Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 45

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which was won b N ew Trier finished LaGrange. Unives points, LaGrange on of. the meet, University, Higb, If a point behind Higb had 331/ and New Trier DeWitt Joues turned in an outstand- lng performance for New. Trier in the 50-yard dasb event of *the'senormet H-e covened the distance in 5.5 seconds.i New Trier wvon the senior nieet with- î out*extending itself. Besides Jones,, others, wbo.showed, up well- for New. Trier were James! Kingsley, wbo won the pole vault with a Jump o f Il feet, 6 incbes, Bill Fay- monville, who threw. 'the shot 48 feet despite an . injured knee, Louis Bollen- sen, wbo neached a. mark of 5 feet, 10 iuches to win the:.bigh jumfp, and Bart- lett Price, who ran tbe haîf mile inu 2 minutes, il seconds. AIl of these boys. won first places. Ili the junior meet tbe outstanding New 'Trier peformier was Bobby Jôhn- son, a sophomcre, who took first ini the 660-yard run. His time was 1 minute, 35 seconds. Meet 'Evauston Nent Saturday afternoon of tbis wèek at 2 ocloèk New Trier meets Evau.ston in] * the New Trier field house. The Evans- ton junior and senior track teains plac- ed first and second respectively, in a meet held at the Oak Park .field bouse last Saturday. E.vanston's stroug junior teamn won its section of the meet with 35V2 points. Oak Park was sec-. ond witb 3052, Proviso third with 7 and Tilden fourth with 6. Oa.k Park wou tbe senior meet with 4OVa2 points, Evanston was second with 33 anid York third witb 21!/3. Piano Students Wil Give Chies Program, On Sunday, March 4, the senior class from the piano studio. of' Ger- Lees . Roberts will meet for a. class prognram at Mrs. Roberts' resi- dence, 629 Gregory avenue. On Manch 10 Mrs. Roberts will present her .talented voung nuoi Dorotbv Edivard T. Grigtuarc will point. Iaeidscape bel ore members a*nd guesis of te North Çlto&cAret leagne aithtie studio, in Win:e tka,Communeity House Priday evcning of this week, assnounfces Frank Dillon, >rogram chairman of the iclagueé. Members and guesIts tid1 be. in;Wted to umatch Mr. Griguare at ivork, and uhen his conza«î is, finit/ted it uwil be preseùîed, te.> the league. Central-Laurel PT.A. First we wish to thank WiLmETTEr* LirE for giving the cover of February 16 to P. T. A. and also to express our appreciation to tbe Logan-Howard. group for joining with us in celebra- tion of Founders' day. This day brings out rnany facts. con- cerning P. T. A. work, brings back many naines and faces .who so faith- fully serval this cause; brings back pleasant niemories of growtb, of friend-. sbips, of understanding and of service to a national organization whose mo- tive is child centered. Along with al others whobave car- ried this work f orward, we Wish to pay b orn age to, our own past, leaders- Mrs.' Pearle Jones,, Mrs. J. Douglass, Mrs. S. Singleton, Mrs. J. Patterson,. Mrs., Kari King, Mrs. Ford Jones, Mrs. H*. Weld, Mrs. E. H. Freenian, Mrs. W. A.* Kendrick, Mrs. H. Craig and the present president, *Mrs. L. D. Snorf. Our influence and our money are work- ing for cbiidbood. The Pre-scbool group meets in the Laurel scbool at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday, February 27. Mrs. Lenoir Hood Mil-ý 1ler is the leader. For furtber informa-, tion cail Mrs. Miller. Mirs. Cornelia A. Keith was bostess, to ber luncheon bridge club Tuesday at bier residence, 310 Warwick -road, Kenilworth.' Walter Noble Gillett, 533 Roslyn road, Kenilworth, left Monday of last week on a -businesstrip through tbe East. Mn r. and Mns.. Robent 1B. Burns, 614 Essex roa.d,> Kenilworth, motored to, Milwaukee for tbis wat~eek-end., G LENCOE T. T., PING PONG * TOURNAMENT ENTRY BLANK *Naine............. Name Of 1 Do-ubleeaPrtiter.........,..... a preparatory to maisg a hlot beci for the ftowee seeds they hope to plant in a few weeks. Mrs. John F. Weedon, chairman of the comsittee which is assisting in the plan for beautifying the grounds, went. over the situationwitb Mr. Beach last week.. She decided thatthe lower areas. on either side of the driveway and garage entrance were .ideal for -either, flowers .or sbrubs. Although,,Mrs. Weedon has gone to Florida for* a few weeks, a mem- ber of her committee, Mrs. E. L Scheidenhelm, has consented to help Mr . Beach and the amateur garden- ers select, the, flower seeds. This will give an opportunity for a prac- tical. demonstration of the sugges- tions she gav e in, her talk before the Wilmette Evening Garden club on "Succession anid Harmonyof. Bloom in the, Garden" OFF SOIES FAT GET MTÂ"KUSCHEN FEELING £.11pd. t uç,<h. AuIà HeWa' the reelpe that beisinhos fat" and bruga Imat. luaçm sU the .»ts]n attra4tIVeaess tjat *vey woiui Poo- livery ,pwulps take one flbuM.-us eflUpof.1 Iwu Samlala a glace c hot water before bs.akfat-cut 4wn on paatry and fatty mha-ol ht on rwt:t4ee bttecresm and uugar--4 ka g on he aleu. and note ho, mmsy poundu of fat have vanlshud. Notes IBOthalt Fm have paia la .en g-y.ur skia lusIuwhmâ-your MM spmse wltli gIorluiu, beshh-.y«[0u 1OIeuW I. labed--hmer Su m Evus-n skia wMl Ov, Mr fat porbea aMJgu0 I3I4mv afEJhe ar rM a-4ha-0" l . i".> Mr. and Mts. Roy E. Knauer en- tertained their dinner bridge club ast Monday at tlietfr home, 166 Ab- ingdon avenue. Kenlworth, Ph" I .each month, dancing and parties for thechidre eta nominal f ee. We coopér at i l branches of P. T. A. ir*~ A.

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