Hee's au Aftal or Good Thlingu to Tompt the mont Diswlýmnnatb«g-Tms Chi. Pack-FIeja Ia~aeA a spleudid bas. for saoup mid aul maune No. 2%6tm Z o 1 7 for 1.01 3 IC FnNAN HEOMaDDIE Old, fas"oned, s: good when baked in, mil m .S24cit mew ptatoe Calves' Sw«tbreads A luncheon delic«cy at mn everydoy price U.39c RIB ROAST 0F SEF The tender juicy type that bringteda- mations of delight et every Large riP», lb. 19c Svem Rozy Strawb.rries!1 Rose Pinmk Rhu- ban! Freah Broccoh md Artlciiolo.- for a perfect vegetable course md, an artistie, delici. ou&mssLad Plan your menus foir the. w.ek froua tii.. 6owpric.d suggestious. The resmits »yWi ho. a vl l ed, ecomomkicaf ed and, atisfied, Fresi&and sweet as the moringdew, Thurs- daey, Fri&anmd Satura- 2oç 25c Oiinook. Here' a real ish entree, noth- ing more delicious thon when broiled l. Serve with Hollndais. sauce if eaten hot; with mayonnaise if served coldlaeaieJ 1, ROCCOI Trust and peel lie Tweive Lav* LIMNS a At an ahmost unbaard of 29c price APLE stalk4 then it cooks 2~29e VEAL STEAK Bread and fry in butter, serv e with broccoli LOIN VEAL CIIOPS th 32cPINECAPPLE ORANGES: JL,3 V2A - F vjLA8 àaPIa. .UNUSUALLY SWEET AND JUICTO Romne Beautyl, id"a for baki. straw extrala 3 c g9 rbenry Dhubfa? Hot bouse, needs no Q!rsdr.. roghs te TeriDeur Ait l AI.g #à#North Short WILMM1E 402 Linon Àviinue w1>m.fl. 18-161 WINNETKA 718 limn Stmot LFAKE VIEW 3959 9q.dway ROGERS PARK »«MusPark 6114 Ne Coryi la De Sweet mad tendem-;R.miy almoSt as good ":th tii f ar.irety a"dréady to serve in a fev -mom enta. No, 2 tins IL ., .'A - feur fq4Elu 'a for i7k Welh's Tuonato Jul.. Just the. pure juice of the. fruit-For h.mItW& i, d cil and drink in the t n mornng-6 for &. 2 or 9 ...........................................