Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 3

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Dean Charles M. Thompson of the wliîch %'Vas so inuch appreciated last by the Boy Scouts of Wilmette University of illinois, will be the vear. Saturday of this week, February guest speaker at a joint dinner meet- N\rork lis 110w progressing toward 24, when they will collect news- ing of the Wihmtttc League of ge4ting ready the vacant property ly- papers, magazines and clothing for i Women Voters and the WVilmette ing bcétleeni the ", terminal station the benefit of the needy of the e Civic league, to be held at the Shaw- at Fourth street and Linden avenue, village. nee Country club, Tuesday evefling. and the tracks' of the North. Shore The village bas been divided into N Fcbruary i7, at 6:45 o'clock. The line. Th'îe property, is, bein g leased to zones and ach Scout troop assign- meeting. which, will be dcvoted eni-. thé, "I"Terminal Business associa- . ed to a zone. In the- morniing ,the- tirely to a. discussion of the "New tion by the :Chicago Rapid Transit 'boys will corne to your basementt Deal." is. open to aIl residents of the conipativ for parking purposes. The door to co llcc1t, tié and place. papers1, north* shore, alumnni of the Uni- association is bu.ilding 350 feet of at the street curi>, to be picked, up i vcrsitv of Illinois and their. friends. fence to protect carsland create lanes late r by other boys arnd loaded into Dean Thompson wiI speak on! for entrance and exit, and wl'ien coin- trucks furnished by the Village of 'Changînig Aspects in Public Pol- pleted will have parking space for 125 Wiîmette. icy.", cars. An arch is to l)e built at ilie. Clothing wil l also be. collectied. He is; dean. of the College of Coin- cîîtrance Wlhic.h will bear a sigh, to be -delivered to Wilmette W~el- nierce andý Business Administratio, , "Frte Parking." It will open in fare. board for distribution. director of the Bureau. of Business about two ieek5.ý Papers will be sold and the,, Re cac b ad pofsso o th Eo- The directors of the association check turnedovro Wilmette nomics of Public -Utilties at the state net at the office of Tighe Realty' laebad orleed str1 universitv. compan% last .\Vednesdav evellni amngo i citizens.. We ap- Receives Many Honora and autlîorived the expenditures fo.r peal to ail citizens to help us in He bas recei'aed thé degrées of « oth the parking space and the this good work.. Bachelor of Arts, Master of, Arts, and cleanup calflpaign. -IMTEBYSOT Doctor of Philosophy fromi the' Uni- -1-1e association is to, be Coni -_____________________ versity of Illinois. ln. 1921 Mus- i nendcdtipon its public spirit and ils kingumn college of Ohio confcrredj expenditure ini money and effort to upon himn the honorary dégréé of bigtotectzfsteenits of I1LN >~JJ Doctor of Laws. In 1933 McKendree free parking- and a clean,. briglit1 L N R G A coleg cofere onhi th hn-neighborhood. It is to be hopcd that orary degree of Doctor of Litera- its efforts ivill be f ully appreciated. ture. Business and Professional Women's Dean Thiompg.on is a member of Club té Meet With C. of C. Monday, Phi Beta Kappa, honorary iterary Water Main C ontract iMtrcýh7"5 freternlity; Beta -Gamma Sigmna. lion- Goes to ýEvanstonian prary commerce fraternity: Dlti The first evening meeting of tbe1 Chi, national social fraterility. Hie 1 At its meeting Tuesday night the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce %vill' is a member of the Illin(_s Ecluca- V'illage board awarded to John W.* be held Monday evening, March 5. at tional commission, and is one of Moore of Evanston, the contract for ShawnieeC ountry club, with dinner' the foundcrs and a vice-president of laying a 24-inich water. main in the served at 7. The Business andi Profes- the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. alley b etween Lake avenue and For- siona Women's Club of Wilniette lias, *He is one of the charter members est av'enue from the %vatèr wo~rks requested the privilege of' presenting and the first president of the Urbana 1tQo Ridge avenue. The bid price a program for the Chamber of Comn- Rotarv club. He was clccted gov-1 was $88,138.51. merce and lis giving it in celebration ernor of the 45th district of Rotary% At. the requést of President C. P. of National Business Women's weck. International in, September, 1932, afid I lubbs a resolution was, passed to Mrs. Hallie Barou Smoot, public re- again in, JuIy, 1933. He is a 'mcmm- iclude iii7 tbc records of thbc Vil-j lations chairman of the club, has se- ber1 -of- the Na tional Code Author-ity' lage the, letter of 1 recômmendation cured somne very oytst'anding, womenh for, the Ice Industry. :to the. Public Works administration speakers. Eminent. Authority '1n9ih h leyruewa ei- Miss Helen, Bennet vill make the WosWho in Amnerica lists 'Dean ntdadtebdo r or principal* addre ss. Miss Alice Green- Thompson as an economist, bis- . recommieîded for acceptance. -ware~ill represent -the women of tbc torian, educator,, author, and soldier- .- legal profession, Dr. Vida Latham, in view of bis research work in ecc - -i the medical and dental profession. iomics and history, the numnerous ..cI:Journalisni will be the theme of Miss books and articles he bhas %wiritte*.n, 1 ?4 -1i Kathleen McLaughlin, reporter, and H-armony convention, the purpose being bo receive, from any group or individual, suggesbed namnes for candi- dates for Village offices to be voted on at the election of April 17. There wvas a large crowd of interested citi;-. zens 'present.. luInaccordance wibh he. plan under, which the conven- tion was created,' no nominations were to be made, at this public meet- inbut any nlames prcsentcd imust- -be givenà careful consideration by the. conentonin naming candidates. Need-Unified,>Consejouemess Paul C.. Lang, 933ý Ashland ave- nue, chairman, of. the 1934 conven- tion, prcsidcd. in bis openinig state-, ment he said: "For. a number of ycars the lackc of unified civic consciousness in WiI-ý me tte, bas becu very apparent. The iiidiff er ence of bbe majority of our, cibizens- toward Village affairs bas been, appalling. ' Vhenever a ques- tion affecting, the. civic life of ýthe village' came up, 'sides wcre takeni -(f any interest was manifésteid at all)-not, as you migbt suppose,, be- cause of deep convictions that, ont side of the question or tbc other was, the rigbt one, but because 'of per- sonal grudges. 'In many cases, these grudges were directly traceable to cumities pro- duced by previous political cam- paiguis for Village offices. Like many other communibies, Wilrnettc bas from, lime to lime been treated to conUitiUUVmatUlgave uirtn t tnLii UVaA4- moyconvention idea, and into tbis maelstrom the Harmony convention ivas thrust. &Hopes F*r RBm<fit& "'The members of theeHarinony con- vention welcôme the oppotunity ,to take' Part in this movement whicb, the%- believe cannoit belp but have a beneficial effect upQn the com- munity life of tbc village. If we, can do anytbing to co-ordinate Wil- metbe's latent civic cotlsciot2sless, Village Manager *C. M. Osborn was instructed by the Village board Do if now with an a Tuesday bo purchase à new engîne for the storm scwer pumping sta- ýWilmefte 4300 tion, at a cost of $631.50. The old AkfrA mae engine is to be traded in, at an al- -AkfrA -ae lowanicc of $150!________________ shoes. b hey Poor things. Note: Econony Shop by the Wonîýan'.ý Club is conducted of Wilniette. (2) In, best qualified citizens to tinucd on Page. 6)

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