League WiII Cive Play for Childrer The Evanston Junior league ivill. gîve 1wo performranïces of Rag7gedy' Ann and And "Fni day, February 23,.at 3 :45 and Saturday norning Fehruary 24, at Il o'clock lin the. audiiorini of Nichols school in Evanston. This ýis, the first play. that the league bas put on. for 'the children of primary grades., In former years the puppet shows were favorites witl the childrén' Mrs. -Phillip Biggert, wvho took an active part ini tle the - ater group of> Kansas City wbereshe made ber homle untilý last"year. lias undertaken, the project and it is ber desire to bring tbe Junior League pJàys before tbe attention of the scbiool children. * Mi-. Biggert is as§iste(t . by Mrs. * John Turner of Glencoe, wlio is serv- ing as production manager, and Mrs. Newton Wagner wbo is business manager and is also in charge of tickets.. Miss Elizabeth Xiig lias turned over lier studio, whvli is in' the garage of the home of ber, par- ents, the Luman B. Wings, to thce construction of scenery. Passing by the Wing bomne an%. hiour of the day, bammers and saws9 are heard working- overtime. The properties and costumes are in the hands of. Mrs. Russelli Whit- mn, Jr. Thie cast for 'Raggedy * Anti" includes the following: Andy ........... Mrs. Harold Yegge * Ann. ............ Miss, Harriet Fénner Tired Old Horse ............... Mrs. Anan. Ra nond. Fairy...... Mrs. Woodward Burgert Granmothr .Barbara .Beal Uncle CIem........ .Harriet Hainmu Pirate .Cilief . . ....Polly Pietsch French DoIl Mrs. Sidway Mckay Pirate Susan ... Mrs. Burton Iillis. l1ýoônys ...... Mrs. Robert Tobey Mrs. Lee Tolman, an assistant of * Miss Winifred Ward of Northwest- ern Little -theater, is coaching the production. An ivory colored princess gowil of imported lace witb a train edged with Ia tulle band \vas worn by Miss Vir- ginia - Salerno of Wilmette when she was.married last Saturday nî,ioring to f James Murphy of Evanston. :A. long,, -ivory colored tulle veil was attached to a Juliet cap, and the floral bouquet was composed of white gardenias and liles, of the valley.- The bride's* only attendant, l'er sis- *ter, Miss Alice Salerno, wore a ma- donna bine crepe gown, trinimed in i alencon lace,. a small,' brown, maline ; turban, and brown accesi,>ories. Her tflowers were talisman roses and, laven- der-blue sweet'peas. The wedding ceremony took place at 11, o'clock Mass at St. Francis Xavier church ivith the Rev. Bernard Brady officiating. John Pane-Gasser, noted dramatic tenor, and friend of, the Salernos,, was the soloist during the service, wbicb was follotved by a wed- digrèkfast for the immediate f ami- lies. at Shawnee Country club. The altar at the church was decorated with white -hyacinths, and the club with a profusion of spring flowers. The bride'g niother wore a pale green lace gown, a small brown tu.rban with a face veil, and a shoulder corsage 'of orchids' > The bridegroom's mother wvaS not able to attend the ceremnony because- of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy are on a month's motor tour through Florida, and on their return will reside tem- porarily at the Georgian hlote until thev find an apartmient in Evanston. Chi Omegas WiII Hear Dr. Kalierine Wright DrXatherine .Wright ýof Evanston will be theguest speaker at the Febru- ary meeting of the North Shore Alum- nae chapter of Chi Omega which is to be held Friday of this week at the chapter bouse, 1870 OrÊrington aveniue, lEvanston, at 1. moffett-] Tihis Iovely brunette- Miss Vi>nginia Salerpio oj before her narriagc lâsi to James Murphy of The ceremony was per' the morning at il o'cIoc St. F rancis Xavier ch dutrip.g.-the service the ùi atic tenor, John. Pane-Gc, 4zcv ara WiImette Contrai on Sev'eral Prograi1 Marjo rie Shermtuan, (M~ R. Sherm an of 714 Wasli nue), contralto, is appear1 eraàl programs during thé February., On Monday s] in the Lyric ensemble of cians Club of Women ir Arts building. The followi she will be a memnber of of the North Shore Muii Russell Photo Mrie n'as of Wilmette rt Saturda-v to Cive Benefit' for Scholarships 'l'le' BrYn Mawr Aluninaeclub ýof Chicago, wvhich includes Brvn. Mawr alumnae living in Evans- ton, Winnetka, La-ke Forest, Oalk Park, Barrington, La Grange and ini fact ail the suh,- urbs around, Chicago, lias t aken ovrthe.Selvyiithieater for'the night of Monday, Februarx 26. .The occasion is. the first, app'ear- ance mnChicago of CoriieliaOtis Sk inn er in ."The Loves -of Charles. Il" her latest and înost fascinating, h i s t o r i c a 1 solo- drama. The prograrn i laso include. four of Miss Skinner' s origiinal chara cter sketches. Proceeds from the bene fit wvil go, to the Regional Scholarship fund of the B ryn Mawr, Aiumnae association. which every year pays the tuition of two or more ,;tudents from, thik dis- trict, at. Bryn Mawr college. bvansto!i. Miss Skinter's apJpearance :at. a rformed lit Bryn Mawr ben.efit is especiallyap- ckia-s . ai propriate as she herself wag an un-ý iurch, and dergraduate at Bryn Mawr f roui oted oper- 1918 to 1920. For a long timie Miss. asser. sang Skinner held the palm as Bryn Mawr's- greates.t contribution to the American stage, although Mrs. Cecil Barnes, as a playwright coinpeted ini a slightly different field. fl Is Mrs. James Lawrence Houghteling is the chairman of the box comniittee ms and Mrs. James Keniper will have vIrs. Harold charge of1 selling, boxes ini Winnetka.' îigton ave- Mrs. Stepheni S.* Gregory, Jr., in -ing. on sev- charge-of the sale of tickets, bas:.ap- *. month of pointed . Mrs. Rollin B.. Wood as ber Fie. will signg special deputy in.Winnietka. Other fthe' Musi- resîdents of the same. village who in the Fine are on the. committee include Mrs. ring evening William B. Hale in charge of patron- the chorus esses, Mrs. William Hibbard, Mrs. icians' club Gilbert H-. Scribner,' III, Mrs. John welî as pe Manierre, and .Mrs. Pbilîp Wyatt le 'wilî sing Sonie of the vounnger 'alumnnae un- iild in the dier the direction, of. Miss Virginia 'n Monday, H-obart of WVinnetka, will uisher. aso guest otf honor for the Caroline Roberts of Kenilw charge of, reservationis for and Kenilworth. Il is in ilmette Its Future."1 from Mrs. Ir Selby M. Si Burnside, ard of Wilmette. ay be secured ro ,eynold5, Mrs. fri Mrs. Harry co T. Reiling9, al .F( enasiastO)auF(cd>' ever ktail party before atte< rtnightly, party. at the Lntry club, 'Warwick day. cd a few ing at a iding the. Mr. aind Mrs. M. H. McMillen, 12:5 Evanston Fifteenth street,. entertaine 1d at 'a small bridge. luncheon' Tuesday. I