dre.d t tati -Subumban Ridel are oluFather. William" .1 he og ean cried, "And your bones are 80 fragile and britile tboi surely a lengthy su burban ride must cause you to ache quite a lîttie... ",Nottal, fotat ail!" FatherWillia.m replied, "I ride ihe North, Western and thrive! On the cushions Of plush,. through the landscape 1I rush:, andfeel grand as on time 1. arrive!" R. THOMSON, Pass'r Traffic Mgr. SWIM IN A POOL purer than the water you drink THE SWIMMING-1 WITHOUT EQUAL ý *SIZE m 25ic60 FliRT GALONS CIRCULATN ... 2V2TUNOVRS A DTUNOA R WATER PURUI EF WITH FILTEa AND> ALUM A Most popular fra tare! One of the many offered in our new popular-priced course in physical devel. op Wn.We garantee to teach you to swim and how to get 'the, Most frotu swimmiDg. Proper swimming relaxes.,and exorcises muscles, stimulates circulation and'l eaves the.mn'd cear amd keen. Followed with a tingiing, ,shower and brisk rub- down Yom are. "fit -as a-fiddle.",ý Everything for swimmplesure awaits in this 65,000, gallon pool, hygienically puruied and filtered by pur own equipinent. Liqtaid chiorine and aluin are used, The promenade and shower flons are steri- lized twice daily. At night a moonight effect is achieved by submarine Wgâbts. For three hiours that day each o f the scouts enjoyed the fellowship and gained information froiti the regular ilgeofficiais. Ini addition to filing the Village offices,. the scouts held a board meeting at which several res- olu tions were ýpassed., The, scouts themfselves participated ini the dis- I HONRE At th'e Court of High .4tvards /îeld atiVcUp Trier High school rc"- cent/v the Si/ver Beaver of th« NVational cou nicik. Bo - Scouts of .<hnerica, zi-a: a'wrded to Robert WV. Toà,m)e,ý, Scoulmnaster of Troop 13, Cubninaster of Pack 60 of Kèn 11- *wort-h for 4ý' Iis.tiiqu.iished Servici' to Boyhood." M1r. Tozc-ile.v's aeti#v- ily in Scou.ting dates bock to 1910 t/i l' ear of lt/e foilidilm1 iof ft/e Boy Scouts of Alinerica. He hla: bieil Scouit 'Piaxster iii , iwr fori ,folirten vea iv and was théi first Cubinasternm t/he Northî shore * raCoullcil. SCouncil First Aid Meet Seheduled for March . A council first aid touhrfl2nint l . K. R. Borgen, a graduate of An- iapolis, gave the first of a sertes of lectures on engineering last Thurs-' day evening.. h is planned to bave one lecture a month on engineering, wbich takes up the study of the boiter roomi and the engine room on a' navy boat, and the difference between the. equipmnent needed on a sait water boat and a fresh water boat. -QOe lecture a monith wvill cover the sub- ject of navigation, botb ctead reckon- ing (steering a boat by.'the comùpass) and piloti.ng (steering 'a boat bv ob- jects visible). Trhe drum and bugle corps ,that i s being organized is well. un-Aer way wýith a total of six, drums and t No bugles on hand. l'le sails for the boats to be built will bc laid out and work started this evening. The scouts. are planning..to do the entire job of .building these boats, an d by summer, hope to have produced.,soniethinlg of ýwhich iail,\Vil-, ,mette will be proud. Feîlows interested iii Sea Scot iilig are being urged to attend one of the Thurseday nlight meetings hield eacli wcek *at the. Baptist church. INews-Minded Scouts, Alto Meet This Sùnda y Al.scribes and other 'Scouts inter- ested i earning the Jot*rnalism merit badge or the Press' Club quilt, aund all others interested in .xespaper ne- porting in general are being i.nvited to attend a meeting to bc held at scout headquarters at 3 o'clock Sunt- day afternoon, February 25. The North Shore Area Council Press club) will be reorganized so that ail scout. news can be handled in the best po:- sible, manner, _it-is annolunceit HANDICRAF'T COURSE Thenext session: of the handicraft course will be heid in Winnetka Com- -munity House the evening of, Feb- ruary 27 at 7 -30 o'clock. AI TH -..ID liD;. t-E-NEED . ýtreet, ai 3700 Patronize, Our Advertisersl - ~ * are onie, and this one neyer included Aniong the citations which coin- ini a limited mind or a limited body. prised the l esson-sermon was the Spirit is eternal, divine. Nothing but following froin the Bible: "How ami- Spirit,. Soul, can evolve Life, for able are thy tabernacles, 0 Lord of Spirit is more than ail else. Because' hosts! My sout longetti, Yea, even Soul is immortat, it does not éxist *in fainteth for the cots of.the Lord: tmortality" (p. 335). W!innetka