plan to attend the -ChurchNigt progran tonight and the, remainlng ThursdaY nights of the seres. Dinner is served at 6:30 and lai followed by a service of worship under the direction of th1e minister. From 8 to 9,' the follon- ing four speciflo interest groups wl ieet: cGRO-UP I-"Studies in ReligioUs Devel-j opmient" Leader:. Dr. Leslie L. Fuller of Gar- rett 'Biblical institute. February 15-"'Outside Nations: A Growing World Outlook." February 22-"ýWorld Judgments: Final Judgments." C;ROUP. II-"Contemporary Literature and Current Events"ý iiebruary I 5ý-Russia: Blshevlsm." Dr. Dan. B. Brumrnitt, editor ýo! the Northwesterfl Christian Ad- vocate, who: recently spent a s$utmmerin R ussia. and brouight, out the finest collection of Rus- slan propaganda posters now in Amierica. 1"lebruary 22-"Hitlerism: Germany." Dr. Paul Hutchinson, one of the foremost jnterpreters of Euro- eani.anidAsiatic affaira. GROI!P III--The Meaning of God for Young People" Leader: Reverenid M. S. Harvey February 5-"The God of Jestus." February 22-"Giod in Other* Re- ligions." GROUP IV-"The Choi," under the di- rection of Miss Marie Bni. Th'le -Younig Peopie's choir ineets for rehearsal Saturday mornîngs at 10:15 undmer the direction of Miss Marie Briel. Tlhe Jligh School, league .Will mneet at 6 *:.1 on Sunday. evening, wlth -Dr. Har- ris Franklin Rail, D. B. fromn Garrett Biblical instltute as the speaker of the evening. Special numbers wtll be pre- s4ented. Social, Hour will follow wlth Jane Horstng in chargé. New memrbers are cordlally invited to attend. The Young People's Epworth league wili nîeet at 6 p.m. A social hour willi fol jow. The H-gh School le ,ague wlll hold an old fashioned Box Social and Treasure Hunt Friday, February 23, meeting in the. league room at 7 p.m. Ail members -~and friends are lnvlted to attend. Frlehdlbr Indians meet at the church eacii Thursday ait 4 p.m. AIl boys of 9, 10 or Il years o! age are invlted toi join the Iroquols bribe, Special hikes areý takt-n the third Thiursdayýs of. each Baptist Church Wllnette and Forest avenues 1ev. George D, Alluson, pastor consists of twelve lessons, two hours a lesson. The subjects are "Disease," -Prevention and Health," and "Preser- vatioti." On Monday,' February 12, iiie certificates were issued to wometi 1, 11.ilmette who completed this course., > *We feel it 'our dutty,*" announces MrÉ. liiez Bliss, community. nurse "to. cooperate with the various civil works prôjects: at this timne, and we, believe that the re are wives- of the CWA %vork- ers in our comnîunity at this, time, as wei I as other womcni (for ail are. eligible ,for these classes) w~ho would, l)e intercsted in the course., As the new terni is being organized >we -urge al interested women, to caîl thé Wil- mette Health center between the hours of 9 and 4 to register for the iiew classes." Science Museum Expert Will Lecture Tonight J. B. Hayford, assistant director 'of the. new Museum of Science and ITu- dustry in~ Jackson park, Chicago. will give his illustrated 'lecture, 'From Caveman to Enginieer," Thursday- ight, Februar.y 15, at the First Con- gregational cburch. The public is in- vited. to liear this address and to sec the pictures. The lecture follows the regular nonthly Churchi Nigit, Fel- lowship dinnier. LUN M rs. uwick FOR DA UGHTER iA. Keith, 310 War- nilworth. cntertaîined Mrs. A. C,. Philips, 625 Brier street, Kenilworthi, was hostess at a lunch- con for èight at ber hiome on Liri- colti's birthday. Z. £Parkhurst. The Junflor-interWedi- aies co)ntinue theirrnoving pietu res of cinese . life in connection ,wlth theWr Chiflese project. The Adult.Classa wlli be taughit by George B. Williarns and the. President, J. C, Blaylock la calling for a larger attendalice each week. street and enjoy a social hour after Aie programn. Last-Sunday some spIen-, Eid playing was heard when her pupils at the American conservatory héld a class recital in ber studio in the Kinîbail building. Dr. Dan B. Brumnitt, editor Of the Nort hwestern Christ ian Ad- 7,ocate, wvho has made several trîps to Russia* in receut years, tWIl give (t talk oit RUssia at the Wilmette Parisk Met*odist chu rhtonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. rhe ad- dress is based on his personal cob- servations. He is a keen observer *with the ability to interpret cor- rectly what he sees. H-e brought froîn Rus sia the fiinest collection of Russiait educativizal posters now in Arnerica. La» terns sides were made f ront these aFnd they wziII be sised ini this addrýess. Fond -du Lacs, where they had gone to attend the marriage of their niece, Miss Muriel Severin, of Fond du Laç, and John Van Adestine of. Wausau. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kraft, 1350 Ashland' avenueé, spent thé week-end ini (Grpe.flavWis. QUAkLITY DAMP WA31I is 6 e ch lb.- 3 ELECTRIC PLACIE K Locksm-ithng z of ai kndel AUTO ICETS Yod Mi'fr.w. Nomeri S STAN LINDSTROM' LOCK SHOP 1lm2Contral Av. WILMSTTB 3212, We can take care of al your Motor Needs at the lowS est possible cost to you. 1 '