A musical panorama of dt world's greatest drama particularly appro- priate to the Lenten season, will bc presented at the Wilmette Su nclay E vening club February 25 in. the Flrst Congregational church by.the Cathe- dral artists. This presentation -entilied "The Ilight. of the World", is described as a "superb combination prograin of .sacred sonigs by iving voic es and the presentation of a great motion pic- ture,' beautifuIlly handcolored, 'of the complete-hf e of, Christ, al perfectly syncbronized"' The Cathedral artists,' the. living v;oices of "The: Ligbt of the World". production, are noted oratorio and op.- eratic soloists, ranking.with the very best, it is explained. They wil siigi in this production, more thanl one hundred masterpieces of sacred songs. i %hle or part,ý songs that ivil tell thec dramatic and ever comnpelliatz t* storv- of the Master of Men-Jesus of Nazarethi. Outstanding Artista THiis group of outstanding artists. is comprised of the following: Marv Krakowski, brilliant votung Chicago! soprano, who bas been a claimed by Chicago critics for hcr I ~enatinalsinging,. who ivas the winner of the Atwater-Kent contest for Chicago; Alma King, leadi.ng * yo.ung contralto, of Peoria, whose, voice bas unusual power and deptli. and wlho bas bad much operatic and nratorio- eperîence; Kenneth Mor- row, popular young Chicago tenor, Nvlio lias had .a wide eperience in light opera, in many B. & K. produc- tionis, and on the concert stage, and who bas also held many important church. positions; Dan Leiner, pos- sessor Of a fine and vibrant bass v'oice, Nv'ho is always in demand as a churcli soloist and he bas done ,much concert and" operatic singing with sig.nal success; Magdalen Massmann, 'ofe of the, most capable pianists and accoxnpanists' in Chicago,: who bas toured the United States with leadingrC -V!rs. John Ne VanderVries of Wl'iinetka., a eineiiiber- of the l'îin- uetka. Vilage coltncil and a leader 11 lui icaffairs. lias anuioiiiiced lier, caeididaey.,for ic heRepublicasinon- .ntinfor representat'eiveni te Seventia district l l d es. 'Pw rier towntsiliip. Kcnilworth'Filis Board Vacancies at Electioîi lu a special election- Tues(layir which a total of onlv 147 votes wvert cast H-arold F. Tidemani, 138 Abingdor avenue,* Ke»iilworth, and Chase WN Love, 422 Cumnor road, Kenilworth were elected inembers of the KenilJ worth Village board to f11 tbe vacanr cies cauised by the recelit resignatiome of Richard \Volfe and, Harry V~ Crooks. MNr. Tideman receîved 74 voteý andi Mr. Love, 73. Botb men wer( nominated by. a Kenilworth citizens committee conipused of representative5 of 'atl te. civic,* social, and cbuircli organizations i the village. TEA FOR READING CROUP Mrs. Bvron S. Dorsey, Jr., Pione road, Evatîston, en tertained bier read- ing group at- tea, Tuesda*3 of lasi w~eek, 'Mrs. Paul Lang, 933 Ashiand a venue. conxpleted the- last baîf ôc "AntonyAdverse," the first bali having been: read at the home of Mirs A.C. Youingberg duriiig the Janu- a uno JUin MeI tLIoC X.geC0C L .Iural Ats, is a member of the varsity. football teani, Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and Purpié Key, honorary junior class So- ciety. He was recenly elected ser- grànt-at-arms.of the latter-organiza- tiôn. Mr. Maincinelli is a junior in the School of iComnièrce. Mr. Craw- ford, wbo is a senior in tbe College of Liberal Arts, is a Second Petty 0f- ficer of the Naval -Reser-ve and a neinber of Phi Mu Delta fraternity. FORTY CLUBMEETING The Forty club will meet tbis Sat- urday ighkt witb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice Hall of 111 Linden ave- Jnue. Co-host and hoçstess 'Will be Mr. and Mrs. Philip'Edwards of 1720 * Elnwood -avenue., Dinner will'be at 7 o'clock and will be followed by * ards. Ou Monday, '%rs. MWall ace Temple- -itoni, 898 Grove street, Glencoe, -%as fhostess to lier luticheoi bridge club. ~flT~flNow lu the Time to n GOLD li your old gold in whIll the prceIsm up. We have a re gol, platnum and cUver. Ne ueed )n to go eloewhere-we ivil pay yom la cashi or trade for aew Jewelry. D. PAOLLIARULO 1166 Wihptte Ave. WiI. 1061 wE' BlD. the past week. BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED Mrs. joseph Bush of Washburn, Wis. bas announced the engagement of b ler daugbter, Madelyn, Page, of Winnietka. to W'illiam J. Meyer, son of, Mr. and, Mrs. William .P. Meyer of 1939 Wilmnette avenue, Wilmette. No date bas been set for the wed- ditn g. Tu.NE UP I Now, is the timie to have your ýmotor tuned up to itsw original ,perfection.. The strain of winter driving is liable to, cause. irreparable damage, un leus it is caught Bt once. We will be #lad to check your entîre. mo- toi' for .ny, 4.fcet -f re of charge. 732 12th Street WILIWErrE 50 e e e for your patro;àatç on the basis ()f prompt, efficient service. fresh, quality merchandise, end fair prices. Either of our two dependable drug stores can uujp- ply, any and aIl of your dir4, needu. Phone us today-we de- liver frec to Wilmette and Kalworth. Thuri Nearer MVy 'G I.