'f414 Fuit171 1/ d weia *book W"ulibu MWi -ý30» Céopi«cet St.50. P.OeES. 8.*k's Md 01d- à dwv of Cwma M1E GOOD EARTH fuelS llbrry .si» Fountain Square EVANSTON T'he above are reproductionsof two block Prints by iotrtli shore girls zw/ariiA appear in "Chicago: a History iti, Block Prrnt." The print on the left is MctKinlockCmps Norihwestern uniz'ersity, evecuted by EWeanor Welles Lippiincott of Wilmnet le. Thee mie ois the right, of Buckingha'n Pouutain, - tus donc. bv J sase Hayes. also of Wil#set e., MWs Hayes also.has. a priit. of the Admislralion buildig of A Century of Pro gress:, and Miss Lipit'ott /las $cele's. 44 Je CJ*iago WaJ <r Towerin 18171 ansd Old College. of Northk- wcsrr»,,uversitv. POCKET BIOGRAPHIES F-our. tities biave been added to the series of pocket biog- raphies called "Great Lives," publish- ed bv Macililan. The new 'tities are *Cbiopin." by Basil Maine; '*Haig," by Brigadier-General J. Cbar- teri:: *Nelsoni," by Brian Tunstall, and '*ietzsche,"à by Gerald Abrabam. These:a re useful books for tbe reader Nwhu %isbies. antintroductôry acquaint- auce wvith the figures included in the series. Each coiltains a short bib- liograplir for furtber reading, A QUAINT BOOK A qtîaiiit book is the -Anthology of Elizabethan Dedications and Pref- aces , e.ditecl 1w Clara Gebert (Uni- versity of Pensylvania Press). A nuinber of introductions, varying f roi the pompous to thefaiiliar, and. aniusing, are> reprinted witb a, BUSINESS AS USUAL By -J ane Oliver ând Ann Staff ord. Hougbton Mifiin., 1934. No doubt this story wihi find num- erous frienda among booksellers (Trade Winds please copy), as it in- volves the career of a Scottisb girl wbo gets a job selling books in a London department store. Her ex- periences are amusingly told in a series of letters whicb she writes toi ber fiancé and ber. family. Nothing much bappeins, but .Hilary is an at- trattive girl, and is entertaining about. her run-ins with department beads and dissatisfied customers (most of them seem to be British scbool- mistresses who were sent sex novels by mistake when they ordered Vic- torian memoirs.):,Hler attempt1 tolive on 12 :10 a week are'lkewi se. good fun. The drawings by Ansi Stafford are as amusing as Hilary's letters, which they illustrate; altogether it's a very nice, book, and may be recom- inePndediItn 211 wba <do nt share a the advanced class in design unner the direction of Clara MacGowani, assistant professor of art, Northwest- ern university, wbiie the' historical sketches opposite each print were written by James Aiton James, pro- fessor -of American history: at th e University. "ýThis book of block prints," writes President Wal1ter Diii Scott, in lus- introduction,,'%s an attempt to develop. the appreciation of'beauty witbifi the rising generaion of Chicago. As their eyes. are trained to see beauty in tbis environment, so wil they be inclined .to produce greater beauty. in the furtber deveiopmeént of this great city." Op ning with a strong pictureý of two Indiains watching, the approacb of Marquette and Joliet to Chicago by way of -the river, the story con- tinues with prints of the, Kinzie mansiion, the irst Fort Dearborn, the first post office, etc.' An excellent print depicting the Chicago fire is by C. Dean Chipman,ý while other higbilights in the book are the Tribune tower, the Civic Opera bouse, and a scene showing the corner of MNich-' igan avenue and Wacker drive. Some. of the prints show unusual originality and fine execution, and ail the yoing artists bave displayed an understand- ing of and great skiil in their work. Dean James bas written brief and historical sketches opposite eacb pic- ture. The scènes are well cbosen and give an interestiug, and informative accounit of the progress of our city. The book on the whole is attractive,- ly bound and shows that ît was care- .fully and thoughtfuily planned. ROMAN ROLJNDABOUT. By Aine- lie Posse-Brazdova. Dutton. 1934. Mme. Brazdova's accounit of if e in Rome and its environs is pleasant but .ndistinguished. Her narrative is filed, withb hoMely details, accounts of the city and its surroundings, of rambles, visits, domestic happenings, with a successioni of Dersonalities over manner.- than . the occasional Americans-and one. can imagine no better nor nmore FAMOUS PLAYS conveniént introduction to the work Noel Coward's mest famous plays of such distinguished moderns as H. bave beèn brought together in an E. Bates, H. A. Manhood, Lorna, omnibus vo lume called Pay 'Parade Moon., Lia , O'Flaherty, Paulinek (Doublday, Dran).Smith, and Malachi Whitaker