cluh's drama reading ir'eIRoger Williams,; W. H: Scott, W.IL[ Tuesay venng. arc 13 atGough, C. M. Christopihel, Mis-,Wii- Tuesay eenin, Mach 1, atfred Dinigle. and Miss Ruth Suthierland. 7 :45 o'clock. Other committee lists wilI he coin- Two one-act. plays ivill he. read, pleted and listed later. the first being "Campbell of Kilmihor' -1-.M. C. b.y J. A. Ferguson, in whose, worki iterary authorities say, "An ýatmos-. phere :js at onc.e develoPed which- ex- cites and holds, an almost breathless. Art Clas Progo suspense, and 'Catnpbell of Kilinhor' is-a rmarabl iterstig peceof The North Shore Art class has for is aremralyitretn peeo its hostess when it is in session. Mon- "'The Mý\aker of Dreams " hvOhi- day, Mrh1jaý1:5oc'è,ýfs phant Down, thé second piaN, is dje-: Lyman 'M. Drake of 933 Làke'ave- scribed as being "a delightful Pierrot nue,, Wilmette. George Buehr of the play," which illustrates, the -ai thor's1 Art institute will talk on "Contem- gift for fanitasy. "He loved, everv- iPorary Art iirnc. thing that was beautiful ini life: thel realm of fantasy and. charîn being: hi$ delight and the kevniote.of his I writings." Honors Bride-to-Be After the reading, tea will be serv-i Mrs. Theodore C. Eppig, 1042 Poil- ed while the. members of the circle tiac road, wil entertain twelve discuss the. plays. get tlnho olwdb TheCatohc Jnirs re ia~iytogreen miscellaneous shower in honor announce that the Draina readifn1119of 'Mfiss Katheryni Hartzer of South circle is a promising phaseý of the Be(, who wilbe married in 'Mav.~ e1tub's fine arts departmntt-beeausê of the enthusiastic response onp the part of those interested. It is hoped that this meetinýg, Iil i'Balce*Sale proive as delightful as those. in the' past. Former hostessesý have heen The, Mothers cu of St. Joseph's M,ýiss Marioni Ortsetfen of Kenil- school is having a bake sale Saturday, worth, and M iss Lorraine, Moore and Ifarch 17, at the George White M iss Dorothy Bichii of wilJmette. and Grocery, at 821 Ridge avenue, Wil- Miss Lillian and 'Miss Flora 131aumieu- mette. Catharine Hillinger. is chair- ser of Evanstow.-- . mai. - We're continuing our Speci01 sale of s ilks al, pure si&.k Freuneh lingerie erepe ii ail the pastel shades Lower Prire, Rloomk for 0 Isies 12 to 20 We also. have, at this saine Price, a groupý of Iovely Crêpe Dresses in sizes 38 to 44. EdgarA ,bteven., - ORRINOTON AVENUS AS tele #6u4 ORIZINOTON AVENUS r_-- q 1r cIP4 r '**