Club Has Tickets for Flowê 1r--h ow XIr. EIlBurg e in di.iai ge of, the a(lvaltee sale m<>1 tickets for the animal ('ardeni and Flower show of the (Garden (111) of Illinois, APril 7-15. At the meeting,*of :the W\ilnîlette Gardeniclub Fridav afternoon, Feb- ruary 2, at the, hontle of MIrs. Elliot Youngberg 'Paul L. Battey gave a couiprehentsive and interesting talk on1 trees,, illustrated with sldes. Nirs. David Cookt, in charge of the twenty minute discussion on gardening, 'had as lier assistants in giving the talk, * Nrs. B. L. Davis. MNrs: K. E. Kellen- berger, and Mrs. Edmward Scheiden- helm. Nirs. Kelleniberger,. iin lier: paper. * gave ber experience ini raising plants froni seed 'for ber rock garden. Shie said. "I bave learned that if 1 sow Vi- ola seeds. ii flats 'li February, and put * themn then ini the.latter part- of March, bring them into the house 'and place tIein, in a Sunnv1% window the littie..plants will have a nice start by the time the hot-bed i s ready to receive the flat. I1 leave it there until the garden soul is iv'arin enougli to transplant the seedlings to permanent locations. In that way tbey are ready to blossom in early sunimer. "In preparing the soil for the Alpine seeds, 1 use part garden soui, compost, sand and peat, well sifted, so the little seeds will tiot faîl into air *pockets. "try to sow the, seeçls iot too * clôsely together, firm the sout and give> each row a light' coverinig of sand. Ibougli I label each variety * with the little woe markersý and h ave ail rows eas.ily visible by ticl sand paths, I al$o keep a written de-. s cription of the planting because Soine of the seeds, germinate miuch more quickly than others, and as the weeks and months is easy to pianeiniaummanLI. lSLLV4.lLAII 1481din a other one way." The Garden trüt of Illinois an- itouaces that Mrs., Oliver Beeman of the University of Chicako wiil speak on "Spriag Work .î the Gaï4en" Feb- ruary 12, at .2 o'clock, at the Palmer. hlo the J'a>ds .of AMrs. William I.Schweit.xr- of Chicago, the former Mar-Y Louise Scheidenhllm of Wilmette, Isas beaê put th'e ges-, ciI chairmanshi/' for tihe Welles- ley' Collegle club bridge tea and fashsion revue fi be iaeld aIt tîe Drake hoteIci Tesda3v afternoon, Pebruary 20, qt 2 o'clock, for lt( bene'fit of the. schlarslsip fumd. F[eIen Weldon Will Give TaIk at Club Miss Helen WWio of WVilmlette, iltakon .'Historic Waýlpaper" be- fore the Junliors of the Friends ii' Council of Evanston 'Sundav. Febru- ary 1l, at 3 o'clock iin the Georgian hotel., Miss Weldon gave' this same lecture in ÏtIc forni of a. pap-er before the sentior organization at its last mîeetintg,. where Àt was received with real. etioyvment and i etthinsiastMiss nee Country cmo weanesday, January 31, for ber officers, also forMrs. Min- nie E~. Kuelzow, Mts. Martha A. Keel, and Mrs. Gladys K. Sheihuan, instail- ing officers, and Mrs. Caroline 1. Converse, juùior past matron. to Have Art Program TIte reguilar inonthly meeting of the utiembers of the Nýorth Shore bratch., Chicago Junior scliool. xvii be lield at the home oi.1Mr7s. George. S. Cliaiiter, 81Z Greenxvood avenue, Glencoe, oit We<lnesday. Februar«y 14, at 2 oclock. and wiIl le a. Valentinie party. m rs. Stanitin Xilihite, lhostess "Chairtuani, bas aske.d Mrs. George Graves. Mrs. Roy Kniauer. Mrs. Ralph Mirs. R. F.' Hyinan, Mrs. AI- wint Pitznier, M rs. Harry PoIlart, aand M.Nrs. Einilv Massntan. to assist lier. Miss N1arieI Wilhioite. ini eighteenth century costumne. will talk oit*'Art- Its lInfuence in Our Lives." Miss W\iltoite will. exhibit, ini addition to lier own paintilngs and drawistgs. a collection t of original <trawi ngs by soute of the Ieadinîg illustrators (if the liresent <lay. MIrs. George S. Chantier. Gleuîcoe 350, is in charge of res.ervatio)nS. Co-Hostesses Mrs. Edward A.Zisnnierniat,î 2-19 Sixth street, and MIrs. Clarence. B. Burpee, 815 Liniden avenue, were co- hostesses at a luncheon ;nd, bridge party for twenty-fotur last. Tniesday at Shawnee Country clb. TQwn Club- Dance The Town cluîb of Wilinette hield its monthîy <lance iast Saturdav inighit at the Kenilworth club).Nlrs.. .; Beirnes and i Mrs,. Nloî ove ere CI'hairm an -j 101011 l .a, Mrs. Richard Coibernt Uhele- matu of Wilmette is in charge of north shore publicity for the, Chi- cagjo Fine Manor club tuhich is having ifs annual luncheoin and election of offiçers Fèbruary 16, at 12:30-o'clock, at the iVoinait'si Ath- letic club. Variety Brought to Program of Coilege Club ~Ialks on, ileNVarte(1 su)-, jects. a dliscussionf of current cvents. acar(l partvý, and a group of plavs arc, séhedule(l on pro-: grains -of the Chicago College club luring thc comînlg eek. Fridav evcnýiing this -week, at 8 op'dock, 'Thomnas E. lalitia(ge, fanîois archit.ect, wviIl talk on "Thle Restor 1ation of W.iilia1ns- burg. 'Vi rgin iia.." Satuirday iniorni- Il o'clock r.telM Colson Braz-elton mill discuss current events am%ill iialso re- ilir tuefollowvin1g books: "\Vlork of Art" by Sinclair Lewis, "T'he M\othier" bv Pearl Buc k lBae ands and Stonec XVall. 1) Charles EF (1 r Mrs. Howard. V.4n Doren Shýa\ wil lie the club's at lunicheon Ties-. day foliowing bier reading of her, humorous i)apçrý "Traveling Alotie.". Her delightful personality and the lit- erarNy qualiity and hurnmor of lier w~rit-. ing are- said to inake ber papers ver% popular with bier The club wvill have a \'alentine's day party eedy afternoon. Felb- ruary 14. Contract and auction bridge wil1 be played, with a prize for cadi table. Tea ý,vi1l he Served at 4 o'clock. The* College Cliii> players wvill pre.- sent.,tlreel short pilays Thursday and Friday veni igs at 8:-15 o'clock. The' plays they hiave selected are Booth Tarington's "The' Trysting Place" -Thle Nf onkey,. Paw h v \V.W. j.acohs; and "God Medicine."ý Miss Winijred A.. Puillen, historv îni stress of Holly Lodge Higliseo, \Ves Der1 LIiverpool,. will' be the club's gu.est of honor at luincheon Saturday, Feb)rutary 17, and will speak of her experiences. teaching in the United Stat es. She is teachîng bis- tory this year in the Evanston Town- ship High school as an exclhange teacher. Sisterhood Notes Sewing for Red Cross will be done thti North Shore Congregation Israel temple Monday, February 12, by members of the Sisterhood, start- ing at 9 in the morning and continu-, ing thirougb the day. The -Braille classý is meeting at 10.