Ipstor's lans for those who.,wieh 10 prepare for church membership will meet at 9:30 o'clock at the church. The Bible. echool meets, ait 9:30 ln al classes anld departtments., The Aduit Bible class meets at 9 :46 n'clock. A content le on betw,een the: men and the. women of the class. We are studying the, great meëss-ages tfrom the' prophets. led by the' pastor. Tie, C'hristian. Endeavor isociety %,will nieet nt 5 :30 o'clock in tht' ehapel.* Thé, topic for discussion wIl be, "Real Amertcantesm." The $Sunday Evenfing club at the Von- "'i'erational ehurelu %v'lll presulît',Eller>v WaIter. traveler, ln an a.ddress on '*Ex- periences in the' Far East." Monda y evening at 8 o'clock there will be a Union communion service o!. the' Presbyterian rhurches of the nortb shore at the' Second Presbyterian church of E9vanston, Hinman and Main streets. Dr. 'Paul A. Wolfe o! the, ('îî"l f,1Evanet"tn will bring the mne-- Boy Scout troop No. 5 wil meet t the church at 7 :30 o'clock Monday' evening. The' Woman'ssociety will hold itt an- nual 'National Praise Service Tuesdayv afternoon. Tea ivill be served at the meeting by Spolie No. 11, Mre. Fred Simmons,. chairman. The *romen are cordia'lly invited., *Aîotht-r Chuî'eh Nigbit %ill be helti Wednesday eveinJg. Supper 'wili be serve<l at 6:30 o'eloclc. The" devotional service will follow. Tvo discussion groupa. will meet after the devotionals, one studying "Eastern Women," andi the other. '"Chrtanity and Industry In America." Beservations muet be made by Monday evening. The chorus choir meetsfor rehearsal, Friday evrening at 7 W'clock. This Saturday evening, February 10i, the Christian Endeavor baskeýbal.l teami will play the Deerfielà church team ai Stolp school gymnasium. Admission is free. Thé, gamie Is nt 7 :30 ' o'cock., dren of God and St. John'Q welcflweS you tn Its Lenten services. At the' nexi monthly 'meeting o! al voters Tùesday evening three tuew mient- bers wi , 1- 1 e formally accepted, aas votinz miembers. Klndly be pre.sent The'Juior Young, People'.-4.eociet3' has spent',éonsiderable time iu arrangging a epecial program for its meeting Friday evening to make the' meeting lnteresting for al] the' members. We welrome 3'ou to oui' Suniday morn- lng, andi Wednàeqdn.yeveninigservicee. Rngolisk Lutheran Seventh Qtreet ai Greenleaf Wilmette '*A Hoüse of Worship" The 11ev. Davidi R. Kabele.- pastor. SUI.4y SERVICEs4 Bible school Morninig worship Luther league 9:45 a. m. .11 a. m. 5 :30 p. m. Tho Junior Luther league, iit meet on 'îlnday- evening. ai 5 :30' n'riock. Mtinroe Mînson will be the speaker. Catecheticai clas-ses will nueitMonday Li 4 o'elnck andi Tuosday at 3 :30 o'cloek. Thet'Senior Luther lepague i* 1,- nga -Pot Luck" Supper on Monda y tvening, !February 12., at 6:30 o'clock. Make your reservationt4 by phoning Wilmet.te 1234.1 Aeh- Wednesday service, Wednesday evenlng. February 14, at 8 ýo'clojck., The' Woman's cociety ivili holti their worl< meeting at the home of .Mrs. Frank Staab, 124 Fifth street. Wilmette. on Thursday afternoon, February 15, ai 2 o'clock. On Frilay afternoon at 2 o'ulock the' wonien will Jota .wth the other rhurches, ti the' commu ntty at St. Augustine'q Episcopal church, in the Wo6fld Day of Prayer service. Choir rehearsal1 Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Wee ofPryer Fbrury19 10 -,31 will be observedby the' wornen o! the Missionary sociletN* with Individual prayer services on MNenday anti Tuetstay and joint prayer services on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday aià the parsonage at 1 o'clock. Chaplain W. H. RUth, of Camp Skokie Valley, %will deliver. the' sermon ai the sýervice of-'ivorship Sunday . iorning. Stage Manager: F'rank Guthridge. Sunday is "Young People's Day of Responsibillty." There will be special items ln church school, under thie lea- dership of the departinent superintend- ente. At the morniflg worship, Il o'clochk, young niembers of the churcçh wiflln- vite parents and friends to be present. Appropriate nmusic and a niossage on "Wtlhpt the Ohureh Expect,, of Youth- will be features. In the Young people.'»- meetings,, visitors wvill be sought. Theý B. Y. P. V. rmeets in the Guild rooni at $'o'clock. The Sunset club meets with Ardis Reid at 601 Lake avenue.. "Around the Li brary Table" will be the. setting for the midweek meeting next. Wednesday 'at 8. Several members wdll c6fmment on books rfead, wtth an emphasis on! understanding the spiritual prolemeq of oui- da>. The men of the congregation are urged to save Friday.evening, February 16 for an old-fashioned "'get-together.. at. the church. An. able committee c'on- sisting, of Joseph Dingle, Alfred Heer- ens, Earl Carlson and Frank Guthridge is at work on plans. Methodist Church l(ex. ()scar Thos.,Oison, D. D mninstci Ernlest Lynn Waldorf, D, D.. LL. D., ouru own Chicago area ihp %vîl prcach at the, il o'clock worship service next Sunday morning, Febeuary 11. Ail menibers andi frientis of the cliurch wilI be happy tt' welcomfe hlm to the pulpiýt. The ininister, of this church, %vili be the guest preacher at the WNesley- founda- tion, University où illinois, Sunday, Feb- ruary'l1. The imush for the 11i 'clock wor-sh ip 0evie ,r Sulicay inornling w~iil be as follows: Organ Prelude: "Allegro" .Rogers ~Andanite- Rogers Introit: "0 Taste and See" os Antheni: "Lord, for Thy Tender Mr cies' Sake" ............. . Farran t Otfferîtor' Antheni: C Thy Burden upon the Lord". .. Meindelssohn Organ, Poàtlude: *"Finale" 1 Rogers The Chicago: Bach Singers wiIl pre-ý sent a Bach program .at the 5 o'clock Vesper .service. this Sunday eN7ening, February Il. This chorus is composeti of twelve Young wonien under the direc- tion, of Elsa lartlian Arentt wh o a re devoting themseelveu te the, signgf -Bach. 1Edwin Stanley Setiringthe (organist,. The Bach Singers are higlily tî'ained, and ail1 vho attend ii Vespeî' se~i~wiil greatly enjoy the splendid mutsic. Invite. Your neighbors andi friendis to attend w~ith Vyou. Ail I3lessi The' \V 'm1a11f's Forigu issionary Nvl'î ill ineet today, Thursday1, F'eh- ruary 5N, at 2 o'clock. Topic: ."The Woril Pence Situýionl." Tbe "Chiurcli Nighit" >- rani 'I'hurs.