'nrtn..ý sn't~.i * in stanips at aIl.!>1 That was some. years ago wben be1 was a young mani in bis 20's. Today1 * he bas a splendid collection of Britishi clonial issues ýwicb he keeps in the vaults of the ,First National1 bank of Chicago, of wbich' be is, a vice-pres- ident. The story of how bis indifference chànged to, entbusiasm concerns- bis younger sister Anma. '"She came home one day f rom scbào," says ber brother, "and 'told me she wanted to start a stamp collection. Would I hé lp her? She was., about 12 then, I think, so 1 promnised to sec wbat 1 could do. 1 went âround. to ýthe various stamp biouses in Chicago, and in spite of myself I. learned a, good deal about stamps and stamp collec- tors, too."' Sistoer Started Hobby 11r'. Oleson senior tooka inter- est, too, in hielping Anna 'with behr collection, and when bher enthùusiasm died away in a bni sixc weeks or so, the two men in bier family continued Nvhere she Ieft off and began build- ing up a collection of U. S. stamp issues. "In those days I thought in terms of quantity," said Mr. Oleson i amusement 1j as hie leaned back in bis swivel chair behind bis buge desk in his huge vice-presidential chamber. ~learned about quality later. It was a providential blessing that my father took, so niuch interest in stanips, he had a stroke a 'little later and spent four years in bed, every.evening When 1 came home bie would tell me what hie hiad done that day in buying stamps, exchanging, and studyirig catalogs. Turu Specialists t -"\efinally decided. oeet givc up the U. S.- stanips aiid..go ir for- sonetliing.diff erent. 'Father asked me whichý 1 would prefer, and, 1 suýtggested British..coloriaIs.. -He agreed, an.we, started. 1 remiember couniting, the U. S. stamps when we broke . up le collection, there were 11,000 of tieinL Now I couidn't tell youi how gin in the center of the stamp with a horseshoe for the name, Virgin Is- lands, over ber head. Later the vir- gin becomes the Madonna with an infant in ber arms, an'd the name -of the islands is put i a straigbt bzr at the top of the st 'amp. SÛRl later the islanders become patriotic, too, and put' a tiny picture of :the king in the upper left-hand corner and re- duce the madonnia and child té' a similar tiny rectangle in the.'lower right. The denomination of the:stamp is printed in the. upper rigbt. .Australia Ukes Sw"a Western Australia used 'the black swan almost, entirely for the first years, of its stàmp. issuing, but later used the portrait of the .,queeni. for higher-priced issues. Early, issues 'of St. Vincent show, nothing but: the aflther, sI.ch as we sec in. many other countries, notably Italy and Spai. No stamfp racketeering to keep collectors busy coliecting." Expert Citiims 6rower Now for a word about the marn himself.- He says he doesn't do much. with bis stamps aàny more, he is*more interested in b is 32-acre place. near Sarasota, Fia., ýwhere he raises ail the varieties of citrus fruits- which bis family will eat. By citrus fruits lie doesn't irjan such ordinary classifi- cations as, oranges, lenions, tanger- mecs, grapef ruit, but the lesser kno'wn also and 'the, many varieties within each group. He can rattle off these. names the way other- men !rattie off ibasebaîIl scores. His name is Danish because of tbe {~V~JN~P 3~AG.F~ FLO~I~ i.' 'i il JONp. ..ON-C 4N FT4 Vit- I aristo cratic er who came but on bis n 'J,- over frt other's.si For Vour, Convenience Our location in- the conter of Evanston, appo aste, you whilo shopping or for.,dinàer Thura- 4ay niglit. Special :Dinner Ail Day, Sunday Try lt Inthe Hearg of Dotntoun 5w.ton Orrington at Church , Under directIon of Earle P.. Promu UNIVERSITY UNW JENNY LINDý Sang with the Le Oldest any, among tnose that 1 islands of St. Vincent, 1J Tobago, Virgin, and Wi tralia. Instead these lu ,w~ent in exclusively 'for the qucen, then the king, of tbeir individualities. symbols '-.r. nziiu 7uv Virgni ueis social chairman. I --- LfPW5IW~P0 iMrs. Kari Korrady, 1430 Essex road, Kenlwortb, left Monday for Peoria to join Mr.. Korrady, wbo is there on Rcad the W ant.Ade, busineis.