Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 51

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io*iowing ue8iniiios: 'V LKi-. w czumn auriayJL*J>.J j*,rU- (1) The word "alcohol" ineans the ary, 24, at 2 o'clock, at the Painier produet of distillation o! .any fermented Hô.us.M.Shmnwoi sst liquld, whether rectifted or dilluted, sMrScuan hosasit whatever inaY Le the origin tbereof, anti1 ant professor .of pQlitical science at includes synthetic ethyl alcohol. It does, the University of Chicago, bias re- not Include denatured nucohol or wo0(1 celntly returned froin several miontbs' (2) The ,Word 'prt"m nsayStudy in Germany. He will discuss. beverage which contains alcohol obtain- the niew methods. and new tobjectives Pd by distillation, mixeti with water or in Nazi diplomacy;, the isolation of onther substance in solution, and I ncludes the Third Reicb, Nazi road to power, brandy, rum, whiskey, gin, or othermluigpoaad bod fot spirituous liquors, and such liquors whe.n ieuig.poaad bo fot rectified. blendeà 'or otherwise mixed toà weakenl the Frencb ,Bloc, efforts to' with atou or other substances,ý.. create a revisionist coalition and (3) The Word 'wine" mheans a11Y preparations for war.,,aid 'the ýdiplo- Rlcohciic beverage obtalned by the fer- mentation of thé' natural contente, o! iaic alîgriments in the next ,var." fruits or ý%,egetable,-, containing sugar,« There will be 1book revie s bv rs in1ciutding such beverages *lien fortified WG pesa n Mrs. wec bY the addition of aleohol or sp .r i t. a1s .ýSiet.l n 'r.Lwec above :defined.. Cole at the mior*ni ng session of thé (4) The word "j"means .a.hboverage school at, il1:30. rfbtained i'Y aicoholic fêrmentatiora of fan l'lie meeting i pi tepbi c Infusion Oor or flCOct1e11 0r *barley, o other grain, fiait, and hop; ini water,. uponl paynmcnt of a* smiall admission and ifl'ude'. anmong other tins beer,, tee. aIstout, lager Iteer, porter and the._____________ like. (5) The phrase "tleohollc ýliquor" In - GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS rludes the four varieties; of. liuor -tbo>lý.1f de finéd-alIeoh ol, spirits., wine and, beer-: Xextweek's guide-lecture tours f or and tl%*ry liquid or* sô,id, patented- or the general pul)lic at Field Museumn not, containing alcohol. spirits, wine or of Nattural llistorv w. ,ilt begin Mon-. beer, and i cipable of being consnmed as, davFbur 0 - 'lc ýt a beverage by a human being. The, Fbar26at3occk ih provtisions of this1 ordinance shali not! "Peat and Coal." On other clays at apfly to alcrçhol used in! the manufacw- the. sanie hour subjects wl be:. Tues- tu'e of denattureti alcobol, nor to any1 day, "Indians of Plainls and Deserts" ; liqit o shii onalin9oe-ai 1 Wednesday,. "Bird Life ini Asia and one per. cent, or le"zs, of. alcohol Lv 'AusrlaTusaagnrltu v-olume. Nor shalh the provisions of thi5 rla;Thrdy gnrltu ordmnance, pl to flavoring extracts.1 of anthropological, botanical, ge- conentate. ~yrmps <r nedicinai, ological and zoological exhibits and preparations, o>r foned products unýifit for a,"epe fteSuhes he paejurpo-ss but the ilrovi-e1 nof' 'rThese tours, for wh'idî no charge is this (rdinanoe shahl not be eionsttrued made, are conducted bv staff lec-, té, exclude nir not 'anply tf(, ilcoholio, tire rs, and are open to, ail museurn licino, used in the mianufaèture, prep- iisitors. Parties assemilble inside the îtration. or coninoundine' 0f such proti ot nrne urts.. None of the provisýýions o! this or-j otenrc. dinance shah n nfly to .ieintend.à<1 for u-,e and tis"d by any church or re- lirinus 6 rganizatiofl for sacramental A CORRECTION purposes. . It w~asincorrectly stated in this pa-. M " Sihl at reti".rfera to and p er last week that "the North. Shore tnieàne sales for use or consumption and b -otel wiIl sponsor a concert by, the flot -fo r resale In any forni. (7). The word, "sale" mieans., any lchiorus, of the North Shore Musicîaans' transfer, exchange or- barter . in an.v j club, où February 20.'! The cotlcert 111nnner or hiy menarfis whatsoever for. a j Ws given by the Evahston botel. eonsider:ttion, and Includes and means ail eal-, madie y any person , wbether \\ e regret the erro0r.