çday night, aid,,nex t Tii îscla y niglit promises to be of aînu-mual interes,ýt ,to everyone. Dinner will he Sreiat 6 :0. her .ill b1 t sevice of %worship froîn - :30 1< S undetr the direction of the imîiiist".. ronm 8 to 9 the following four ,specific inierest groups ivili mleet: Group l-"Studies lit Religiotns Devel- opinent.". Leader: Dr. Lýeslie L, Fuller of Garrett Biblical. institut.e. Februàr.N S-"*Tle Probleinof-Su fferlng." Febru- ary 15-"Outside 'Nations: a Gro ving. Gro up 1-CneisrîvLite rature anti Current Events." Februiairv SF- *'Oui of My Life andti Totght",by AI- bert Schiveitzeriwill 1w reviewed 1)3'Dr. .William D. Schermerhorni. F*'briuary 1.5 -"Russia: Blevsm" Dr. :Dan Brtininuitt, edi tor (of the'N~thetr Chr'istian, Adioatt". 15 the sp eaker. Dr.. Brinuimittî recently sî)tnt a s-u1lumer Ila Russia. He is a keen observe,'with a sure i111tinct fori-interpreiing whnt he obs erve. 11e bi-onighi (ouitihe finest .cil- lection (of Rumssian l)rtmagaflapostei- iioýv in America. *Group 1IH-"Tli4- Meatiiing <(o ,>dfor Young Pepe" l41tr everend M. S. Harvey, Fehbril.ti* - "oriandtI n- ni l Suffering" <bc'o6k by E. Stanley' jones). Febrn a l'y 15 "The' Goti of Je- qroup 1V-Tht c'hoir'. underi l)e direc'- tion o! Miss Marie Briel. The 1)àlt Dy o"t' PI'a3er is Februirn' 16. The Wilitiette service -vill be helti ai 2 o 'c'ioek in St. Aiigustine'sý Episcopal Speaker at tht' .afteî'no4on tnd le\'eli'ng -q ns of the Wor-lti Day of Prayer, vrogrami at the Chicagio temple Friday, February 16. The aft'nioon programn wviIl be ai.1I:30 andi the' evening program at 7 :30. There wili b(-,ari outstanding speaker covering borne tlelds at the InOrning session from 10 :30 -t c,12 :30. There wil be. Red i ('rsît.ewing àai 13 on Tuesday, atth urb Ai women are lnviied to belli Witb ýthis: Work. Please hu'iing tiown s"nd- 'viches. The firsi annual Father anti SOIn ban- 'uet i'i be helti ai tht' el -iFel)ruiarv- t6,.FrldaY. Ail fathers8 andi son.s are ;tsked to kçeep ibhis dlate i in mmd. Isaàac Greyearth o!fanrea . S. ID., is to be the speakers, the' high 8cbool league players wil1 present a ec-avt p lay. andi the New Trier octt. wNili sing.' The Friendly Indlais, will1 take a spe- cial hike at this iveek's mleetinlg, uinder the leadership (_f Howtv<ti Decker. anti Stanley Cocbran. . Boyvs are tb jeýet at ,lie church at 4 p.Di --w n ~ .Y..ou ae cc,.7iauy i vtt'd to bear the' entire sereS. The ftret of the Leiten eamon services wMJ be hleld wodnesday evening, Feb- ýrýuwx11) - - - in q-- ajor M rc 'i Jude ... Arth~**ur* Scott ' --: ar~h -Our Actual World of Spirit .îag ..P.: .Arbtr cot ong P*ole.. . * ofand Life. Counsel forPlaint ....George E. iac The PeYe' uiptr fthe N arch 18-Tht' Necessary ueino Foreman of Jury . Ben Richarde Epwort)i league will meet Sunday eve- Religion. ueino ,Bath!!. ........... Walter 0. liaas ning at 6 o'cdock. Dr. Harris Franklin i'larch 25-Tht' ReaiCharacter o! Jesus. Bridesmaide: Anna Gertrude - Orvte, Rall of Garrett Biblical inetitute will be Jante Guthridge, Ruth Phelps, Ora the' speake'r . The musical program for next Sun- Phelps, Jane Blaylock, Shirley Lea-- day's service te as follows: 1son The H-igh School chapter o! the Ep- Prelude: 'AdneIeahqe"Pno Jurymen: Z. A. Plarkhurst, Lee Bla.y- worth.league wIll meet Sunday evening Anthem: "I sought the Lord". Stevenson 1 k, David *Haas, B.- W. Shearer, Dick aI 6 :30> olock. Mr; N.' C. McPherson Offertory: Prayer",..Alkan..Fraeck Joh son,. BobJohnsoni, George Wil- will be the speaker. Quartet: ."By the Waters of

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