You Will Find a Complete Lmne of These Leading RADIOS' in LVonflHealg's Epanst on .store: RCA Victor Philco Slto mb.rg- Carison> -MiJget- Radios and Exchang.d Sefs EASY' TERAJ$ ITOU & EALY I 615 Davis St. Evanston Open Evenings ASSASSINA* 01 PRESIDE1T LII The ,Presideit Shot at thi Thbeatre List Evening. SECIUTARY Sà-WÂRD DAGM~ED IN13H18 ED MOT MORTALLY WOaNDED. Clarence andi Frcderiek Sew- ard BAdly Htrt. ESCAPE OF THE, ASSASSIN&a Scelle at the e hbol. 0 3fr. "icoin. *0lAt. O, .0 .4 tIlt ., tt.t ~4 Ot .tt ...t,.tlt...,.,,.,tq.tlal I. Clati bt,4. ,, t .1 et.0kt lb t....,.*.4..t.t b..tlbîl.ta lb... I ..,flabI,.t..111.6 ...lta.l 0,0,1,. JO,,.. b.d.,, <0~. ~b4l. tbttà'..tbt. lb, LI*Ofibtob. lb. .,.attabt lb. bÇ.t01.bOJ *,,lt.0t, t.t.tb tOI. .1.1 b.d b...rn.b b. I......,'ttt a.. bfl.tll..aI, 14.b....î,îtt. ..', l.olbe.elt bfl.tlbl. ,,,..,t, a... ,,,,t, ,tt.0t lLîbn.a.W - Il.... bld .0 t..4t5... tabtnb* t0..attt*Itaa.tb.. ~ 0.tt4*b0.b~CS1004b O.. ho., b~ ttî lJn..ttn. .,.îao.z lb.t, ..t,......,,tt,.,,. t....t 4.~t., %autoo.b. 1...,,,, .400140.. t'0.t.ttaltl. tt Sbtt~t~lt.~.oît.t,4..Ob,4aba b,.. 1,,.at0..tttaotjb,,., I....ably,..t. 4..,410t.IablSbbt 00,. ta.Stttl.O.t..l twa.dtbtOOO MI Ct. .tattb.. O'~dtt 00410 Ab..tbb.kb t.t..4. 1,10.1,041,4.' tfibttt4tlb. .*b* * 10 d, lOb lb~ .104,1 OtIt,.., .lOI.bO.b..41.4.....t.4.tbt%*Jab*bt.flOs.. I. Flot. lb.. .1,l..ta bOl,.tttt îlOt ~ * l~ * tit Y.,r PUEfl BU~ATOWhS. W...a .o.*.4 Ob-l.~4. B. SECOND DllPbTfU. *...-.t... *ptbt nb-ta K - l~.athb.oO 1.141 ..t.1 tlt,.lbb<b - btbbt .-..nîp 00.0, fb. b. t.. Addl* laI DOtait, Sf tha A,...aOa- 51100. tvtot'.a.OIt Il t . .t,..,tt4..l ta O.. l*Ob~O. r,... ,I. . b t I .,,bt,.,ttt.b,.l t'....III. t t tgl0b tt.. S.t,,*tt.4 ....4t.,4tt0,. 'b t.t.j'- *ta~V sIII.dn .,,.'la NTtao the -,,,'lbaO '"i 7 .. i.b40*lWthL«: -j moi... . t, J..,e4n0 Deluao& rollowers. ii as Ilu îrail or RcIuOd a &esslag i Pt Fru os IlewuIi He Vainly Promis Iot.HOM Lee aa UBIlOim Amy f4mPPOOO te be Nef. Ikknridge &o4 tb ia R av i s' CWel letcbb oyvltle Saflt. Ilt.. Adaî ta îtcSîhh.t-ýtrth f t t. P:, . &4. Je«0. Davis> Lest P,ocatanalê. t .t., 4.,,t.t4Ot4,,.lt L..o.AMI Supo#,d te. 1- <a Bah ftoi" ÇIOIO e te ete. fr tt.ti '.,.? ...< . 1. mot4...totîn..c., . 0-t1. The OtSafl 0f 00.. Va,.c.. et tOafli 0.,.UO.. fidabainE Danatat La. I. U..10m1110 Ut. Liha.tna Ta..... 'ttb.t'..Ob.I...l.4...btt 0*0W~t .1.., 1010. s tO~t !'.t.tdby Il... talat *..0t~0.t tt0tt .1 O t t ;....î... .btat0t,4.trlt~.~,. , lb. Wuie iooki;iy litron q/i hsolii<' old books reccîui/ l y Vr's. 1,*. C L 1016 J inei<fai<lZIii-mie, j/>11<a11<a *.fonid coPv of the e Vw York Jlraid of .rpril 1,5,1865. ciportiton of flie first pageof 7u'ijî'î .r .,p,.