Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1934, p. 16

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10 Nirs. Hazelet andi Mrs.1 for the chocolate and to 'Mrs.1 for the sweet rolls.-Phylilis iock, scribe, TrOO.P At our remitt meeting WC ent outside -and played comnpass and sig- nal gamnes. %Ne studied the sun'spo;-)î lion and ihow ils position wilf be 0o1 Mfarcli 21. ThenWe came ini andi learneti some more signai letters and low to tise a signal flag. Next week we. have to know what limne the .suni sets. and rises every morning thiis. week.-Joan Ross, -scribe. Tro" 3 The, Girl, Scouts at their meeting Monday passed lests. Some of them pÏssd "The Star Spangled Banner.» se"d ibis tbey had to iearn tbe first Ud last vierse of the. song.> Tbey aiso had some dances. They had a very ice meeting.-Peggy Marsiî, scribe. Mr. andi Mrs. T. A. Suseni of 71 Linden avenue left Saturday fcr New York on a business trip, M r-. Susen to -stay in the east for fou r or five days. 'Mrs. Susen to be away. than 10 percent' of the 6.000 persons1 tbus represented were able to mneet the smail clinic fee. In addition, 10 percent of the total number of patients hospitalizeti r eceived atlen- dion and service free. while another 67 percent paid only a: part of the cost of care igiven lhemf. Proceeds froin Hospittl Suniday are used to defray in part the operation deficit thus inicurr-ed.. Tbis deficit lasI ea tota led $74.«00 before depreciation. Sermon Services Feature of Lutheran Lent Season The Minmette English Lutheran church wiil holti Lenten; services Wednesday evenings duringLent at 8. o'clock, beginniig, with Asb Ved-. nesday, February 14.ý The Rev. Davidi R. Kabele,,pastor. wiIl preacl a. series of sermons 'on "the most awesome mystery in the history of Christendom." "'The facts of the last week, stress-, ing particularly tbe trial, deatb and resurrection of Jesus, given f reina, historical, psychologicai, andi legal viewpoinl ivilil be given - in a most practical mnanner 'which wil le very nteresting to ail," Mrs. Kabele ex- plains. "To hear the first sermon. mill iîslilt a desire- 10 hear the entire séries. Many quiestions *whicb yout have always asked yourself concertu- ing the events of 'the last week of the life of our Saviour' w~iii be an- We art. going 10 iake up someC niorning to reati the pitîful andi ter- rible report that the young son, or dauighter, of a Wilmette familv lbas been injured, or killed, whiie riding i icyçc after dark. M4ustsucb a catas- trophe occur in' the, home of 1saine neighbor before the rest of uis take a simlie step of precaution? Bicycles are being riiden ati nighit .without carrying.ights, reflectors, or any means of wvrning motorisîs, that imminent causes of danger are aheati. I hati such. a "close cal"ý last night that my biood is stili cold-thrée boys on the wrong side of /the street., ith- out, a, visible, sigti of any kind that they were nfear. Parents may no be able to control1 their chiltiren in respect bo the side of the street used as tbey ride up1 andi dow n our thor oughfares, but dot you do not thinük that it is a, definite ý and unescapable duty and responsi- bility of, the parents 10 equip the bi- z cycles of their childeen wlth sucb de- vises for "after dark" riding as will adequately protect the chiidren-to say nothing of compiying with the law? It is mwell within reason t0 believe that a little prominent publicity on this subject - in your valuable paper may lie the means of saving life and im;b-and prostration for botb par- ents and luckiess motorist. Wake up the parents. It is their -respoilsibility.C VTery, sincerely yours, I W, C. Farrar. dence of their respective- eiectors. Thev are mnost closely in touch with their voters. It mus 1t necessarily fol- low that no polilical organizatio~ coulti long exist or succeed withou<ý, the heip of these committeemnet. Compete andi efficient cooperation aniongý thein couid turn the tidé of an%. election. Thev nominate. the judges. of the Superior court and are'inenibl)rs liv l1aw of the .county convnltions of the res.pective, parties. It. therefore, becomes entireiv ai- parent that the quality of *their po-: litical :parti- is determined iw *thle jutality of its precinct comunitteenmen. unfortunate that able andi high class men and women ofteni hes itate 10 4e candidates for this office. If thie e lectorate coulti be educated to real- ize the importance of this very foun- dation of the respective, parties and induced >t0 look mbt the qualities and character of the. candidates for pre- rinct committeemen in their respec- tive -districts, -and -elect able andi con- scienlious men and women b tlhose positions, the political complexion of pur two great parties in Ainerica couid lie chianged within a surprising- iy short peniod of lime.ý At the com~ing April p)rimaries pre- cilict commiiitteemen wil be aga in eiected in vour district, b3 the above parties to ,serve for a period of îtvo -ears.. WVach the caliher of thlese candiidates andi elect able andl efficient pers.ons ta those offices. -Citizen. "POT LUCKP' SUPPER The Senior Luther league of the Wiimette English Lutheran chtirch is givilng a "Pot Luck", supper for the leaguers and thieir friends Mfonday- evening, February 12, a t6:30 o'clock,. Mrs. Adam WN. Crawford of 710 Cenitral avenue, left Tbursday of las t week for Palm Beach, Fia. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN Editor, WIL'IETTE LIeF: IUnler the present svstem, of Amecr- ican government il' lias been thie.cts- tom 10 conduct eleclion campaigns fit the names andi under thee manag e- ment -of the lwo great. political. par- lies. .republican 'andi denocratic. These two parties miaintain. more or iess efficient machinery -tbrough wbich andihy mwhich tbe%, conduct the business, perpetuate tbe principles and manage the varions, primarv anti WINS JANITOR JOB Paul Nanzig, 335 Ridige avenue. lias been appointed to the position of. j anitor of the Village hall. Thiere'be-' ing a number of applicants, al i o %vhom were quaiieti andi deserving oIf the job, the, comniitt±ee of: the Villacge board having the malter ini charge decidedti 10make the selection- hy lot. Ini the drawing Mr. Nanzig we Miss Elizabeth Baihaîclict, 7 25 Tenîli street, is ieavi ng FridaNy for 'WflmelI+ 100oo * Movtgg. oo ration 11e Demrbomm St. Cir Wbeel Chairs Kentcd Crutches anid Invalid Supplie Orthopac4mc Braces d484:I 1, 1- 1

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