Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 38

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Carnival-Bail Friday Evening Northiwestern 'university .is holding its fourth:annual char-- ity carnival-bail at the Aragon balirooni February 23. 'This hall, given for the, NorthwestcrnI UJniversity settilemen t. lias, iin the short span of> threc eil .ars, beconie known. as die outstand- ing social event on the camlpuis. Dr. W. F. Byron, is advisor, VWi- liam A. Dyche is honorarv chairman. The executive committeeinlds WVilliam Grigsby, Marjorie Cooper,: MIargaret Brown, Helen* Hoîveil, Richard Bergen, Charles Bobinette, james Emery, Albert Sawyer. Lawr-, cence Deniman, Theodore, Hanîmond. Clifford Weake and Hotuis Peck are ini charge of promotion; James Cui- ningham, entertainiment; Jamnes.B- en, tickets; Theodore Hlammnond, fi- nance; Martin Graham, concessions; Frank Neunuebel, arrangements; Pa- tricia Oliver, boxes, Trhe committee irncludes: Betty Hubbard, Franklin Yoder, Shir-. ley Richardson. J'rances Cowing, Lorna. Anderson, Clara. Hoffer, Lorraine Gag- gin, Howard Rosenheim, Has"'ell Smith, Marrie Jants, Joan Wakemnan, J1ohn Kingsbury, Edward Barnett. Lawrene Prybylici, Betty Nicar, 1shabelie Mul- ligan,. Dan Co*krill, William d-ollar, Ed- ward Sunderland, Lawrence Burd. Maxine Allaben, Mary Manley, Cora Kling, Gus ,Ahlbrandt, Elinor Barker, Robert Wieland, Virginia Sanford, Mair- Jorie JHelm, Virginia Dawes, Robert Williamson, Duane Tryloff, Gertrude Holzboog. Ruth Marsh, Julia Tanner. fi Albert MPern Vincent Bonderuid. Ruth Little and Gilbert Smith. WiIdFlO.wer Society Inivites to Program The Wild Flower Preservation ety of Ilinois is extending a cc be neldin ithe near future, if the weather is favorable, Mr. TQwiiley said this week. Foir the past few efforts have been made to hoid su'ch a carnivai, but thawing weather, hlas spoiled the ice before the scbedi4ed event took pýlace. gi F. il, g, M vs. IPcrnatd Brown o01716 Elev- énth. street %vas Producer and di- rectQr of "The? Goieties," zvhich. îws iittroduced t'ery sru.cessfully and joyously Thursda>'r Friday and. Saturday iziglits of las! wveck as a benefit for the Womapi's Club of ItVilmkette building fund. Juniors Plan Program. ForSouthern Women The Chicago branci of the Southern Circl. ýVomianis Educatiotial alliance will have s February party on1 February 2,0, at. Mrs. 1 o'clock. in the aft.ernoon, and at t'le avetne, irrinigoîl hotel. 'The program will be metn ýiven by 'tle Junior auxiliarv. 1frs. the First K. McKenna is to speak ou -Grow- mette on ng in the PEmergeiîc>,. Thle juniors will '11 1) e5 ,i%, a play enititled "ýOn .thie Air" by hostesses 4oWard Reed, whichi is being, directed Mrs. - T. A group of about 'teit Kenilworth ,women meeting, once a~ month iat the homes of varions members for dessert luncheons with sewing afterwards for the Mary Crane Nursery schooi, was entertaifd.,o. :February at the'borne of Mrs. F. W. Croil, 348 Sterlingrod Qride of Phî1ip Horn Miss 17l.aine M4ergenthaler of %Vil- -mette and Philip T. Horn of Evanston were wed at a candîcliglît service Saturday evening of last weck at the hornie of the bride's parets. Mr. arn Mfrs. N. J. Nîergenthaler, 210 Catalpa place.-The bride wore an infôrmai pale blue turquoise gown trimnîed ini silver sequins. She carrieda shower bouquet of white gardénias and liles of the vahley. Missý Marjorie Mergen.thaler lier sister's onily attendanit,,wore a.per- sinmmon, coiored flat crepe. gown and c arÉied a bouquet of pale pink La France roses. Robert Globe of Park Ridge served Mr. Horn as best man. The cer etnony, whicb was performed. at 8*o'clock by the Rev. J. C. Gockel, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church in Wilmette,. took, place in front. of the ireplace Hi the living, roomn. A background of palms, white stock, and lighted candelabra made an ir»provised altar. About fifty guests attended the wedding and the reception and buffet supper that followed. The out-of- town guests w~ho camne for the we dding were Mr. anîd Mrs. Spence Swasey of St. Louis, Mr. and Mrs. Gýeorge Stephan of Ashton. Il., Mr. and Mrs. J. Coneur of Glen. Ellyn. and the bride's aunt, Mrs. J. T. Eortle of Cleveland, -Who spent teti days at the Mergenthaler Thle bride and hridegroomn. who went on a brief honeyrnoôu by motor, are niow. at homne to .their friends at 1,592 Oak street. Evanston, ýMeeting Rodney Ni\. Perrili, 1500 Laàke ilbehostess at an ail-day of thie CQZy Corner ci rcle of tCongr-egationial church -of Vil- T lhursday, March i. .Luncheon served at 1 o'cloick. Assisting will he Mrs. J. C. Anderson, O. DeLang, and Mrs. E. 1_ -Mr. and Mrs. Elward W. Thomnas entertained at a dinner- party iast Saturday at thoir,,hoïnd, 1132 Cbest- nUt avenue. Mrs. R. E. H'eiIman Reelected Head of Center's Au>iliary 'rs Ralph E. Heilman of 1.,Vanà,ton ivas unanimously re- elccted. president for another year of the North Shore auxil- iary :of the Chicago, Materniity center, at the auxiliarys ,annu*kl meeting and luncheon last iTuesdayý at. Shawnee Country Lclub).«The .Other officers that were elected lare Mrs. Drennati Siate r, first vice-p resident;- Mrs. Kenneth L,. Wilson, ' second vice- 1resident . Mrs. Warren F. Sarle. treasurer: Mrs. Arthur King., recor(ling secretary; Mrs. XVilliarn J. Nenner, correspond- ing secretary. The new committee chairmen who are eligible to sit on the board of directors. with the officers are Mrs. Charles Gallowvay' of Winnetka, fin- ance chairmani Mrs. Artbur Pruss- ýing, publicity; Mrs. Leonard Paidar, nîembership chairnian; Mrs. Benja- min Bis, sewing chairman; Mrs. Leiand R. 'Johnson, prog'ram chair- ,mani; Mrs. Georg~e Shuiz, social céhair- .Mani; Mrs. Phillip H. Smnith, social, service chairman. Retiring officers and coiittee ,,chairmen gave reports for* the vear which -showedl that substantial amouÎnts of money had been earned and contributed to the M,\ateriiity center.. Four hundred sixteen gar- ments had been made bv thesewing :groups which met once a mont h. In, addition té these hand made garments, nineteen dozen Tests and ninety doz- en squares werepurchased; with aux- iliary funds and sent to the >center, making. a total of.,1,724 garments contributed during the vear. Foilowing luncheon and the busi- ness meeting there. was a musical progràmtunder the direction of Mrs. WVilliami H. Hajnmond. The prograin. i.ncuded a group of solo numbers by Miss Margaret Libbe, Chicao On Tuesday, February 20, Mrs. Harold F. Tideman entertained ber club, at- luncheon and bridge at ber homç,> 318 Abiniglon avene, Kenil-. wortlî. t

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