<,,/icftlad <il>e The paper is age-1/oweil andi so frai! thal il casi -lw, hlisdie Il : z1. -jllîcxl re ie cap»,-. <ithe ,,,I/u ilhillien .I accounîls of the assassinatioui of Presjde,îl .1bra/imLiuicolln and Pi~e alltu pis zîpon fl,<, liveqs <f Ç,ogt.. ofStat.-< Sezeard and lis brother, tlIia'es i nutr ai le l>I/uc lPa per il.,show~zig thia <iiIer'.-iuci'ini sIvie laJ leh 1 cS- papers of lizat limec and thliýte loPolilaii dailies of tihe .<ç< Thu e rv .ý nall tp tinuscd zwolld brin<fl, pu- ?;serons coinplaints -if nsed tloday. j1,s. attI~/~açci cOPIidlca1,>iî'.îzuta if) fi t' 1opiy as a<i ih islric jt/< . 1 le joseph Sears scliooî.basket- ball teanms of Kenlwvorth w~on fotir .-aInes froîn Park Ridge last FridaN, af .ternomn. Thien thie followisg norui- ing the Central sciool teanus from Gleticoe mpet Joseph Sears at .'ul wortii. Four of the ive gm pl .av ed went to Joseph Sears atnd tI:e ioth resulted i iia tie. In the Park Ridge gaines the K r îlAlorth 75-potiid teapi, led Inb-~Cn Stilinian and Glenn Anderson, was,, ivictoriouis, 5 to 3. George Sinon and IDick O'Connor figuired proninently ini thie 85-pound teamn's 15 to 14 ,. je- i . .. .Kenilworth Gagers Petr LHueterWin Tourne y Game I L egion A ux~iiary Thle Kenilw~ortil Spiderso exteBdehl Pete J. uertr .Pst 69. \ Eveing Aniieritaii bas:ketball tourna- encn eginamIit auiîarv .. ment N ul niglîht at.. the Kenil-. wort i Neiii'rialgnlas u ihen have a iias<îteradte for meznbers auild1tlhev defeated the .Red 'Vnsof Chi- friends Saturday even ing., Febrtiarv cg 3t 3 10. at 8 o'clock ini the legion ýcil) rooil. \Vilnîiette, avenue near Ridge. leSier haeis I m - -gainse liutournainent Conipetition. lie-a uxiliarv %wiIIlIiis eulrTh îa t yvas, to the. aelAhei meeingM odav~ F hr: club. 'F'his gaine vas protested, hloi- 12. at , udr , JrwlI eani seaof the fact that the bosmore. tliani 17 years oid. Blue EafIe Weather. (1,,~I.- -__, wiis ~ ieaGing s orer u me nacé.ir i i -oU n Miss Marie t.reenwood, 1137 Ash- ~ tiDU M I gweight divis~ion. land avenue, is entertaining a siali ~f1 'I5JRobert Townley, director of phy- group of Chicago friends for lunci- 11 V sical ediication at JosephSears, states con today. f O R that the Kenilworth teams xviîl go to -o Glencoe for return games iltN*-wo Mrs. Gilbert Kelly was luncheon weeks. Mr. Townley also is trYitig Io hostess to lier bridge club) Wednesday arrange games with OesPia.i es pîub- at ber home, 412 Cumnnor road, Ken-. ________________________lic gcbo)ols. ilworth.. vvest, Chicago, wiIl entertain th.,-ir bridge club at dinnér Wednesday, February 14. Mrs. Albert Vincent Sieren, .114 Fifth street, has returned froMni ~ - ami, Fia., where she sipent a month at the Miamni hotel.