He was immediately removed to the Evainston hospital, where he expired at 2 o'clock without baving regained couisciouissess. Dr. B. L. Mitchiell, 1200 Central avenue, was called, btt * the injured man was beyond medicale lp. The. body. was removed to Scotts funeral home, 1460 Sherman avenue, Evanston,, where Deputy Coroner L.. K. Rasmussen.emfpaneled a jury at -9:30 o'clock Wednesýday miorning. A verdict of accidentai deatix was returrned.' Stîrviviig..are the widow, Hester Sproul Baker, and one son, Jamfes E. Baker, îiow a student at Northwest- ern Law school. There is also onte *sister, Nlrs.' Edith Baker Dickson, 1726 Ridge avenue, Evanston. The funeral will take. place at 2 :30 o'clock today, (Thursday), February 8,atScott's -funeral hme,18 Greenleaf .avenue, Wilmette. The service will be conducted by the Rev. * John M. Schneider, 2948 Wilson'ave-, nue, Chicago, a fraternity brother of Mr. Baker, who also officiated at the, miarriage of Mr. Baker and Miss Hestér Sproul. Interrnent will be in Meniorial Park cemetery. Bora ýi St. Louis NIr. Baker was born at St. Louis, Mo., N ovember 25, 1877, On .Xugust -4, 1904. he was married to Mliss He,.tcr Sproul at Elgin, 111. Later iin t1iat >aine year he broughit is bride to Wilinette, whiere they have since *resiAie-(l. le was 'educated at Northî- wve.tern untiiversity,, where hie made à record for brlliant schiolarship. flic rýce1ved hiis. degree of, Bachelor of Artk Iin 1901, an,! Master of. Arts de- g.ree in 1902. Hé was a :Fellowv in Plîi % ,. ini 1901-1902. He was a ineni- ber oi Pi Beta',Kappa and Signia N t,. For. about twenty-five vears NIr. Baker É. as associated with The, Eni- pIov-ers,-iability Assurance Corpora- t ion, Ltd., of London, in their'Chica- go- office. He reired 'in thé, sum- tuer of 1931 and with Mrs. Baker' * plta vear ni California. He has rece.ntly been engaged in private lawv * practîce in a limited way. *During the Spanish-American *ar * Mr. Baker was commissioned a mette icaraen i .ub, wii UV UIme speaker. Her subject will be: 'Trac- AV& tical Landscaping.'" ler purpose wilI inimi6 be to give the club members a prac- tical system for planning gardens for theý average city home where the space is comparatively smnall.. This- subject Will be of vital interest to al the club members. Oîn Monday, February 5, the. litera- ture departmnît of the Northridge XVma'sclub met, at the.home. of ýMrs. John Petaja. The Rev. Lester Y JI P 1 Mondale of: Evanston ireviewed. Qîl M. for the Lamps of China," by Hobart. >An' interesting review was. given of.1~7~ the book-a very- good picture of Following the review, teawas serva- Everything for Automobiles ed by Mrs. Petaja, assisted by \Irb ______ John D. Kinîîear. Skookum Holds FoodNEG S ExhibtionThisWeekNow Chanberýs Photo Exhibition(ETistre 1KOOLMOTOR ETIIYLIZED John Clmk Biler of Skookum Foods, Inc., will be thetth pie frgua Varney and Ralpli Varney, ait 1 " sceixe today (Thursday) of the open- 1026 Greenwood avenue, who .were îxg of ant extensive Food, Show in 175filC passengers on the train and seated which more than. seventy nationally in the front seats of the forward car, known manufacturers of food prod- ail testified that they plainly saw the ucts are cooperating.ý Elaborate dis- New Citii. Service gates and that they were lowered play, have been arranged for thé ETHYL ûiily whieî the automobile was di- event which include every depart- rectly beneath them. Each testiied menît of the rapidly growing business. 1 that the south gate on theé west sZide of the track came down on the -iut-1)Il More Pep mob i, ju'st in front of the windshield M r pe and .was thus broken off. The auto- HE O~ LU TfIME TAILOR M r p. mobile, they said, was carr.ied al>out . Cuetons Taored Suits o% ok 70 feet before the train was .broug ht-. TRY IT TODAYI to a standstill.________ Sergeant Herman G. \Tance. of ti;e]'nWest athBtne Wilmette police department. testifîed T. ek oPa h aac Prompt Service as to the condition he found upoîx Pres range troina tS4to 1490.0 reaching the scene after the accident (-00d quaIty, aàlI-wool motertals. Per-,71M I T had been reported. leet fit and st.jling. Expert tailorIRg.72 MA N S . 250 patttemns to ehoose trom. Bécause of thé protracted -jltncs~ Von Can't Do Better Anywhere! Haves.McKiney hveMovead f rîn 117PHOENEA AVE.4 ofayes McKinneyhvem, ad' r. 11P7ONEENILEAF1 AVE thieir home, 1035 Chiestnut avenxue, ____________ ___________________ Wiirnette, to 2000 Lincoln ParK _________________________________ WVest, Chicago.I 0o Mrs. Hobart Gary, 714 Central avenue, etîtertaineci her bridge clubV a e nS p cl at luncheon Friday at Shawnee Se t Tubes tetted free at shop - Ail kinds carri ed in No service charge for checking set whea we Radiola lustalil à 0w set of tube Spartes Blosch Adua EetIoSh@p Zecad;hý Sus Fourtâ St. Wlmette 1ê40Edison Robes- Skirfs Blouses -Sweaters plic05 Strnbmnrg-Ci..a Bhanuwiek and inai17 theri 1161 Wimette Avgiw Phiono WiIett. 446