Acquaintanceship *with lands across the seas and somie of their polms Will be gai'e next Wednesday at the Wonan's Club of ,Willtteý wheit members assemlfo their ail-day session. and. their, first International day., Speak- ers, both moruing' and after- noon, many of them students Who Ihave found in, Chicago and on thenorth shore colleges and universities Where they are con- tinuing their 1education, ivili --givê-ort. talks about the lands of their birtb, with 'music as an interlude. M-ass Verali Wright of the -Amieri- eau Red Cross will come before the club in the morning to describe "In- ternational Relations With the Juniosn Red Cross." Yoshlko Kun, with her "Message f rom japan," and Elonda Roeberg, bringing "Grcetiugs, f rom Esthonia,' are two students from the National College of Educa- tion who are included ou the program.. In addition to their taiks, Joe Toma. from Bagdad,- who is stuciing at. Northwestern University, wili discuss "The Proben of the Npar East."~ Luncheon au 1 o'clock divides morn- ing and afternou prtogralns, the lat- ter of which commences at 2. Wesley Green, a member of, the student activity committee of Inter- national House au the University of Chicago, is, speaking oh "Contribu- tion of International House to World Peace." The Orient is representedii two other speakers, P. M. Titus, from India, who ig now a. student at the Chicago Theologiv:al: seminary, and Nousheng Liýn, a fellow in political science au the University of Chicagoý- The former takes for bis subject, "The Philosophy of Gandhi," and the Becaus-e of lher >residenicy >vof-the junior auxiiarvy of, the IWomia,'s CIud o/ Wi1rnette, Miss Poroth3* Hall is ait ex.-officio mnember of thec cotmisttee ' »' charge of thse large charity bridIge tea and çlvle show t/se juniors are givipng Saturday of 'ts week b aid those in *ecd.I Skokie'D. A. Re lo' Hove Shewl Exhibit "Shawls" will be the subject of the program of the Skokie Valley chap- ter of the Daughters of the Anaerican Revolution at the meeting Monday, F'ebruary 19, at the home of Mrs. Frederick Bowes, 1140 Greenwood avenue, Wilimette. A buffet luncheoit at 12:30 will, precede the. meeting. Mrs. George H.,,Weaver wiii be the' assisting hostess. The members are asked by Mrs. J. K., Fariey, Jr., program chairman, to bring their shawls-old and mod- ern 'and to tell soniething about them. Mrs. R. C. Johnston wilI be tihe SThe Wornan7s (atholic Club chorus, ,under the ýdirection of. Mlrs. Harry Bettinghaus, wiIl present tWo groups of songs, "ýWhere'E'er You Walk," by Handel,:anid 'Gute Nacht,":a German folk song, Friday after- noon of this week whien the fine arts, departiment meets in, the lounge Of the Woman.'s club at 2 o'clock.' That is flot ail of the music to bc heard, for ifrs. Robert F6ntham. wilIl -sing: two 'solos, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," and "Vespýers." 1 Pa-: tricia* Fisher, a daughter of one of. the members, will play two piano sols A la Bien Aimée," by Schutt, and. "4Coasting," by -Cecil Burleigh.. Two vocal solos by. Ursula Hejas will be "B irthday" by k .-Huntington Woodman, and "When Roses Blooml," ~by. touise Reichardt. The following members compose' the club chorus: Mrs. Theodore Barrett, M4rs. E., B. Cunningham, Mrs. John J. Downey, Mrs. Russell Flood, Mrs. 'Robert. Fontham, Mrs. Banford Langi, Mrs. William Genuer, Mrs. Howard Hickey, Mrs. William Heiss, Mrs. Richard Kent, Mrs. P.. J. Kirwan, Mrs. J. W. Lechner, Mrs. Harry Mc- Dermott, Mrs. Charles Norman, Mrs. William Otter, Mrs. Albert Starrs, and Mrs. Carl Schaeffer. A ten-mirn,te lesson in better Eng- lish by Mrs. Frank X. Thale, a debate by four tuembers of Mrs, Maurice H. Lieber's Parliamentary law class, Mrs. Henry Dalton, Mrs. Theodore H. Barrett, affirmative, Mrs. Edward F. Cummiskey and Mrs. Howard. Hickey, negative; aý revieu- of "4A Watch ini the Night"1 given by Mes. George. H. Beaudin, and a table. set.- -ting .contest with a bine ribbon awarded by popular vote., will coni1- plete the afternoon. Mrs. William Barron, Mrs. E. Hf. Blameuser, and Mrs. Clyde Hunter arc the hostesses. '. on March ý Personnel for in Evens. 15, 16, The Illinois State con ferencé. of the Dauighters, of the Ameri-. ; can ýRevolution will nieet at, the. *Woman'S club of Evanston March .14, 5,and 16. :The North Shore *chapter, wvith Mrs. Ross J.Beatty as regent, the Gliencoe' chapter, ýwith Mrs. .Francis S. Grahani, as regent. the Skokie Valley chapter, with Mrs. Charles S. Jackson aý- re- gent,1 and the Fort Dearbortu chapter, with Mrs. Charles P. Reynolds as regent, wilI bu hostesses to the state con fer- ence. Mrs. C. P. Reynolds of. Evanston isý general chairman. The conimittees, theïr chairmen and memblers aré: Finance-Mrs. C. S. Jackson, of .Winnetka, chairman; Mrs. Marquis J. NeweiI and Mrs. Charies C. Bulk- .iey of Evanston, and Mrs. Sewell Truax of Highland Park. Flowers and Decorations. - Mrs. Francis S. Grahamn of Giencoe, chair- man, witb Mrs. George W. Murray, also of Glencoe, assistant chairman; Mrs. A. W. Hickmàn of Evaniston, Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenheim of WVil- mette and Mrs. M. H. EhIe of High- land Park. Publicity-Mrs. Kellogg Speed of .Highland Park, chairman, with 'Miss Virginia Bauer of Evatiston, assistant chairman.; Mrs. William A. Durgin of Wiimette, Mrs. Winthrop Girling of' Glencôe, 'and M4rs.ý John S;. Strong of Evanston. Printing--Mrs. Robert G.- Hous1- ton of Evanston,,chairmani; Mrs. El- Wood W. Mattson of Evanston, Mrs. J. Kelso Farley of Kenilworth, Ms J. H. FPerryof Glencoe, and Mrs. A. E. Mellinger of Highland Park.. Transportation and Traffic. - XMrs. Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes, 1140 D. A. R. broadcasts Greenwood aven>ue, Wilmette, will Fridays, 4:30-4:40, are: have the meeting of the North Shore Mise~ Margaret Minogue Art class ou Monday morning, Feb- "Lincoln Treasures in ruary 12, at il1:45 o'clock. The Historical Society";I speaker is to be Miss Florence White, Mn. Frank L. Richard Williams, who will discuss "The Art, ou "Romance of Ear of Spain and Mexico." Handwoven 'Coverlets.1". Amc 9Sew for, .bies on &go Sewiug for the Babies Fniendly 16, society and dinner at 6:45 o'clock, is. ing the program for t he Junior auxiliary can of the Womau's Club of Wlmette tonight .(Thursday). Mrs. George W. Mieth of Glencoe; Mrs. Charles A. Winston of Wilmette, and Mrs. Lyle Gourley and Ms-s. H. B. Roberts of Highland Park. . Platform and House-Mrs. Lewis B. Sinclair, of 'Highland. Park, chair-