ý linil.proprietor, agent,, serVant or, eîuploTe % r - osll nluet Mr. and *Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman, (5) ht r wo n "orser fornclde to 515 Essex road, Kenilworth, are re- of* expose for sale and to keep with in- turning today after a month's visit tent to sell. at the Arizona Biltmore hotel in S ection 2-No person.irm or corpor. Phoenix. Winnings in Sout h Jiiimv N, \edeli, Lee Miles and Art1 Chester, three flyers who were aînong, the winners in the International Air races at Curtiss. airport lst Sel)tei- ber are stili busy collecting prîze nîoney at air races ini the soutb. Al three won l)rizes iii the Ail-American, Air races at Miami. last month, and tlieir 1la test winnings. were at the Pan-Americanl Air races, held, at Newv Orleans -last 'eek in c onnectioni with *the d.edication of the ne%% $4,O00,O00 Shushan airport. Jimmy Wedell, with his '44" fast llae. easilv .won' the. 30-mile evenit for. 14000 cubic inch, lanies., when lie attained a speied of L)0.11 miles per ,iour. Lee Miles fiinislbed third in- this race. In the qualifying race fori planes of unlimited çubic inches We- ll -drove bis ship 235-76 miles an. hour, almost four miles a minute. Lee '.\iles finished first ini the final event for 375 c'ubic inch. planes, a 50-mile con4est. His speed was ree. corded as 202.5 miles an bhour. In the 300-mile event for 355 cubic inch planes, Miles won first ivith a speed of 194.15 miles per hiour. In the 25-mile race for planes .with anl engine dispiacemnent of 375 cubic, iniches Art Chester iwon first, finish- ing ahead of Miles. Chester's sp)eed was 205.39 miles an liour, whil'e Mileg wvas clocked at 197.15 miles an blour. Physician Returns Prom Plane Trip to Florida Dr. Ward E. Potter .of Oakc Park, accompailied. by his wife, returned fromn Florida last week iii his Stin- son,' which he keeps at the Curtiss airi)ort hangar, Dr. and Mrs. Pot- ter h Iad been in Florida nearly two nionths. They visited Miami, and otier, well known resorts il! the- southern state, FormerCurtiss Employee Visits Friends at Field H-arry Steadnian. wbo workeil at The wvarrn weather of Sunday, February 11, brought the largest crowd of spectators to Curtiss air- port since last fali. Flying activity increased' accordingly. The -Curtiss %hop ýis re porfed to be busy wit pair work on account of incr'eased tlying. Similar reports are. heard at Sky Harbor airport west of Glencoe. The coming of sprin n sme and, the re-opening of, A Century of Progresg expositioni is expected te hrinig a marked increase in activity at> the n'iîth shore airports. New Weather Information Service at Curtiss Fie-Id A new radio receiver of the latest type bas been installed at ýCurtiss' air- port for the con :veniience of piloes, private plane owners and customers.. The new radio is especially useful ilu getting airpiane weather reports. and other airway information for project- ed flights to any section of the coun-~ try. In addition, this particular re- ceiving set is equipped to get amateur radio phone communications, international code messages, police calls and the regular broadcasts such as an ordinary set is capable of re- ceiving. Broadcasts from, distant points, such as Africa and Russia, can be picked up. Take Pietures of Ships in Flight at Curtis Pictures of planes in flight were taken by a representative of the Chi- cago Aerial surveys at' Curtiss air- port on Sunday, February 11. The planes which were photographed be- long to hangar custoniers at the air- port. The pictures are to be framed and hung, in tbe. lounge* roomn which lias:been provided at Curtiss for the convenience of han gar customers and othes who visit the airport on lSusi-. iness. stop- it Curtiss Airpx e.22nd day of Feb- L5AS P. MILLER~, Village Clerk. L42-ltc WitbMRrTE 32, UNIvEfiTY7117 411or re> LI~centIy. 'the trip inI t.wsle' tYSIiflson-l1 Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Buftler, 630 Mrs. Cleon Larsen, with her two Linden avenue, planned to return children, of Peoria, spent a few days' this Weclnesday or. Thursday froni last week wth ber mother, Mrs. M4ichigan where they have been Cornelia, A. Keith of 310 Warwick spending two weeks. road, Kenilworth. PtTBI ruary, A. J. Mouat,'616 Lake avenue, was ini Indianàpolis> last, week-en supr vising a- W'hist tournamnent.

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